Flags for Whitney – Pants for Mike Brown

brown 1Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to mourn the passing of common sense and decency and truth in the “black community.” Oh, it’s been on life support for some time now but, the plug has been pulled…in Ferguson Missouri.

It was, perhaps, THE most disgusting display of thug martyrdom whipped up by the racist propaganda machine yet.

Mike Brown is dead…long live thug culture.

Brown was killed on August 9th by a cop…a white cop…in the middle of a street in Ferguson Missouri and finally, after 3 autopsies and two weeks of rioting, looting, arson, shootings and various acts of mayhem carried out in his name, given a hero’s funeral on Monday.

Ushers handed out tissues…and water…to the assembled mourners.

Brown’s own cousin, Eric Davis, eulogized the dead thug by calling on the weeping voting bloc to, head to the polls, vote for change and said…“enough of the senseless killings.”

Senseless killings?

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White People Are NOT Our “Black Brother’s Keepers!!”

ferg 1I intended to write an article today about the mess in Ferguson Missouri but let’s be honest here…brutally honest…I don’t know what happened when that punk kid got shot by the cop and neither do those who are rioting, looting, committing arson, shooting or going on the attack.

Jesse Jackson doesn’t know…Al Sharpton doesn’t know…Eric Holder doesn’t know…Obama doesn’t know and neither does the grand jury that’s been seated to railroad that cop into court.

NOBODY really knows what went down in that moment nor will they until the investigation is complete and when that is done, if charges are warranted, so be it. A trial will follow, a verdict will be rendered and whatever happens next will happen…but I guarantee you this…if there is no trial or the cop is found not guilty IN a trial…there WILL be more of what we’ve seen in Ferguson over the past 12 days and nights.

It won’t just be contained IN Ferguson either and there’s a reason for that…

Now I said I was going to be brutally honest and so…here goes…

There are good people in Ferguson…plenty of them from both sides of the political aisle and of all colors of skin but what we’re seeing there now is a direct result of idiots and fools.

Perhaps the most inane thing uttered in the wake of the shooting of that punk and while the riots continue came directly from the mouth of Don Lemon at CNN a few days ago…

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