SPAZ Is For SPAZtics

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

CHOP…the republic formerly as CHAZ…which I now lovingly refer to as…SPAZ…is having more trouble getting itself up and running than a 3rd world African craphole country, but it sure is getting more entertaining by the day.

It all started during the Riots in Seattle, when ANTIFA commandeered a 6 block section of downtown and claimed it not only as their own, but as an independent nation unto itself. They named it CHAZ for Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.

That lasted about a week until some ANTIFA yahoos got the bright idea to rename it CHOP, for Capitol Hill Occupied Protest, or Capitol Hill Organized Protest. They’re not really sure what it stands for but they sure know what it means.

It means…

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The Soleimani Strike in Proper Perspective

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

So, President Trump gave the order to take out Qasem Soleimani early last Friday morning, U.S. time upon Soleimani’s arrival at Baghdad international Airport.

That strike was well coordinated and precipitated by intel gathered by our intel services, in concert with other intel agencies in other parts of the world. While some of those other agencies have been named, some have not, and for the sake of national security, ours and theirs, I will not reveal the specifics of them.

A simple mazel tov will suffice.

That said, a lot has been said regarding the Soleimani strike by liberals in congress, their propaganda wing, the mainstream media, by liberal celebrities whose heads are firmly planted in their socialist collective fannies, and by Republicans.

Naturally, only the Republicans are getting it right, and that should come as no great surprise.

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Georgia Gets It Right

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Last week, legislators in Georgia passed a Fetal Heartbeat law. Governor, Brian Kemp has indicated that, in the next few months, he’ll sign it. The law would ban abortions in Georgia as soon as a doctor can detect a fetal heartbeat, which generally happens at around six weeks into a pregnancy.

Critics of the law, liberals mostly, claim that most women don’t even know they’re pregnant at six weeks, and that such a law is an all-out assault on the reproductive health and safety of Georgia women.

First of all, let me clear up yet another commonly held liberal myth…abortion has little, if anything to do with “reproductive health.” Yes, there are cases where a woman’s health is threatened by a pregnancy…but Georgia has built in exceptions to the law in cases of rape or incest on the condition that the victim files a police report or someone files one on their behalf….and when a doctor determines the pregnancy would cause death or bodily harm to the mother or the fetus would not be able to live after birth.

In other words…

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Meanwhile, In the Not So Grand Scheme of Things…

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

moron 1With the release of Bow Bergdahl, a deserter who is now facing court martial and for whom, 6 American soldiers were killed…Barack Hussein Obama set the standard for Islamists. Take Americans, hold them hostage and Obama will give you damn near anything you want for them. He’ll pay the ransom.

Last week, 10 American sailors were taken by Iran and in what I am sure was just a convenient coincidence, Obama released 10 GITMO scum the day after Iran sent our sailors back to our Navy and…so far…Iran still has our boats which, I am quite sure, go nicely with the drone Obama gave them a few years ago.

Now we have the great prisoner swap where we got 4 Americans back from Iran and THEY got 7 Iranian nuclear “researchers” back from US along with 14 more who had charges against THEM dropped.

The message from Obama is clear…if you’re a jihadi, some 7th century barbarian and you come across an American…grab them, demand a ransom and then just sit back and wait to get paid. Nothing to it.

This insanity must stop and I believe the perfect jumping off point is at hand.

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Kim Davis – Agenda of a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

kd 1When my Right Side Patriots radio partner and friend, Diane Sori and I wrote and published yesterday’s article, “First Amendment Held Hostage in Kentucky,” I had no intention of writing a follow-up article but, considering the comments received after yesterday’s article…I felt compelled to address a few things which some folks out there just refuse to grasp.

Far too many of the holier-than-thou religious Conservatives out there, and one can only guess from some talking points memo, are feigning ignorance which makes them appear foolish…their top question has been…”What law did this woman, Davis, break to be sent to jail?”

That of course was followed by an often repeated, in nearly the exact same wording…”What law did congress pass making gay marriage legal?” And the direct talking points memo statement of…”She’s in jail for her beliefs…not for breaking any law,” was another oft repeated comment being made so…let me make this clear for the terminally religious fabricaters of spin out there…

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First Amendment Held Hostage In Kentucky

By: Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on CPR Worldwide Media / www.cprworldwidemedia,net

“I’ve weighed the cost and I’m prepared to go to jail, I sure am…this has never been davis 10a gay or lesbian issue for me. This is about upholding the word of God.” – Kim Davis, the woman who has made herself the flag bearer for the anti-gay marriage issue

Diversions…deflections…and all modes of roadblocks for a woman who’s been turned into a martyr by the religious far right as she, a civil servant, used her personal religious beliefs as a weapon of sorts to stop others…in this case a same-sex couple…from accessing their now SCOTUS awarded Constitutionally given legal right to civilly marry.

Now please understand before we go forward that this co-written article in no way is an attack on Christianity nor on anyone’s personal beliefs, know that we both are straight, and that we both are believers in the one true living God of the Christians and the Jews.

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Kayla Mueller’s ISIS Assisted Suicide

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

kay 1Oh…Poor Kayla Mueller.

 An American…held captive by ISIS and now…dead at the age of 26.  Poor…POOR…Kayla Mueller.

We have been told that she died in a Jordanian bombing of an ISIS position. The Islamic terrorists sent photos of what was left of her to her hopeful parents and they confirmed that their daughter…poor Kayla Mueller was indeed…dead.

The mainstream media and even some Conservative leaning media organizations made her untimely and…tragic death…their front page news.


I just can’t bring myself to well up even a single crocodile tear for Kayla Mueller.

If you think she was killed in some Jordanian bombing of an ISIS position…might I suggest you put down the Kool Aid and take a sip of reality instead. ISIS most likely killed Mueller long before those bombings ever took place and we’ll most likely never know exactly how or when she died because ISIS was just looking for and taking advantage OF a crisis.

Never let a crisis go to waste…right?

And since nobody else seems to want to put a realistic cause of death tag on Kayla Mueller…allow me to step up with THIS dose of reality…

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Obamacare – A Boat Anchor by Any Other Name…

It was an act of civil disobedience.

It was bold and it was brazen.

An act that rivals the Boston Tea Party some 140 years ago.

Were it not for the mainstream media, Obama’s personal propaganda and misinformation service, THIS action would have been THE catalyst for NATIONAL action and caused NATIONAL outrage.

But the MSM refused to cover it.

Instead, they covered Obama’s ass.

That is exactly what they have been doing for 5 years.

Over the weekend, Americans, Veterans from WWII, Vietnam…Korea…Desert Storm…Iraq and Afghanistan gathered in Washington DC and said, without doubt, that they have had enough.

They gathered up the barricades, ordered placed by Obama to keep them from their memorials and, some walking, some in wheel chairs…Others on prosthetics…They took those barricades and piled them in heaps in front of the white house.

Some of those Patriots were met by armed and baton carrying regime enforcement teams.

There was some pushing and some shoving but, the Patriots were not to be stopped.

There can be no doubt that, from the windows below the palace snipers, that this regime could see what their lapdogs would not show the rest of the nation…The Patriots and the piles of barricades.

This weekend, it was a peaceful demonstration.

The Patriots came unarmed this time…

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The TRUTH About a Shutdown and Why Obama WANTS It!!!

The socialists would have you believe we are at the cliff and republicans are ready to provide a shove thus shutting down the government at which point, the world as we know it, will end.

That is because, to socialists, the only possible way for anyone to survive, is with the life-giving assistance OF the government.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

In fact, the socialist belief that government is THE be all, end all, is laughable but, their view of where we are in relation to the cliff is upside down.

We ARE at the cliff but, the reality of it he that we are at the bottom of the cliff looking up.

Republicans are doing nothing less than trying to hold back the landslide of over burdensome government  from breaking loose and burying us all.

If the government shut down at midnight tonight…

The effect SHOULD be stunningly uneventful to reasonable people while they all watch, in wonder, as socialists run about chirping that the sky is falling.

Non-essential elements of government will go dark.

Essential elements SHOULDcontinue unimperiled.

Should military pay or social security payments suddenly not be delivered, it will be because Obama has, himself, chosen not to issue them.

The simple truth of it is…

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