Wright Wrong About Our Constitutional Foundation

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

Over the past several months, I have been told, many times, that ours is a CHRISTIAN nation…and that our Constikw 1tution most definitely reflects that as fact.

Nothing could be further from the truth but, many have told me, in no uncertain terms, that they can PROVE it and Wednesday was no exception.

Kevin Wright, who has resorted to telling lies regarding my stand on certain topics…such as that I approve of “the jailing of Christians, and the closing of Christian schools and Churches,” none of which even approaches the truth, and that I…”agree, that Christians should be dismissed from political office…” again, a lie in the bald-faced realm…made it quite clear that…”The US Constitution, is established by Jesus Christ. If you have a problem with that, leave. We do not need any more pretend patriots.”

Oh, really?

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Rebel Flag Flap…Let it Fly

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

rf 1Did Nikki Haley really cave to political correctness in now agreeing that the Confederate flag be taken down from the South Carolina statehouse?

And why are Conservatives all bent over that flag being taken down?

There are plenty of people out there turning themselves inside out trying to make a case for leaving that flag flying and they’re using the flag’s design to justify it.

I have seen thousands of comments and posts regarding the Confederate flag over the last week or so and many of them are along these lines…“Neither the design nor the content of the flag has anything to do with racism, slavery, hatred or white supremacy. Nothing.”

That of course, is correct…there IS nothing in the DESIGN of the Confederate flag that denotes racism. But…is the design of the rebel flag all there is to it?

Look…I know about the Confederate flag design…

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6.4 Million Holier Than Thous Supported Obama

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

hol 1Earlier in the week I woke up the choir and they didn’t like it one little bit. I sent a certain segment of one particular brand of Christianity into a fit leading them to accuse me of being of a nature such that their descriptions of it were, in some cases, vile…as these self-described good and moral Christians are so apt to do when one challenges their slumber with facts.

Yesterday, I brought forth more than the quotes of our Founders and Framers to illustrate just how they deliberately kept ANY religion or specific brand of any religion from becoming the foundation of our nation and provided clear evidence and reasoning as to why they took those very deliberate steps.

That was also not well received by those who profess to follow the teachings of Jesus more closely than thou.

Today…the lesson we must learn from their actions…

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Weekend Edition: Our Flag OFFENDS You? TOUGH!!!

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

tnp eagleJust A couple of weeks ago, on March 3rd, the University of California Irvine student government voted. The tally was 6-4-2 in favor of banning the American flag from a lobby on campus all in the name of “cultural inclusivity.”

These students, in an asylum of higher indoctrination claimed it was offensive to illegal aliens.

“The American flag has been flown in instances of colonialism and imperialism. There were people who were like, ‘the flag triggers me’ – that was their exact wording, too.”

The Executive Leadership of that student government body vetoed the ban but that wasn’t the last word on the topic.

According to the Chancellor of U.C. Irvine…Howard Gillma…“Regardless of your opinion on the display of the American flag, we must be united in protecting the people who make this university a premier institution of higher learning.”

And what of those who are paid by taxpayer dollars to indoctrinate tomorrow’s leaders today? What did the professors, steeped in liberal/socialism for generations have to say regarding this matter???

How did the professors at U.C. Irvine respond to those who voted to BAN our American flag from that campus lobby???

Oh my…

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False Prophets With Worms in Their Mouths

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.com

During the National Prayer Breakfast a few weeks ago, Obama singled out Christianity as chr 1he tried to justify his ideology’s barbaric actions saying, “Unless we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place. Remember that during the Crusades and Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ.”

Last September, regarding ISIS…Obama had this inane statement to share:

“Now let’s make two things clear: ISIL (ISLAMIC State of Iraq and the Levant) is not Islamic…”

He was trying like hell to separate his Islamic ideology from Islam itself and if he thought he was fooling anyone, he was sadly mistaken as ISLAMIC is right there in their name.

Over the weekend, ISIS or as he is so very fond of calling those barbaric bastards…ISIL so as to send the message that he agrees with them that Israel should not exist…executed 21 men from Egypt whose only crime, in the hearts and minds of those whose hearts and minds cannot be won…was being Coptic Christians.

They marched them down to the water’s edge with their hands tied behind them, forced them to their knees, then face down in the sand and as is their ideology’s custom, as prescribed in the manifesto called the Quran…they cut off their heads.

And what, exactly did Obama have to say about THAT???


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The Obama Doctrine Applied to Israel – EXPLAINED

Most people would be apt to consider any farmer who was trying to milk a BULL to be a complete idiot but to be honest, it rather depends on who the farmer IS and the name of the bull….don’t you think?bull 1a

Let me explain.

Let’s say, for instance, that the farmer is Barack Hussein Obama.

And, for the sake of argument, the BULL’S name is…Hamas.

Liberals…pay attention…this is for you…

Picture in your minds, Barack Hussein Obama sitting on one of those little three legged milking stools with a bucket, he’s got his hands up under that old bull…and he’s just a pullin’ and a pullin’ for what little he’s worth.

I think there’s two things here we should all be in agreement over.

1)      What’s fillin’ that ol’ bucket ain’t nothing you’d want to be pourin’ on your Corn Flakes and…

2)      That ol’ bull’s gonna be mighty appreciative.

There, in a nutshell, is the Obama doctrine as applied to the current situation between Israel and Hamas.

Perhaps a further explanation is needed…

Last week, try as he might, John Kerry was negotiating for some sort of a cease fire between Hamas and Israel on behalf of the Obama regime but exactly what sort of “DEAL” was he trying to make?

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Weekend Edition: ‘Palestine’s’ PR Campaign for Genocide

tnp eagleIt has not just been happening in France and London. Anti-Israel protests have taken to the streets around the world…even in one particular place that should know better.

Much better.

Such protests have been held in Germany. GERMANY…the past home of NAZI GENOCIDE against the Jews.

Equally disturbing are the protests…pro Palestine…ANTI Israel…that are taking place across our own country from NY to California, from Florida to Washington State.

Are people really this stupid? Are there really people, around the world in places like Scotland, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Spain and so many more that are as damn stupid as are the liberals in San Francisco, Chicago, NY City, Seattle and other cities?

The answer is yes. They’re out there and between the masses of them, one would be hard pressed to discover a single working brain cell.

Let me explain this as simply as I can…

By supporting ‘Palestine’ and condemning Israel…these marching morons are, IN FACT…supporting TERRORISTS.

In marching for ‘PALESTINE’ they may as well be marching to save the unicorn from extinction.

Here’s a hint for the brain dead…there is no such thing as a unicorn and…there has never, in the history of mankind, been a country of Palestine nor have there been, historically, any such people as the Palestinians.

If you are marching up and down the streets of cities around the world claiming that Israel has “OCCUPIED” Palestine…you are supporting a myth. Pure fiction. An imaginary people and an imaginary country.

You are idiots making fools of yourselves.

I’ll get back to the myth of Palestine after a bit but there are other FACTS that need to be entered into the record first…

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Friday Fume

It’s been yet another week of unbridled, lobotomized, liberal lunacy and they don’t show any signs of slowing down.

Before we jump into the shallow end of this week’s gene pool, let’s have a look at a few quick hitters.

Get a load of THIS…

The FCC now wants to have GOVERNMENT GOONS in NEWSROOMS from sea to shining sea.

Do you suppose MSNBC will even notice or, are they sprucing up a corner office with a wet bar?

How about THIS one?

The Department of Energy has been monitoring a New Mexico repository for nuclear waste for signs of…Radioactivity.


What’s next?

Monitoring gym lockers for signs of smelly socks???

And…Kayla Michelle Finley of South Carolina had to spend a night in JAIL a few evenings ago because she was ARRESTED for FAILING TO RETURN A MOVIE SHE HAD RENTED…9 YEARS AGO!!!

The movie was “Monster-in-Law” starring Jennifer Lopez and JANE FONDA!!!



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Veterans Day: Thanks is Not Enough

On the eleventh hour or the eleventh day of the eleventh month…

That was when, in 1918, the fighting ceased in WWI.

It started as Armistice Day…The recognition of WWI Veterans at the time the war to end all wars…Ended.

Over the years and the decades, the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month came to be a day of recognition for all veterans of the United States military.

Today is that day.

There are those, thankfully few and far between, who can’t for the lives of them bring themselves to honor our veterans, and shame on them.

They are the most ignorant of fools and the most foolish of the ignorant.

They are of the ilk bent on burning the flag to make their statements and far, far too knot-headed to realize that those for whom they display their disdain are the very reason they have the right to do so.

To hell with the fools and the ignorant.


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