The March in Paris Was Better Without Obama Anyway

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

jarr 1Well, well, well…

It seems the mosque on the hill has sent their Imam out to beat the media about the head and collective shoulders with a drop it and desist order.

Regime Imam Valerie Jarrett has been presented to the cameras to try and put an end to the “why didn’t you send someone to Paris for the Unity March last weekend” questions because the town liar, Josh (anything BUT) Earnest can’t weasel his Muslim boss out of this regardless of the lathe-like rate of spin he’s employed over the last few days.

According to the Imam:“I think as we saw, certainly we would have loved to participate in the parade, I remind you that Atty. Gen. Holder was in Paris for a very important meeting…I think we certainly got the substance right but it would have been great joy to participate in the parade, and we’re glad that Secretary Kerry is there now.”

So…turning your back on our oldest ally is…’getting the substance right?’

Only if you’re an Islamist.

Here’s the basis for the Imam’s appearance.

Last Sunday, in Paris, world leaders or their close counterparts met to stand against our regime’s ideology…Islam…in the wake of the terrorist attack and assassinations of members of the Charlie Hebdo staff and two police officers.

Glaringly absent from the courageous stand was one Barack HUSSEIN Obama.

Ever since…the lies from the white house have been coming at a fast and furious rate.

Speaking of Fast and Furious…

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Weekend Edition: Ft. Hood – Consequences of Political Correctness

Are we “politically correctnessing” ourselves to death?

The simple, and unavoidable answer is…


I can think of no other case that illustrates this better than the insane case of terrorist, Nidal Hasan.

Hasan, a Major at Ft. Hood, had been conversing via email with known terrorists and, it was known that he was doing this but, nobody dared say anything because…HASAN was a MUSLIM and…to be politically correct…WE HAVE TO BE TOLERANT OF MUSLIMS!!!

Over a 6 year period, Nidal Hasan worked as an intern and a resident at Walter Reed where our wounded military personnel recovered.

During that time, Hasan was always on the radar of those with whom he served because of inappropriate comments, odd behavior and his lack of socializing with others stationed there.

Did anyone say anything?


Why not?

Because he was MUSLIM and nobody wanted to be labeled as ISLAMOPHOBIC.

It wasn’t politically correct.

Ret. Col. Terry Lee, who had served with Hasan said that after the murders of 2 recruits in Littlerock, Hasan made “outlandish” statements against the American military presence in Iraq and Afghanistan, that “the Muslims should stand up and fight against the aggressor”, referring to the United States.

Did Lee say anything at the time?

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Army WINS The War on Christmas!!!!

So…What exactly DOES an Islamic terrorist have to do with atheists and the war on Christmas?

More than you might think and for entirely different reasons than you might think.

Have I gone MAD?

Maybe but…Allow me to connect a few unlikely dots and then you can be the judge.

Hang on, this might be a little tricky.

The Islamic terrorist in question is well known.

Nidal Hassan. Yes…THAT Nidal Hassan. THE Nidal Hassan who shot up Ft. Hood Texas in what has been labeled by this pro-Islamist administration as…”Workplace violence.”

Back in November 2009, Hassan went on a rampaging terrorist attack wounding 29 and killing 13 while yeling “Allahu Akbar.”

We all know the story.

Since being taken into custody, the terrorist grew a beard which has become a great point of contention.

Just a couple of months ago, the military judge, Col. Gregory Gross, ordered that the terrorist either shave off the beard or be forcibly shaved.

Okay…HERE’S where this gets interesting…

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WHO Exactly IS Obama Protecting?

THIS makes me SICK. Sick to my stomach. This may well be the sickest thing I have heard in a long, long time. It’s DISGUSTING and exactly what I should expect from this administration.

I was tipped off to this today by a tweet from Congressman Allen West who has just been named as a member of the National Defense Authorization Act Conference.

“This declaration by Obama is a slap in the face to Fort Hood victims. America has no Commander in Chief!”

Congressman could not be more correct but, I will go farther in my assessment.

What has me so riled up, and Congressman West likewise, is a statement from the Defense Department.

Obama and his Defense Department have declared that the Fort Hood shooting was…


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