Hillary, Biden and the Democrat Party’s Impending Collapse

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

To fully understand where we are regarding the Durham investigation into the fake “Russian Collusion” mess, we must first remember where we’ve been, and to that end, we must go back to when the first investigation into it started. That was Robert Mueller’s investigation, and when that started, Adam Schiff and the rest of the liberal Marxists were bound and determined to protect the special counsel to give Mueller the opportunity to bury Trump.

The problem for Schiff back then was the same problem the liberal media propagandists had and the same problem Hillary, her campaign and the rest of the liberal Marxist mob had. They knew the whole story was a complete and utter fabrication. They KNEW it. They ALL knew it but they all went along with it because they hated Trump.

They fabricated the Steele dossier, used the fabricated dossier 4 times to get FISA warrants to look for dire they knew didn’t exist, they launched a Russian collusion impeachment with a parade of witnesses who admitted under oath that they had witnessed nothing, morphed the Russian collusion impeachment into some sort of manufactured Ukraine phone call alleged strong-arm move supposedly by Trump and all the while buried the strong-arm tactic Biden bragged about on video when he got the Ukrainian prosecutor fired because that prosecutor had the real dirt on Hunter Biden.

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The Democrat’s Rat Flap Clap-Trap

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Liberals, it seems, just can’t get out of their own way.

Day after day, week after week, and month by month, liberals manage to cause themselves all sorts of problems, and what happens next is so…



Let me give you a few examples of what I’m talking about. For better than two years, all we heard about from liberals…liberals elected to office, liberals that comprise the mainstream media, liberals on the street and Hollywierd liberals was “RUSSIA, RUSSIA RUSSIA.” as they rattled, and prattled on and on about the make believeTrump Russian conspiracy.

GUILTY they all claimed…EVIDENCE was at hand, they all chimed…INVESTIGATE…IMPEACH…JAIL was their collective mantra.

And then, even as it was just getting started, it all began to unravel on them. In the early days of the liberal bloviations, the Steele dossier was proven to be a manufactured phony piece of garbage…then it was shown that it was bought and paid for by Hillary and the DNC, and that THEY paid a former British spy to go to the Russians for make-believe dirt on Trump. HILLARY and the DNC were conspiring with the Russians…NOT Trump.

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Rosenstein and the Rosetta Stone Documents

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Right about now, Rod Rosenstein should be sweating like a Kardashian on Jeopardy, but he is far from the only one who should be feeling the extreme heat.

Last Friday, the NY Times published a piece stating that Rosenstein had suggested wearing a wire to secretly record President Trump, as well as suggesting employing cabinet members to do the same, and then use the 25th Amendment to deem President Trump unfit to hold the office, and remove him from office.

Make no mistake…that is a coup attempt…a plan to overthrow a sitting, duly elected President of the United States.

In no uncertain terms…

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A Steaming Vat of Liberal Hypocrisy

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

When was the last time you heard the mainstream, alphabet media praise President Trump regarding our nation’s economy?


I’ll get back to that shortly, but before I do let me tell you about why it is so very important that our economy recover from the stagnation under Obama during his 8 years at the helm.

It doesn’t matter in what area one looks…military, national security, energy, workforce participation…you name the area, and strength in that area can’t be had unless the nation’s economy is strong.

This is exactly why Obama never did one thing to improve the national economy…

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Hillary’s Paul Revere Moment

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio




That, according to the current wife of Monica Lewinski’s former boyfriend who, in a tweet on February 28th had her very own Paul Revere moment when she took to social media to proclaim…

“I say this as a former Secretary of State and as an American: the Russians are still coming. Our intelligence professionals are imploring Trump to act. Will he continue to ignore & surrender, or protect our country?”

In Revere’s case, it was one if by land, two if by sea…in Hillary’s case, one can suppose instead of lanterns in an old church steeples…its interns under Bill’s desk.

First of all…oh, really?

Second of all…oh, good grief….

And third off…

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The FISA Memo, High Crimes and Misdemeanors

I have long said that if you want to know what liberals themselves are up to, just pay attention to what they accuse Conservatives of either doing, or being.

Evidence that my long-held belief is 100 percent correct has now manifested itself with the release of the Nunes FISA memo. Make no mistake, liberals have been caught with their corrupt pants down, and now, they’re running scared.

Last week, leading up to that memo’s release, Senator Cory Booker accused Conservatives of being about to do what liberals had already done…

He accused those who wanted that memo released to the American people of being on the cusp of treason should they succeed in releasing the memo.

That’s right…

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The Case for Removing Jeff Sessions

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori  / RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS ON on American Political Radio

When the American people elected then candidate Trump to become President Trump, they did so in part to “drain the swamp,” and in part to go after both high level members of the Obama regime and to have investigations launched into high level misdeeds.

Senator Jeff Sessions quickly inserted himself into the inner circle of the Trump campaign becoming an adviser on nearly every decision or policy proposal Trump made during his campaign. And either Sessions himself or one of his team crafted and helped communicate Trump’s campaign immigration policy platform. And Sessions became the chair of Trump’s National Security Team, also helping Trump pick his V.P. running mate.

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The Craziest Democrat Strategy Yet

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

According to Neil Sroka, a liberal activist and spokesmouth for “Democracy for America,” which sounds suspiciously like “Organizing for America,” the 2018 strategy for his party’s midterm success should include the impeachment of President Trump.

Here’s exactly what he said…

“Democrats should run on an inclusive, populist agenda of free college and paid family leave, but shouldn’t shy away from supporting impeachment.”

Oh…please make that the foremost plank in the liberal/socialist party strategy.


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Swamp Scum and the REAL Russian Collusion

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

We are now nearly a year, give or take a few days, from the anniversary of last year’s election…an election that Hillary Clinton was absolutely sure she would win.

Bill Clinton was sure of it as well…as were Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Donna Brazile, the whole of the DNC, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Rod Rosenstein, Barack Hussein Obama, James Comey, and just as sure of Hillary’s impending victory, was one Robert Mueller.

All of those key players in what we now see unfolding, or unraveling as various illegal activities all tied to the Obama organized criminal enterprise had just known for years, that Hillary Clinton would succeed Obama that they all engaged in high crimes and misdemeanors, feeling all the while safe in the knowledge that once elected, Hillary would sweep all of it under the proverbial rug.


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McCain v Trump: A Tale of a Two Tailed Coin

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

“I think it was disgraceful — disgraceful that the intelligence agencies allowed any information tcoin 2hat turned out to be so false and fake out. That’s something that Nazi Germany would have done, and did do.”

 – President-elect Donald Trump on the recently disclosed ‘Fake News’ story alleging ties between him and Russia

He’s mad…furious in fact…and rightly so.

By now we all know that Donald Trump is denying any and all accusations that Russia…that Vladimir Putin…tried to “cultivate and compromise” either him personally with what has been proven to be a ‘Fake News’ story or concerning the outcome of November’s election.  And you know what…he’s one hundred percent correct on both accounts, and he’s right that these allegations were and are nothing but what he called a “political witch hunt.”

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