Mainstream Media – Gollum With a Press Pass

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Thanks to Project Veritas, we now have indisputable proof that CNN is everything President Trump has said they are…a fake news organization…because they, themselves, have admitted to it.

With their hidden cameras, Project Veritas has caught CNN blue handed saying that their “coverage” of the whole Trump/Russian collusion fabrication is for ratings, that it is, indeed, a BS story, and that no collusion evidence is to be had anywhere.

Apparently, CNN has all the security of Hillary’s private server and private email account, and they vet the people they actually tell the truth to the way Obama’s regime vetted “refugees” seeking to become an invasion force emanating from Islamist nations.

Last week, during a White House press briefing, Sara Huckabee Sanders more or less went off on the fake news industry which drew a stern rebuke from CNN’s Jim Acosta when he called her statements “inflammatory.”


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The Untold Truth About the Resignation of General Flynn

By: Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

And so it has begun…and it has begun with much controversy and actions surrounding the FLY 1resignation of General Flynn…but know it was a take down not a resignation per se with General Michael Flynn being either collateral damage or an example being made of in a much bigger and more sinister plan…a plan to actually take down both President Donald Trump himself along with his administration…a man and an administration who some deem not legitimate and who others deem a serious threat to the truth being exposed about both Obama and the true enemy we face.

A sinister plan of revenge for an election lost and by those who wanted Barack HUSSEIN Obama to remain in office for a third, fourth, or even fifth term…a sinister plan involving the exposing of sensitive national secrets…a cunningly orchestrated plan of attack that we believe came from Obama’s shadow government still operating from both within the White House itself and from those holdouts and loyalists still in government positions who have yet to be rooted out and replaced.

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Rebel Flag Flap…Let it Fly

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

rf 1Did Nikki Haley really cave to political correctness in now agreeing that the Confederate flag be taken down from the South Carolina statehouse?

And why are Conservatives all bent over that flag being taken down?

There are plenty of people out there turning themselves inside out trying to make a case for leaving that flag flying and they’re using the flag’s design to justify it.

I have seen thousands of comments and posts regarding the Confederate flag over the last week or so and many of them are along these lines…“Neither the design nor the content of the flag has anything to do with racism, slavery, hatred or white supremacy. Nothing.”

That of course, is correct…there IS nothing in the DESIGN of the Confederate flag that denotes racism. But…is the design of the rebel flag all there is to it?

Look…I know about the Confederate flag design…

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Allen West a Top 10 CREDO Target

Well, we all knew the Tea Party and Tea Party candidates would be the direct targets of liberal/socialists after the 2010 midterm shellacking didn’t we? As election season 2012 heats up, those liberal/socialist organizations are starting to shift into a higher gear.

There is an organization called CREDO Super PAC out there with a Top 10 list and they are actively targeting Tea Party candidates.

A quick look at their website via their efforts against Congressman Allen West provided a wealth of information.

At first blush, this looked quite like a union-based group. Many of their “protests” against West are set to take place at unionesque venues. They have even opened an office at 100 Village Square Crossing, Suite 104, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410.

Naturally, CREDO and the Take Down liberal/socialists have a broader scope than just Congressman West. They have a national Top 10.

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