Recruit Woke, Go Broke

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

So, according to the woke geniuses over at the pointy building with five corners, military recruits just aren’t smart enough to join our armed forces because they are having a tough time adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing.

The Pentagon (that’s the building with one more corner than a standard building for the benefit of future military recruits) says that in order to assist potential future military personal in passing the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, or ASVAB test, they will, in the near future be allowed to use a calculator.

According to somebody with a pointy head in the five cornered building, “The department is carefully considering the use of calculators for the ASVAB. We are taking a systematic approach, which will assess the impact of calculator use, and we are developing a way forward for calculator inclusion based on best practices in test development and psychometric theory.”

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A Delicate Explanation of Trans-Nonsense

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Have you heard what’s now the grand plan regarding how they want to deal with illegal aliens in the sanctuary city of New York City? Mayor Eric Adams, last week, hatched a desperate scheme by which New Yorkers would encouraged to allow illegal alien families to live in their homes for which the citizens would be paid $125 dollars per month…per illegal alien.

That equates to roughly $3,750 dollars a month per illegal alien.

And by “families” one can suppose it means two Guatermellon men, one Mexican National man, some guy by the name of Mahmoud from Buttkrakistan, two kids they’ve never met before and four black dudes with balls wearing dresses and all going by the name “Rosita” because they’re tired of living in Harlem.

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A Cancer In The Classroom

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

I believe we can trace the rot and ruin of our nation’s education system back to a remark made in 1995 by the future U.S, Attorney General, Eric Holder. At least that’s when we should have become aware of the liberal plan and started to take steps against it.

In 1995, Eric Holder, then a U.S. Attorney, was speaking about “gun violence” which any thinking person knows is violence committed by the criminal elements of our society with guns, but that wasn’t then, nor is it today what liberal Marxists want you to believe. They want you to believe it is the gun, rather than the person holding the gun that is responsible.

Understanding that most people are either reasonable or smart enough to know that guns do not operate themselves, Holder, in his comments said, “We just have to be repetitive about this. It’s not enough to have a catchy ad on a Monday and then only do it every Monday. We have to do this every day of the week and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.”

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Bud Light and the Woke Dystopian Shakedown

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, otherwise known as the HSBC has downgraded Anheuser-Busch InBev stock to hold amid a “crisis” following Bud Light’s marketing campaign featuring transgender activist Dylan Mulvaney.

According to Carlos Laboy, the managing director at HSBC’s global beverage sector, “There are deeper problems than ABI admit.”

Gee…ya think?

The most recent figures show that Bud Light sales are off better than 26% over last year, and the plunge didn’t start until the self-inflicted disaster of Bud Light’s partnership with Dylan Mulvaney. That raises a couple of good questions. How did Anheuser-Busch get the risk assessment so terribly wrong, and are they hiring the best people in their marketing department to gauge risk vs reward?

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Bud Light’s New Dumbest Idea Ever

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

As the Bud Light saga continues, one thing has become perfectly clear…at the bottom of a deep hole, Anheuser-Busch continues to use a bigger shovel.

Last week, the “trans community” a community that comprises less than one percent of the American population issued a terse hissy-fit of a letter to Anheuser-Busch. That letter, from The Human Rights Campaign  Jay Brown read, in part, “At this moment, it is absolutely critical for Anheuser-Busch to stand in solidarity with Dylan and the trans community. However, when faced with anti-LGBTQ+ and transphobic criticism, Anheuser-Busch’s actions demonstrate a profound lack of fortitude in upholding its values of diversity, equity, and inclusion to employees, customers, shareholders, and the LGBTQ+ community.”

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Bud (No Wiser) Doubles Down on Stupid

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Well, here we are, a scant two weeks since I penned the commentary, “Drunk On Woke, Bud Goes Broke” and it’s already time for an update.

To refresh your memory like an ice-cold Miller Lite, Anheuser Busch hired what I referred to as “woke liberal arts major who has been indoctrinated most likely throughout her government “education” and certainly at some asylum of higher indoctrination,” by the name of Alissa Heinerscheid as their VP of Marketing, and in her bubble of wokeness, she decided that the way to attract what she called a younger demographic was to ““to evolve and elevate this incredibly iconic brand,” by partnering with Dylan Mulvaney, a dude pretending to be a woman.

Mulvaney is a “social media influencer” which is a fancy term for an abject moron.

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Drunk On Woke, Bud Goes Broke

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

These days, one of the worst things you can do is to misgender someone. Doing so draws the wrath woke liberal idiots like nothing else. How DARE you, you god-awful bigot. You deserve to be CANCELLED, and perhaps assaulted should you have the unmitigated gall to venture into any public place.

To be clear…misgendering is the act of CORRECTLY mentioning some woke fool’s ACTUAL gender at birth.

To be even more clear regarding the subject of misgendering, there are men out there, who are pretending to be women and women pretending to be men who PRETEND to be offended when someone CORRECTLY identifies their true gender

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Lori Lightfoot – Chicago’s Nero

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Just a day before Chicago’s mayoral election, Lori Lightfoot went off on Time Magazine for NOT giving HER the same boost they once gave Rahm Emanuel. Lightfoot played the race card, which is what elected black officials do when things aren’t going their way.

According to the soon to be ex Mayor of the Windy City, “I remember Rahm Emanuel appearing on the cover of Time Magazine, the headline was basically like: ‘Tough guy for Chicago.’ No woman or woman of color is ever going to get that headline.”

Lightfoot claimed that she had been judged “harshly as a black woman.”


In making that statement, Lightfoot admits that she should have been judged on the basis of the color of her skin rather than on the content of her character, and essentially what she said was that because of her skin color, the bar should have been lowered with regard to expectations. In other words, less should have been expected of her because she’s black.

That’s crap, and no self-respecting black person should agree with her.

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The Fundamental Transformation of Education

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

The situation in our nation’s public schools should alarm every American with a working brain cell. We’re not just talking about kids here. What we’re talking about is future adults and future adults will determine the viability of our entire country going forward.

This all started decades ago with what I believe was a four part plan. First, liberals would sieze control of the education system  via teachers and administrators including boards of education and all of that was facilitated through union efforts. Second came the dumbing down of students which began  a couple of decades ago through the lowering of test standards. Having accomplished both those aspects of the liberal plan, they moved on to phase three, the indoctrination of students which is meant to usher in the fourth and final stage…cultural re-engineering.

To put it mildly, we are on the brink of pinning our nation’s ability to compete in the world on the idiots we will graduate from high school over the next decade who will neither be productive members of our nation’s economic future, nor will they become productive or stable members of our nation’s society.

To this point, I give you the liberal blue state of Illinois.

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A Simple Answer vs The Truth

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

“What is it about a grown man costumed in a sparkly bra with augmented boobs busting out and wearing a miniskirt barely covering his twerking a– with duct tape on his front while spreading his fish-netted legs as he writhes on the ground, grinding his groin next to a minor, that is family-friendly?”

That’s the question asked by a San Diego mother, Brittany Mayer, of the Encinitas Union School District at a school board meeting last week, and as questions go, it’s a pretty damned good question.

That school board, the Encinitas Union School District Board in San Diego California, has invited community children and families to a “queer” Halloween party featuring a “family-friendly” drag queen show on October 29th. Naturally, many parents contacted the school board with a combination of concerns and outright disgust, demanding the board put a stop to the planned event and issue an apology along with an explanation but…the Encinitas Union School District Board in San Diego California declined to cancel or explain the event.

Having no other recourse, parents, including Brittany Mayer showed up at the school board meeting where Mayer posed the aforementioned question.

But…it gets better…

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