Why So Grumpy…Trumpy?

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

Oh, my…his Trumpness, lord of the lies, Emperor of the realm of low-information voters gru 1and the bloviating buffoon of bombast is having another bad week and he’s got his panties all wadded up something fierce.

Out of the last 160 delegates, Ted Cruz has picked up 152 to Trumpy Grumpy Pants’ 8 and Grumpy Trumpy is throwing yet another Trumper tantrum , especially over Cruz’s 34 delegate total sweep in Colorado.

Social media is full of angry little low-information Trumpkins who are following the lead of their Emperor in crying foul, that Cruz stole the delegates in the Rocky Mountain state and that somehow, the GOP establishment rigged the process there, and just to squash Trump, Colorado disenfranchised the voters by not allowing them to cast a single ballot.

Dear Trumpkins…that decision was made by the Colorado Republican party…last August…not last week and the rules for candidates, as to how they could secure those 34 delegates, have been public for 7 months. Nothing about it was hidden, and as each state’s political parties can design their own system for the primaries, there was nothing underhanded or unethical about it.

Of course, there are plenty of little Trumpkins out there, like Rebecca Overton-Hooker who are all too giddy to show off their low-information agenda…

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To Placate an Angry Mob

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori –  Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

mob 1“To the people of Baltimore and the demonstrators across America, I heard your call for ‘no justice, no peace.’ Your peace is sincerely needed as I work to deliver justice on behalf of this young man.” – Baltimore State Attorney Marilyn Mosby

And here we go folks…the federal government, under the watchful eye of the Obama regime, will now boldly go where they shouldn’t…into local municipal police departments and the tactic being employed will surely lead to grabbing power away from local law enforcement in exactly the same way the feds managed to grab land from the states as outlined in our ‘Land Grab’ series.

Obama is set to award some $20 million dollars in federal grants to local police departments for the purpose of buying body cams for officers and that’s just the beginning. The total package of this ‘gift’ to local law enforcement is $75 million dollars and it seems to have the backing of Congress.

SHOULD local law enforcement officers be outfitted with body cams? Yes.

Should they be glad-handing to the federal government for the funds?

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The True Power Behind Islam’s Perfect Storm

Article Co-Written by Craig Andresen and Diane Sori – RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on cprworldwidemedia.com

power 1Fact: they who control the U.N. and they who control the White House control the world. And that fact is one of the reasons why Barack HUSSEIN Obama does not want to stop ISIS. Obama is well aware that while ISIS can build the caliphate by force ISIS lacks the capability to manage the affairs of a dictatorship, and know that the caliphate is nothing but a dictatorship in disguise…just as Islam is a political system in the guise of a religion.

A brutal and barbaric dictatorship such as the caliphate would have no interest in seeking recognition or legitimacy from the United Nations nor from any of its members, however, control of the United Nations and one of its most influential and powerful members would indeed fit their agenda. Enter center stage Barack HUSSEIN Obama and the United States of America which, we believe, his intention is to make the 58th Islamic state.

And how would he do this…know that when this, his last term as president is up, Barack HUSSEIN Obama will NOT ‘fade away’ as some presidents do for his entire presidency has been orchestrated as a stepping stone to bigger things…to bigger things involving the one-world government of the caliphate. And he intends, we believe, to do this by using the U.N. to reach that goal.

But to use the U.N. Obama needs someone by his side who can craft deals, manipulate heads of state, and who can lie and cheat with abandon, and who can cavalierly throw aside those who get in the way of the ultimate goal. And one person alone comes to mind…Obama’s puppet master…Iranian born, Muslim Brotherhood supporter, and Iranian.com’s ‘person of the day’…

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The Obamacare Collapse – Right on Target


The mandate that just keeps on giving.

It’s time to take a more serious look at something that, were it not so serious, would be seriously funny.

Honestly, I don’t know a better way to put it.

Let’s start with this.

Over the weekend, yet another delay was announced in that the provision of Obamacare preventing companies from showing favoritism, by supplying their top officers better insurance packages than they do to those in the mail room, has been delayed for another year.

The reason claimed to be behind it, is that the IRS…The Gestapo behind enforcing the mandate…Hasn’t written that particular regulation…yet.

Oh really?

How long have they had to put crayon to wall paint over there at the IRS?

4 years?

And have you SEEN the tower of the abuse of power otherwise known as, the Obamacare regulations???

There are more than 80 THOUSAND of them and the tower is more than 7 feet tall.

They haven’t WRITTEN that mandate yet even though they KNEW that the deadline FOR it was March of 2014 so now, it’s been delayed…

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