Liberal Hatred vs Historical Fact

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Last week, on our nation’s Independence Day, congresswoman Cori Bush, a liberal Marxist from Missouri tweeted, “When they say that the 4th of July is about American freedom, remember this: the freedom they’re referring to is for White people. This land is stolen land and Black people still aren’t free.”

Backing that harpie up was Shahid Buttar, a congressional candidate and liberal Marxist from San Francisco who is running for Pelosi’s seat under the liberal bumper sticker slogan “Resistance for Real” who sent this response to Cori Bush, “Speak it, @CoriBush! It’s almost as if our entire country has been brainwashed to ignore our history—and how its worst elements continue today—despite our self-congratulatory rhetoric.”

Not to be left of the leftist mix…

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Jefferson – 17 Days To Immortality

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Imagine if you will, going to work one day where you had become known as the quiet one who hardly ever spoke out. On that day, you were appointed to a committee and that committee’s task was to prepare a major report which would set the direction of your company for years to come.

Daunting though that might seem, now, imagine being given a deadline of less than 3 weeks to compile that report.

Oh, it gets better.

The little committee tells you that YOU’RE in charge of the project. Oh, they’ll HELP but, YOU get to write it and THEY’LL look it over, maybe give you a little advice or make a change or two but it’s YOUR baby.

Feeling the pressure yet?

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Mr. Biden, It’s Time For Your Pudding

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

That is one of the most well-known sentences from arguably THE most famous document ever written. With those words, Thomas Jefferson ushered into being the greatest nation on Earth, and those words have echoed throughout the world to this day.

That document, our Declaration of Independence, and those words should be known by all Americans, and until recently, were taught in our schools.

In fact, anyone over the age of 35 is, or should be as familiar with that sentence as they are with their own names…

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The Formal Indictment of Barack Hussein Obama

As Conservatives and Tea Party faithful, we are constantly preaching adherence to that great document, beginning with the words, We the People…

Our Constitution is that document meant to limit the scope of government and to protect We the People FROM government.

We cite the Constitution, we hold it up as THE law of the land and we strongly disagree with those, whether within our own party of the opposition who seek to circumvent or ignore it.

Our Founders and Framers were far-sighted enough to know that such a document was necessary and arguably, for the exact reason with which we now face…A president who sees himself more as a King or a Dictator, a congress complacent to maintain status quo and the abuses of power against the people that go with those things.


Today is the 4th of July.

Our Independence Day.

In past years, I have provided historical perspectives and behind the scenes essays regarding our starting point as a nation.

Well and fine however, this year, on Independence Day, we need something stronger. Something more pointed and something that rises to a call to action.

Today, we need…We REQUIRE…

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Weekend Edition: Obama’s American Dream Revealed

Over the last week, at both party’s conventions, there was one common theme.

Well…Sort of common theme.

Let’s say that the title of the theme was the same and leave it at that since that is where similarities ended.

That theme was…”The American Dream.”

Both parties talked about it. Both said they were for it.

It seems however, that they have two very different definitions OF it.

I suggest that to understand the “American Dream,” we need to step back from today’s contentious discourse.

From a literary standpoint, the tear, “American Dream” was made popular in 1931 in a book written by James Truslow Adams but, it’s not the origin of the phrase.

To find its origin as a written or spoken phrase, one must read Ben Franklin’s autobiography.

Clearly though, before something like that can be written, it must be conceived of and it’s quite possible, that concept began with the Pilgrims who longed for a land where they could worship as they saw fit.

America was accessible though far from their homelands, it offered security from their overbearing governments and it was a place from which they could have a new beginning.

It was dangerous. It was uncertain. Why…The trip TO America could kill you. There were no guarantees but there was…opportunity.

Eventually, the government control the Pilgrims had fled caught back up to them and again, rather than charting their own course and their own destiny, those who had sought freedom were again…Subjects.

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