Vote ONCE and Feel Free to Adjust Your Bra in the Men’s Room

The governor of North Carolina, Pat McCrory, signed a voter ID bill into law yesterday.

That bill makes it mandatory that one have in their possession, a photo ID in order to vote.

The new law is aimed at cracking down on and preventing voter fraud so as to preserve the standard, 1 person, 1 vote system.

Among other things, the North Carolina law requires a driver’s license, passport, veteran’s ID, tribal card starting with the 2016 elections. Student IDs are not an acceptable form of identification. The bill will also reduce early voting by a week, eliminate same-day registration, ends pre-registration for 16-and-17 year olds and provides FREE voter photo ID cards for those who don’t already have or cannot afford one of the above listed forms of acceptable ID.

Naturally, Governor McCrory is a conservative and naturally, the ACLU, the NAACP and other socialist organizations have filed suite over the new law claiming it violates everything from the constitution to the Civil Rights Act of 1965 and probably, Newton’s laws of gravity.


Over in California…

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Liberals Want to Maintain 1965 Status Quo for Minorities

Today’s lesson in “How to Piss Off a Socialist” is simple…

Tell them that they are only allowed to vote once per socialist per election.

That is essentially exactly what a 5-4 decision from the United States Supreme Court said yesterday.

The law requiring certain states, once solidly blue and now, decidedly red, to provide proof that any changes they want to make to their voting procedures are not racist to the United States Attorney General, the 1965 law, was deemed old, out of date and unconstitutional by the Supremes.

What are socialists gonna do NOW???

Well, let’s see…

Obama said, “I am deeply disappointed with the Supreme Court’s decision today. Today’s decision invalidating one of its core provisions upsets decades of well-established practices that help make sure voting is fair, especially in places where voting discrimination has been historically prevalent.” 

Eric the corrupt and contemptuous Holder stated:

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Texas Voter ID Law is NOT Racist…Blocking it IS

Tom Perez, the head of the Texas Civil Rights Division, sent a whopping 6-page letter to the Texas Director of Elections stating, “Texas has not ‘sustained its burden’ under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act to show that the new law will not have a discriminatory effect on minority voters.”

According to those who track such things, about 11% of Hispanics in Texas don’t have a valid photo ID, and a law which would require a valid photo ID to vote would be racist.

This is not a great deal different than the reason given for blocking the new South Carolina voter ID law. In South Carolina, it seems that about 20% of black people don’t have a valid photo ID.

Here are a couple of questions which need to be asked:

1)      If 80% to 89% of these folks CAN obtain a valid photo ID, and apparently HAVE…why then can’t the remaining 11% to 20% get THEIR hands on one?

2)      What makes such a law racist?

Let’s take the last question first.

This law, like all the rest which the DOJ claims to be racist, requires ALL who want to vote to present a valid photo ID. That means…white folks, black folks, brown folks…EVERYBODY, regardless of skin color, would have to present a valid photo ID to vote. How is THAT racist? If the law said ONLY Hispanics needed the photo ID or ONLY white people with a photo ID would be allowed to vote…Okay…Racist; but requiring EVERYBODY to have a photo ID is…FAIR.

There are some in Texas who claim that a portion of that 11% of Hispanics who do NOT currently have a valid photo ID live 175 miles (round trip) from where they could obtain such an ID and therefore, it’s a hardship for them to get one.


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