Apollo 11…The History of Our Future

By:Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

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50 years ago, the timeline was impossible, the task nearly beyond comprehension, and the men who made history were extraordinary.

In a way, I feel sorry for anyone who is 50 years of age, or younger. Sure, they can read about it, or talk to folks who are even just slightly older than that about it, but they didn’t experience it, and it was an experience those of us who were young at the time, barely old enough to begin to understand such things will likely never forget.

July 20th, 1969, is what most remember as the date man first set foot on the Moon, but that’s not even close to when it started. To truly understand the time frame, one has to back themselves up through the Apollo program, before Gemini, and before Mercury. Go back to a point in time before being in space, before the breaking of the sound barrier, and even earlier than manned flight.

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Trump and Hillary…One and the Same

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

For the better part of the last 10 months, Donald Trump’s blind followers have been vile in per 1their comments directed at any candidate who dared to challenge their presumptive dictator and equally as vile toward anyone who dared to support any other candidate than Trump.

Trump has called Carly Fiorina ugly, called Ted Cruz’s wife, Heidi, ugly and unbalanced, has compared Ben Carson to a child molester, Demeaned Marco Rubio, Called Ted Cruz a liar, insinuated that Cruz’s father was involved in the JFK assassination, had false stories planted that Cruz himself was having 5 affairs, demeaned Jeb Bush, blamed 9-11 on George Bush, incited riots, encouraged his followers to commit violence while offering to pay their legal fees for doing so, mocked Scott Walker for NOT raising taxes and accused Ted Cruz of being the Zodiac killer.

Naturally, Trump’s blind followers picked up every bit of this rubbish and immediately spread it all over social media.

Now, as Trump closes in on the nomination…his blind followers are blaming those whom they so vilely attacked for the past 10 months for splitting the party. It’s OUR fault, according to the Trumpers, that the party is now split six ways from Sunday. WE’RE to blame…or so THEY say.


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JFK’s Presidency – An Unearned Legacy of Greatness

Tomorrow, it will have been 50 years since the assassination of John F. Kennedy and, the 50th anniversary of the conspiracy theories surrounding that event.

There is no end to the man on the grassy knoll, shooter on another roof, mob, Russian, Cuban, conspiracies.

There is even the line of thought that Kennedy was ACCIDENTALLY killed by a SECRET SERVICE newbie in the car BEHIND the presidential limo.

The idea that a little worm like Oswald did it on his own just doesn’t sit well with some people and, many people are 100% sure THEY know who “REALLY” killed Kennedy even though they have no real evidence or proof.

At this point, 50 years down range, we may never know for certain whether it was or wasn’t Oswald and the fact that HE was killed before any trial or answers came about only adds to the conspiracies.

So be it.

This isn’t about who delivered the bullet.

This is about who TOOK it that day, November 22, 1963 on a street in Dallas.

More to the point…

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