The Nowhere Man

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

“He’s a real nowhere man, sitting in his nowhere land, making all his nowhere plans for nobody.”  – John Lennon, Paul McCartney and George Harrison -1965

Last week, Joe Biden traveled to Israel to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu, and supposedly to also meet with other entities in the region in the early stages of the Israeli war against Hamas. As Biden boarded his plane, first, Palestinian Authority Leader, Mahmoud Abbas cancelled his meeting. After Biden was in the air on his way to Israel, President Sisi of Egypt, and King Abdullah II of Jordan also cancelled their meetings with Biden.

Of course, the Biden regime tried to spin it, first saying that the meetings were cancelled because the Arab leaders were observing three days of mourning in the wake of an Islamic Jihad missile hitting a hospital in Gaza, and later, the Biden regime claimed the decision to cancel the Jordan meetings was “mutual.”

By “mutual” one can easily suppose it was because the Arab leaders simply did not want to waste their time with a doddering old fool, and the doddering old fool said, “okay.”

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The Great Impeachment Debacle – Part 2

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

It is the debacle of all debacles, and it shouldn’t sit well with any American regardless of political affiliation, but it seems to be sitting okay with far too many democrats.

What’s happening in the U.S. House is beyond anti-American…it’s exactly what we could have expected from the old Soviet Union, and there’s a great more to it than a lack of transparency. The impeachment deluded democrats (The IDD) have gone full banana republic, their sense of a judicial committee investigation is full-on kangaroo court, and their intelligence committee is 100% devoid of even a hint of a shadow of intelligence.

Last week, the Republicans of the House made a bold statement, and took bold action when they literally stormed the closed doors of yet another meeting of the coup klutz clan. It was just about as bizarre a moment as one could imagine, but before I get to that, let me tell you exactly what led to the crashing of the gates.

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The Great Impeachment Debacle – Part 1

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

It has been said that French army tanks in WWII had four gears in reverse for varying speeds of retreat, and one gear forward on the off chance they’re attacked from the rear.

Right now, congressional democrats are backing up faster than a French tank battalion.

A week ago, Nancy Pelosi said that there is no plan, at this time, to hold an impeachment vote in the house. There is one reason why, after three years, they wouldn’t hold such a vote…they just don’t have anywhere near the needed numbers. Let’s face it, such a vote would be the fourth, and the previous three failed miserably.

Adam Schiff, just over a week ago, actually floated the idea that there may not be any need to have the “whistleblower” testify before congress.

Now why do you suppose that is? I’ll tell you why…

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A Change in the Weather, Not the Climate

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

I’d like to take a bit of your time to talk to you today about the weather.

Sorry…I mean global warming.

Sorry…I meant to say…climate change.

Here in Nebraska, where I live, and you may not know where exactly that is so let me explain it this way…you know how, when you’re watching some weather lady give the national forecast on TV…well…we’re located directly behind where she stands while lying the rest of you about what it’s going to be like where you live.

Anyway, here in Nebraska last week…we had quite the weather…global warming/climate change event. We’re used to the climate changing here about every five minutes but last week was a doozy. Last Tuesday, it was beautiful, 50 degrees and sunny. Then last Wednesday, it started raining like a cow pissing on a flat rock from 2 in the freakin’ morning until it turned to snow at around 4 in the afternoon. The wind came up to about 60 mph and it snowed and blowed (a Nebraska saying) or snew and blew for the rest of you until about 2 in the afternoon on Thursday.


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Obama’s Treasonous Shadow Exposed

By: Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Article III, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution states, “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.”

Treason…’aiding and abetting’ the enemy…’aiding and comforting the enemy’…treason…a powerful charge to bring against anyone, a charge not to be taken lightly, yet not to bring this charge against someone known to have committed treason is just as bad if not worse for treason unpunished defiles and defames all that is our nation…all that is our Constitution.

And treason no matter how one twists it is the hallmark of Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s presidency…he knows it…he knows we know it…and yet he seems not care for this most vile of men knows no one will bring such a charge against him…at least they have not to date.

But that hopefully will soon change.

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Kayla Mueller’s ISIS Assisted Suicide

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

kay 1Oh…Poor Kayla Mueller.

 An American…held captive by ISIS and now…dead at the age of 26.  Poor…POOR…Kayla Mueller.

We have been told that she died in a Jordanian bombing of an ISIS position. The Islamic terrorists sent photos of what was left of her to her hopeful parents and they confirmed that their daughter…poor Kayla Mueller was indeed…dead.

The mainstream media and even some Conservative leaning media organizations made her untimely and…tragic death…their front page news.


I just can’t bring myself to well up even a single crocodile tear for Kayla Mueller.

If you think she was killed in some Jordanian bombing of an ISIS position…might I suggest you put down the Kool Aid and take a sip of reality instead. ISIS most likely killed Mueller long before those bombings ever took place and we’ll most likely never know exactly how or when she died because ISIS was just looking for and taking advantage OF a crisis.

Never let a crisis go to waste…right?

And since nobody else seems to want to put a realistic cause of death tag on Kayla Mueller…allow me to step up with THIS dose of reality…

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Weekend Edition: As ISIS Expands, Obama Shrinks

tnp eagleThe mainstream media is soft-selling one thing and propagandizing another in an attempt to distract Americans from Obama’s disastrous agenda and I, for one, am sick of it.

On the propaganda hard-sell side we have Ebola.

Right now, the mainstream media is whipping up fears of some mass outbreak of Ebola in the United States, flooding the news with tales of a “POSSIBLE” pandemic and issuing “warnings” of what MIGHT happen.

IF the virus were to MUTATE…Katie bar the door…PANIC!!!

And worse yet, there are people who are buying into it and even going so far as to urge Americans to flee big cities and run away into the country to avoid it.


Ebola is not an airborne virus and the only way to contract it is via direct contact with the bodily fluids of someone already infected with it. COULD it mutate? Yes. WILL it mutate? Maybe but it would take a long, LONG time for that to happen and as the mainstream media is eager to pass along, several people have recently come INTO the United States with what could POSSIBLY be Ebola but, what they DON’T want you to know is that other than the one doctor and the one nurse now in isolation in Atlanta…NONE of the other Ebola suspects actually HAD or HAVE Ebola. NONE of them but that doesn’t feed the panic dog now, does it?

It wouldn’t provide Obama with the much needed distraction from HIS disastrous doctrine in the Middle East…would it?

As long as people are busy looking at the shiny Ebola ball over HERE…nobody will care WHAT is happening over THERE.

That’s where the SOFT-sell comes in.

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America’s Dictator – Egypt’s Pharaoh

sphinx 1To fully grasp the obtuse and anemic foreign policy of the most anti American president in our history, one need look no further than Obama’s Egypt.

For the full picture, we must go back to its roots.

In the earliest days of our Dictator’s tyrannical reign, Obama traveled to Egypt on his initial apology tour.

Obama went to Cairo to begin when he called, “A New Way Forward,” with the Muslim world. Mubarak was in power and the Muslim Brotherhood had been ordered arrested on sight BY Mubarak.

Obama insisted that 10 members OF the Muslim Brotherhood be allowed to attend the Cairo speech, as honored guests, in the front row.

As conservatives, we were appalled and to a great extent, so were those in Egypt who wanted more freedom and less sharia law.

During the speech, Obama quoted from the Koran several times and then told the Egyptians, “America does not presume to know what is best for everyone. I do have an unyielding belief that all people yearn for certain things: the ability to speak your mind and have a say in how you are governed; confidence in the rule of law and the equal administration of justice; government that is transparent and doesn’t steal from the people; the freedom to live as you choose.”

Remember that first sentence: , “America does not presume to know what is best for everyone.”

I’ll get back to that later.

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