California Cleanin’

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

All the leaves are brown (all the leaves are brown)
And the sky is gray (and the sky is gray)
I’ve been for a walk (I’ve been for a walk)
On a winter’s day (on a winter’s day)
I’d be safe and warm (I’d be safe and warm)
If I was in L.A. (if I was in L.A.)California dreamin’ (California dreamin’)
On such a winter’s day  – Michelle and John Phillips, The Momma’s & The Pappa’s

It’s been two weeks since the latest round of L.A. fires started burning and homes, businesses and the LA Gay Men’s Choir are still flaming.

Indeed, there are many questions that require answers like, why were fire hydrants not working, why was the Palisades Reservoir dry for nearly a full year, and why in THE hell…before the fires, were 1 out of every 6 fire trucks in Los Angeles not operational, sitting in some holding yard broken down?

Why was the Mayor of L.A. out of the country when the fires started after she campaigned on the promise that if elected Mayor, she would NOT be making international trips? By the way, her trip to Ghana for an inauguration and cocktail party was either the 5th, or 6th international trip she’s taken as Mayor…on the dime of the L.A. taxpayers.

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Welcome to the Hell-Hole California

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

“Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
They’re livin’ it up at the Hotel California
What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise)
Bring your alibis”
– Don Henley, The Eagles

The song, Hotel California is said to be “all about American decadence and burnout, too much money, corruption, drugs and arrogance; too little humility and heart.” Those lyrics by Don Henley seem now to be strikingly haunting in light of what began on January 7th, 2025 in the hills surrounding Los Angeles.

First one fire, the Eaton Fire, then another, the Palisades fire, followed by another, and another and so on and so forth. The Santa Ana winds at over or near 100mph on the first day and night of the inferno drove those fires like never before, and it rapidly became obvious that neither L.A. nor California had a clue as to what to do.

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Is It Time to Water the Tree of Liberty?

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

So, Marcel Lehel Lazar, aka Guccifer, the Romanian hacker is in FBI custody, he has been tree 1speaking at length with agents investigating Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email account and private server which we now know contained 2,100 classified documents and he has told Fox News that hacking Hillary’s emails was…easy.

For their part, the FBI is not commenting either on their conversations with the hacker or about any evidence they have regarding whether or not he actually managed to hack Hillary but there is evidence that he was in there.

tree 15Apparently, this Guccifer has revealed “doodles” drawn by Bill Clinton which were stored on the Clinton Foundation site and here’s why that is significant…Hillary’s server, the private server in question, has the exact same IP address as and is the email of the Clinton Foundation.

And from Hillary herself…the server used at the Clinton Foundation is the exact same server she used during her reign of espionage as the Secretary of State.

Some reports are suggesting that there is no evidence that the server has or had been hacked but there could be a very good reason for that lack of evidence and that is where Hillary’s, now protected by immunity IT guy, Bryan Pagliano comes in. You see, Pagliano was an IT guy but NOT a cyber-security guy and from what I’ve been told…if Pagliano didn’t employ a slew of security measures to capture and track threats or hack attempts…the server could easily have been hacked without leaving so much as a trace of evidence.

The fact is, Pagliano didn’t put anywhere near adequate security on Hillary’s server as it lacked a intrusion prevention system, which means, there was no way for her system to track or identify hacking attempts and the way Guccifer got in was one of the most basic ways one could do it…

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To Obama…Freedom is a Bigger Threat Than Iran

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

threat 1I think it’s time to put a few things regarding the Obama regime into perspective given recent events and while this will, no doubt, bring about the ire of liberals, they just can’t argue against the facts.

Let’s begin…

According to the Obama regime’s FEMA director, W. Craig Fugate, neither Cleveland and Tulsa counties in Oklahoma, ravaged by tornados just a couple of weeks ago, deserve federal tax dollars to assist individuals and businesses in rebuilding efforts.

Governor Mary Fallin is looking for other avenues to cope with the disasters that have devastated that region of the state including assistance from the U.S. Small Business Administration though she shouldn’t be holding her breath.

The nation should take note of this because, on the off chance YOUR town, homes or businesses get torn up due to a natural disaster doesn’t mean that you, under the Obama regime, have any right to taxpayer funded assistance.

Those applying for relief from FEMA must be considered a threat to Obama and his regime who have other plans for our taxpayer dollars.

Let’s move along…

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Weekend Edition: As ISIS Expands, Obama Shrinks

tnp eagleThe mainstream media is soft-selling one thing and propagandizing another in an attempt to distract Americans from Obama’s disastrous agenda and I, for one, am sick of it.

On the propaganda hard-sell side we have Ebola.

Right now, the mainstream media is whipping up fears of some mass outbreak of Ebola in the United States, flooding the news with tales of a “POSSIBLE” pandemic and issuing “warnings” of what MIGHT happen.

IF the virus were to MUTATE…Katie bar the door…PANIC!!!

And worse yet, there are people who are buying into it and even going so far as to urge Americans to flee big cities and run away into the country to avoid it.


Ebola is not an airborne virus and the only way to contract it is via direct contact with the bodily fluids of someone already infected with it. COULD it mutate? Yes. WILL it mutate? Maybe but it would take a long, LONG time for that to happen and as the mainstream media is eager to pass along, several people have recently come INTO the United States with what could POSSIBLY be Ebola but, what they DON’T want you to know is that other than the one doctor and the one nurse now in isolation in Atlanta…NONE of the other Ebola suspects actually HAD or HAVE Ebola. NONE of them but that doesn’t feed the panic dog now, does it?

It wouldn’t provide Obama with the much needed distraction from HIS disastrous doctrine in the Middle East…would it?

As long as people are busy looking at the shiny Ebola ball over HERE…nobody will care WHAT is happening over THERE.

That’s where the SOFT-sell comes in.

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Friday Fume

fume 1It’s been another tough week for liberal idiots…

They’ve been proven wrong on Iraq…wrong on the criticism of Bush…wrong on their denial of Obama’s scandals and yesterday…

The Supreme Court voted NINE to NOTHING that Obama completely blew the Constitutional Separation of Powers clause. NINE TO NOTHING and now BOEHNER is SUING the Dictator for ABUSES of POWER!!!

While rational people, at the bottom of a deep hole would quit digging…LIBERALS ARE ASKING FOR MORE SHOVELS and who are we to deny their request?

Well, lookie here, it’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Back in 1960, the city of Detroit had THE highest per capita income in the NATION and then…liberals took it over.

Today…Detroit is a third world city and like third world COUNTRIES…their people have gone to the UNITED NATIONS of thugs, thieves and despots seeking powder blue helmet relief from their day to day struggles.

A gaggle of liberals from a COALITION of…wait for it…WELFARE RIGHTS GROUPS…are all upset because the water has been shut off to 4700 Detroit water customers because…THEY HAVE FAILED TO PAY THEIR WATER BILLS…and those who demand that others take care of them…VIA WELFARE…went to the U.N. to get their water turned back on.

Here’s the REAL story…about HALF of the 324,000 Detroit water customers are at least 2 months over due on their water bills and of THOSE…46,000 were sent shut off notices and of THOSE…only 10% were ACTUALLY shut off and here’s where it gets interesting…Of the 4500 that were shut off…HALF OF THEM CAME IN AND PAID IN FULL WITHIN 2 DAYS!!!

That means that a damn good number of those who simply felt they didn’t need to pay their water bill…COULD HAVE buy why spend your OWN money when you can live off of someone ELSE’S dime???


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Government Land Grabs: The Truth Exposed – Part 1, 2, 3 and 4

Government Land Grabs: The Truth Exposed – Part 1

By Craig Andresen on May 3, 2014 at 4:54 am

series 1Acute.

It’s a word one doesn’t hear often, and more often than not, it’s associated with some medical terminology. Acute nasal drip. Acute arthritis… something along those lines but the word acute has a specific definition.

Acute – adjective: acute; comparative adjective: acute; superlative adjective: acutest

  1. (of a bad, difficult, or unwelcome situation or phenomenon) present or experienced to a severe or intense degree.

I want you to keep that definition front and center as you read what’s coming next and it will light your hair on fire. In fact, keep it in mind throughout this shocking 4 part series of articles regarding government land grabs as it becomes more than obvious the “problem” isn’t at all what the government wants you to believe.

The Obama regime, his DOI (Dept. of the Interior) and the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) are plotting behind closed doors to grab even more land in the western United States because, they are convinced there is an“acute” problem of private landholdings in BLM administered areas to the sum of 412,675 acres, and no, we’re not talking about Bunkerville here but, we might as well be.

So…of all the vast expanse of land out there, what’s a measly little 412,675 acres? In the great scheme of things, it’s only an inch on the scale.

Give em an inch…they’ll take a mile…right?

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Government Land Grabs: The Truth Exposed – Part 4

This article has been co-written by Diane Sori.

In Part 1 of our series, “Government Lanwestern 1d Grabs: The Truth Exposed,” my Right Side Patriots radio partner Diane Sori and I laid out the groundwork behind the federal government’s seizing of land in the western United States over decades of a take an inch…take a mile agenda used by administrations from both sides of the aisle and how the current regime has labeled PRIVATE landholdings in the west as an “ACUTE” problem.

We were able to convey that information thanks to congressman Rob Bishop’s discovery of long buried emails and documents which help expose NEW land grabs in progress along with this regime’s plans, via the BLM and the Department of the Interior pressuring Obama to use his pen and the Antiquities Act of 1906 to not only steal land from private landholders but, to move some 140 MILLION acres (an area the size of the states of Colorado and Wyoming…COMBINED) from “mixed use” to “TREASURED LANDS” status thus rendering it completely off limits to American citizens.

In “Government Land Grabs: Exposing The Truth Part 2,” we proved that the seizing of western lands has virtually NOTHING to do with the liberal call to “protect the environment” and virtually EVERYTHING to do with government control of natural resources in order to control the people.

The maps we show eliminate the possibility of coincidence in that those lands are rife with coal, oil shale and other fossil fuel deposits that the current regime wants to keep off limits to private landholders and we provided evidence of how Obama and his ilk want to keep us dependent on foreign sources for our energy needs.

In “Government Land Grabs: The Truth Exposed Part 3,” we took our investigation passed oil, gas and coal to provide clear evidence of where our nation’s reserves of URANIUM rest and…

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Staring Down the Barrel of the Liberal’s Total Control Agenda

agenda 1Over the past several days, I have written many articles surrounding the situation at the Bundy Ranch and the creeping nature of federal land grabs which have taken place over many decades. Today, I will show you how these recent events directly tie in with the core liberal/socialist agenda and ideology.

What you are about to read is stunning and not at all unexpected as the truth is about to be exposed.

To understand the dire nature of what we are experiencing under the current regime, one must first look at where and when the full court press to socialism and its ultimate goal of communism came from.

The first thing Clinton did when he assumed the oval office was to put Hillary ( a very possible 2016 presidential candidate) in charge of trying to socialize the healthcare industry. That was a miserable failure because, coming off the Reagan era, America hadn’t received the necessary prodding to accept socialistic change. Things were good and people were satisfied with their upward mobility.

The economic collapse, the recession, started toward the end of Bush 43’s second term and since then, liberals and socialists have been all too quick to point the finger of blame directly AT George W. Bush. Too quickly because, that collapse, that recession came at the collapse of the housing bubble and economists have widely insisted the housing crisis was indeed the cause of the recession.

It was the Dodd/Frank bill and their insistence on subprime lending that brought about the housing crisis and both are die hard liberals. Bush warned congress not once, not twice but THREE times about the impending crash and each time, liberals and socialists in congress dismissed his warnings as the talk of a crazy man who knew not of what he was speaking.

They set him up and, as Rahm Emanual said…

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A Government Against the People

grab 1Slowly, quietly, over decades of regulation by unelected bureaucrats and with the assistance of those elected to pass legislation to advance the cause of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness who have done everything but, lands that once belonged to private individuals and families have been ceded first to the state and then, to the statists.

After decades of backroom deals, bribes, pocket lining and dirty deeds, the land of the western United States now belongs to the United States government.

Just days ago, in a meeting scheduled well before the Battle of Bunkerville, legislators from 9 western states gathered with the goal of kicking the U.S. government off those lands and out of those states.

Bunkerville and the Bundy’s were merely the tipping point of a situation that had already gone well beyond enough is enough.

Ronald Reagan once said that “government is not the solution to the problem…Government IS the problem,” and those words ring as true today, if not more so than they did when first spoken.

According to Idaho Speaker of the House Scott Bedke…forests, wetlands and range lands in his state have fared better and suffered less damage from watersheds and fires than have lands in his state that are under the control of the federal government. There is a good reason for that too. Lands that are managed by the state are lands that are closer to the people who live on or near them than are lands managed by those in Washington DC but there are other reasons too.

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