The Red Wave Begins

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

So, last Tuesday’s election in Virginia came up roses for We the People and stunk like a pile of manure for liberal Marxists who are now claiming that their crap doesn’t stink.

Virginia’s Governor elect, Glen Youngkin ran primarily on issues that are near and dear to the people of the Commonwealth, and key among those issues was education. His now defeated rival, Terry McAullife said in the run-up to the election that parents should have no say in what their children are taught in schools. Youngkin pounced on that in late September and rode the red wave to an election night victory.

Since that stunning election night, liberal Marxists and their mainstream media propagandists have been running to any open microphone they can find to claim that CRT (Critical Race Theory) is a myth, that it is not part of the Virginia school curriculum and that Youngkin, and his supporters are nothing but a bunch of systemic racists for claiming CRT actually exists.

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Systemic Wokeism

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Liberal Marxists are fond of telling us that our police departments, not just individual departments, but all of them across the country, are systemically racist. It doesn’t matter the skin color of individual cops either, they are all racists according to the liberal Marxist agenda, and therefore, they should all be done away with post haste.

That’s not working. In the effort to “re-imagine” public safety, many deep blue cities have, in fact, defunded their police departments to the point where they simply cannot effectively patrol the streets or investigate crimes, and the result in those cities has been skyrocketing violent and property crime rates.

Liberal Marxists are now grasping onto the absurd ideology of “wokeism,” and if you’re not “woke,” then you’re public enemy number one.

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A Very Bad Week For Liberals

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Last week was a bad week for the stupid liberals…a very bad week…which has resulted in a perverse sense of glee on my part.

I just can’t help it.

As the liberals grow evermore desperate, they have started doing some of the most obtuse things that even a six year old could see as doomed to failure…but as we are all too well aware…your average liberal’s intelligence doesn’t rise to the level of your average six year old.

The real question is…from where do I even begin?

Okay…how about with what’s going on in the state of denial…Virginia?

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The Inescapable Legacy of Democrat Racism

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Let me begin with this perfectly valid fact…nobody alive today in America was ever a slave in America, and nobody alive in America today was ever an American slave owner. Those are inescapable facts.

Also inescapable as fact is that nobody alive in America today had parents who were either slaves in America nor were they slave owners in America and it would be hard, if not impossible to find anybody alive in America today whose grandparents were either slaves in America or American slave owners.

Slavery in America was abolished in 1865…better than 150 years ago…another inescapable fact.

If one really wants to look at the facts surrounding slavery in America, or for that matter…racism in America and be both honest and factual about them…there is yet another inescapable fact with which many in America today must come to grips…

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And the Bronze Binky Goes To…

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Lobotomized liberal lunatics are losing their last limp brain cells over imaginary or fabricated elements of racism, and the resulting meltdown is reaching epic proportions.

Does racism really exist?

Of course it does…but it exists only in the vast MINORITY of Americans, as evidenced by what transpired a couple of weeks ago in Charlottesville Virginia.

For more than five months, various racist organizations, including the Ku Klux Klan and an assortment of white nationalist idiots promoted, and advertised on anti-social media, their own websites and I’m reasonably sure in backwater trailer parks everywhere, that they were holding some sort of a rally in Charlottesville on a specified date, at a specific time.

Still with me so far?

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The Epic Meltdown Continues

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

The epic meltdown continues.ness 1

It used to be that we had to wait for a debate to watch Donald Trump meltdown but now that the debates are over, we are being treated to a daily meltdown by his Trumpness and it shows no signs of letting up anytime soon.

News broke over the weekend that Ted Cruz, it seems, has secured more delegates in Louisiana, despite having finished second there, and due to Cruz’s ability to woo and win over unpledged delegates along with his ability to corral five of the top six delegates regarding Louisiana’s convention rules committee.

When his Trumpness became aware of this fact, on Easter Sunday, he tweeted his mixture of astonishment and anger and threatened a lawsuit over it.

It’s a lawsuit, should he even file it, that he will lose because there is nothing whatsoever illegal about it. It is simply a chess game and Cruz is better at it than is Trump. No changes were made to any rules and Cruz did nothing more than do what any candidate, including Trump should have done. He stayed engaged with the delegates, made his case on policy and substance and won those delegates over.

The same situation is happening in Georgia and now we learn it is happening also in Virginia because, unlike the narcissistic Trump, who thinks it all about him, Cruz knows it’s all about the delegates themselves and Cruz has taken the proper steps to make his case, post primary, while Trump has simply walked away, believing he had those delegates in the bag.

There is also another reason for Trump losing these delegates…

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Like Vultures, Liberals Circle Virginia Murders

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

vir 3It sure didn’t take long did it…for liberals to seize upon a crisis and not let it go to waste.

Yesterday, before the bodies of Alison Parker and Adam Ward had a chance to cool, before their families and friends, her boyfriend and his fiancé had time to even gather their thoughts, well before Vicki Gardner was out of surgery and in a recovery room…liberals of note were squawking about the need for more and more and more anti-gun laws…the calls for more regulation of guns by the government were flying off the liberal agenda’s shelf.

The murderer was still leading the police in a chase…he hadn’t even taken the coward’s final way out yet before giddy liberals started grasping the moment.

It was as sick a display of agenda fever as I have ever seen and it was led by nothing short of ghouls.

First, it was Virginia’s Governor and former head of the DNC Terry McAuliffe, who ran to the nearest cameras to make his pitch.

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Rebel Flag Flap…Let it Fly

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

rf 1Did Nikki Haley really cave to political correctness in now agreeing that the Confederate flag be taken down from the South Carolina statehouse?

And why are Conservatives all bent over that flag being taken down?

There are plenty of people out there turning themselves inside out trying to make a case for leaving that flag flying and they’re using the flag’s design to justify it.

I have seen thousands of comments and posts regarding the Confederate flag over the last week or so and many of them are along these lines…“Neither the design nor the content of the flag has anything to do with racism, slavery, hatred or white supremacy. Nothing.”

That of course, is correct…there IS nothing in the DESIGN of the Confederate flag that denotes racism. But…is the design of the rebel flag all there is to it?

Look…I know about the Confederate flag design…

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Weekend Edition: Our Flag OFFENDS You? TOUGH!!!

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

tnp eagleJust A couple of weeks ago, on March 3rd, the University of California Irvine student government voted. The tally was 6-4-2 in favor of banning the American flag from a lobby on campus all in the name of “cultural inclusivity.”

These students, in an asylum of higher indoctrination claimed it was offensive to illegal aliens.

“The American flag has been flown in instances of colonialism and imperialism. There were people who were like, ‘the flag triggers me’ – that was their exact wording, too.”

The Executive Leadership of that student government body vetoed the ban but that wasn’t the last word on the topic.

According to the Chancellor of U.C. Irvine…Howard Gillma…“Regardless of your opinion on the display of the American flag, we must be united in protecting the people who make this university a premier institution of higher learning.”

And what of those who are paid by taxpayer dollars to indoctrinate tomorrow’s leaders today? What did the professors, steeped in liberal/socialism for generations have to say regarding this matter???

How did the professors at U.C. Irvine respond to those who voted to BAN our American flag from that campus lobby???

Oh my…

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Doin’ the Dictator Limbo

We have been told that elections have consequences.

Indeed they do.

Therefore, they also carry unintended consequences.

Yesterday such an unintended consequence reared it’s conservative head in the state of Virginia.

There, where the state senate was all tied up…20 conservatives – 20 liberals…One senator ducked out for a political moment.

Senator Harry Marsh, giddy at the prospect of another 4 years of the Dictator’s rule, dashed off to DC to sing, dance, spike the football and presumably, imbibe in beverages of an adult nature at the Dictator’s coronation.

Party on Senator.

In his gleeful absence, Virginia conservatives quickly put forth and passed, redistricting.

Based on the consequences of the 2012 election, the new districts will give the Virginia Senate a 26 – 14 majority of CONSERVATIVES.

There will be a great deal of socialists with their collectivism panties in a wad over this but, like the guy who jumps from the stands to streak across the field of play before getting blasted from his feet by an athlete who packs the punch of a freight train, they should have seen this coming.

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