Friday Fume

Oh, the week that was huh?

Bloomberg wants to crack down on earphones…Lil’ Kim over in North Diarrhea wants to attack the United States…

Socialists are already attacking the new Pope because he’s TOO Catholic…Really?????

Karzi, over in Buttkrackistan, is saying that WE’RE behind the attacks that are killing OUR military people…

Oh yeah…It’s been another week of socialist morons on parade hasn’t it?

Well, how about we all take a little time to laugh before we go screaming into the night?

It’s Friday my Patriot friends and…

I’m fuming.

Can’t socialists just let kids be kids?


Here, we have the case of 7 year old Erich Henze.

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Godfather Politics and the Obama Mafia

So far, 500 illegal alien criminals have been released in Arizona and there are plans to release at least 10,000 in several states.

These are criminals who have robbed stores, homes, people, assaulted Americans, broken into stores, businesses and homes.

This is a clear attempt to cause danger, possible injury and in the worst cases, death of Americans, these criminals have been turned loose on our streets.


Oh, don’t fret, they are all “on methods of supervision less costly than detention. All of these individuals remain in removal proceedings,” according to Gillian Christensen, mouthpiece for DHS.

So…what exactly does THAT mean?


They are required to call in, check in, some may be wearing ankle tracers and ALL have been told that when they have a court date, they need to show up.

Well…Considering that these are…ILLEGAL ALIENS…How do YOU think THAT’S gonna work out?

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In a World Gone Mad…An Unlikely Hero???

It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, MAD world.

The guy who made a poor quality video about Muhammad sits in jail.

The guy who advocated the torture and painful, slow deaths of the U.S. military and their families…HE got to perform at the president’s Christmas party.

It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, MAD world.

After Morsi declares himself a dictator, the Egyptian army is now taking control of “security” for an upcoming “election” regarding the new “constitution” which is to cement Morsi’s newly declared powers.

People by the hundreds of thousands are in the streets protesting the moves and what are WE doing???

We ARE SENDING Egypt…20 more brand new F-16 fighter jets!!!

Isn’t that special???

In Syria, Assad has mixed his deadly cocktails of nerve gas and the clock is ticking. In less than 60 days, that gas will become unstable and have to be destroyed. Raise your hands if you think Assad is going to let it sit without being used.

Obama said a month or 2 ago that should Assad MOVE his chemical weapons stockpiles…THAT would cross a red line and “something” would be done about it.

Well…He moved them AND mixed them and what did Obama do???

He moved the goal posts.

NOW…Obama says that should Assad USE those weapons…”Something” will be done because that’s where the NEW red line is today.

If he USES those weapons…Won’t it be too LATE to “do something” about it?

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URGENT: A Transparent Fog of Tyranny (pt. 1)

In the ever spinning world of the Obama Campaign Administration cover up of the Libya terrorist attack, we take another go-around.

You may have noticed that, over the last week, I have taken to referring to Obama and his minions as, the “Obama Campaign Administration.”

Here’s why.

While Obama has been in campaign mode since the day he took office, it is now becoming clear that his campaign staff is making the decisions regarding everything including his foreign policies. These decisions are not in the best interest of the country…These decisions are in the best interests of the Obama campaign.

Why else, pray tell, would Obama have David Axelrod dispatched to the Sunday shows to talk about…Libya?

On Fox News Sunday, Axelrod was bemoaning the “politicization” of the Libya scandal.

Then, yesterday afternoon, 24 hours before tonight’s debate, it’s leaked that the administration is…”CONSIDERING” a strike or strikes in retaliation for the Libya terrorist attack.


First of all…Why exactly is this being…”leaked?”

To make Obama seem tough on terror the night before his next debate which will split time between domestic and…Foreign policy.

There are no coincidences.

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And we thought it was bad, during the Clinton administration, when the Lincoln bedroom was being rented out to celebrities and donors.

This may not be overnight accommodations but, it’s far, far worse than anything we have ever seen before.

A few days ago, either at the white house or possible in elsewhere in DC, Obama administration officials from the National Security Council met with representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Yes. THAT Muslim Brotherhood.

The same Muslim Brotherhood which vowed NOT to partake in the formation of a new Egyptian government before they stated the decade’s old peace treaty between Egypt and Israel should not be kept in force and before, just days ago, they announced that they will indeed seek the presidency of Egypt.

Yes, THAT Muslim Brotherhood which has ties to Hamas.

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