No Fly No Buy? 100% Unconstitutional

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

It comes as no surprise at all, that in the aftermath of the Orlando Islamic terrorist nf 1attack…all liberals can talk about is taking guns away from law abiding citizens or making it hard, if not impossible in some cases, to even purchase a gun.

THAT, say the liberals, is the best way to defeat terrorism.

Ted Cruz had a slightly different perspective on the situation…

“You don’t defeat terrorism by taking away our guns. You defeat terrorism by using our guns,” – Ted Cruz.

All the liberals need, is an inch in order to take ten thousand miles and they are using the Islamic terrorism murders of 49 innocent civilians to push their insipid agenda.

Here’s how they intend to start…

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FBI Can’t See the Forest for the Tree Huggers



Yes, it’s that time of the year, just before the anniversary of 9/11, when the FBI’s list of domestic terror organizations comes out and lets us ALL know who the REAL trouble makers are.

Naturally, you all remember Ft. Hood and Nidal Hassan who was screaming “ALLAHU AKBAR” as he killed 13 and wounded 30 more. Yes, the same Nidal Hassan who now says he wants to join…ISIS.

Surely YOU all remember what happened at the Boston Marathon in 2013…where the brothers Tsarnaev detonated two bombs, killing three and wounding more than 200 more…all in the name of Allah’s “religion” of peace.

How about the Little Rock Recruiting Station shooting or the NYC subway plot or the Washingtron Metro bomb plot or any number of OTHER plots and attacks carried out by American Jihadis with their Islamic panties in a wadi that stretches all the way back to 1977???


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Friday Fume

So…This week we’re found that Hillary’s NAME is on the documents DENYING stepped up security in Benghazi…There are those in congress trying to EXEMPT congress from OBAMACARE…And FINALLY…Some in congress are starting to question the 1.6 BILLION ROUNDS OF AMMO purchased by the DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND INSECURITY!!!

All of that just scratches the surface of this week’s socialist bottom of the barrel behavior.

Take heart my friends and fellow Patriots…Because today is Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Well, if THIS isn’t the height of HYPOCRISY…I don’t know what is.

Our friends at WSAV channel 3 in Florida tell us that the Marion County School Board, after a 3 year BAN…

Have now brought PADDLING back as a form of punishment for their students!!!

Don’t get me wrong…

Some of those little indoctrinated brats NEED it. Hell…TASE em for all I care but…Here’s what I find…HYPOCRITICAL…

Chew your Pop Tart into the shape of a gun…YOU’RE SUSPENDED!!!

Bring a spork with your lunch…YOU’RE OUTTA HERE!!!


But there it is…Hanging on the wall in the principal’s office and…If you get caught doing something like, oh…I don’t know…PRAYING…

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DHS is Watching YOUR Social Media Posts

GOOD MORNING fellow Patriots, users of social media…Facebook, Twitter etc. Are YOU thinking of posting something today? Maybe tomorrow? The next day? I’ll bet you are.

I am.

I post EVERY day and I’m willing to bet YOU do also.

We have known for some time that we are being watched. Big brother IS out there watching what we do, post, say and reading our comments. If you think this is 2012, you’re dead wrong.

THIS is 1984.

What our administration fails to realize is that “1984” was a BOOK…Not the instruction manual for a government takeover of the people but it HAS become that manual…Hasn’t it?

Here’s the deal Patriots…YOU and I are being watched via social media and its being done under the guise of national security. In fact, it’s the Department of Homeland Security who is monitoring what we’re doing. That’s right…DHS under the thumb of Janet Napolitano is watching our posts tweets and comments.

They have a list of words and key phrases that are RED FLAGS and whenever those words or key phrases show up in social media…DHS takes a closer look.

It’s not as bad as you might think however. If YOU don’t want to be spied on by your own government, all you need do is avoid using those red flag words or key phrases. Simple.

Below are those very words and key phrases released by DHS through a Freedom of Information Act request.

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