Rick Perry Indicted for Having Integrity

fart 1Everything is bigger in Texas…even the brain farts.

Honestly, I don’t quite know how else to explain what is happening in Texas with the indictment of Governor Rick Perry.

It’s nothing short of a MASSIVE liberal brain fart.

They have indicted Perry for what? A VETO? He vetoed a bill which would have funded the Texas ethics watchdog, the Public Integrity Unit under the “leadership” of one Travis County District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg.

According to the Travis County Texas grand jury, Perry ABUSED his power as the Governor by first THREATENING to use his veto to defund the unit and then…by actually DOING what he SAID he would do.

Here’s the crux of it all…

Travis County DA Rosemary Lehmberg, a liberal elected official was in charge of the INTEGRITY unit when she got pulled over for…DRIVING DRUNK last year. That’s right…the very person who was in charge of making sure that the INTEGRITY of Texas politics was up to par was driving drunk. She got arrested and tossed into the drunk tank to dry out where she, Rosemary Lehmberg, got belligerent with the local law enforcement folks.

She pitched quite the fit because, it seems, Lehmberg didn’t seem to think SHE should be treated just like every OTHER drunk on the road.

SHE, in what little was left of her mind, figured SHE was SPECIAL. Well, here…see for yourself…

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Obama’s Policies Have UNIONS Seeing RED!!

screw 1Okay…from the lips of liberals…

Conservatives are obstructionists. WE are the racists…the jobs killers and the reason the economy sucks out loud. Liberals love to claim that Conservatives comprise the “do nothing congress” and Obama stands there last week in Kansas City chiding US to “come on…come on now, let’s get things done.”

Meanwhile, on the back shelves of Harry Reid’s liberal/socialist controlled senate…

Some 356 bills…PASSED by the House…are collecting dust because Reid himself refuses to bring them to a vote.

OF those 356 bills…

98% were passed with bipartisan support…200 of them were passed unanimously by the ENTIRE house without a single objection from the liberals ensconced there…and more than 100 others were passed with 75% of house DEMOCRATS supporting them.

40 of those bills would directly help lower unemployment and many of them offer assistance to the “more than 3.4 million workers between the ages of 20 and 59″ missing from our labor force.”

There they sit…356 bills, including a border bill passed just last Friday…on Harry Reid’s desk because Reid himself refuses to have them brought up for a vote.

And Lois Lerner thinks that CONSERVATIVES are the ASSHOLES???

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Megalomaniac Putin – Return of the Russian Czar

putin 1After yesterday’s article, “MH-17: Searching for the Truth,” co-written by myself and Diane Sori, a small handful of readers, some with connections to Ukraine, got their panties in a wad and accused us of all manner of things.

Naturally, they have a right to do so but while only one, Michael Hutton, did indeed offer thoughtful discussion, the rest of them offered no viable or even veiled facts to refute anything in that article. They did however, resort to personal attacks in their knee-jerk reactions as they blindly follow their Ukrainian government the way liberals here are velcroed to the ass of Obama.

In examining evidence and pouring through sources, none of which are the sources we were accused of pouring through by the way, both Diane and I presented the possibilities and identified what, according to the available information, looks like the most likely scenario for the downing of MH-17.

Sometimes, the intel doesn’t lead in the direction you would like it to but that will never keep us from exposing where it DOES lead.

But let’s get something clear right off the bat here…

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MH-17…Searching for the Truth

mh 17 1a

Article Co-Written by Diane Sori

On July 17th another Malaysian plane…MH-17… went down but this time it was different. Different than MH-370 in that this one did indeed crash. However, crashing is NOT what makes this different…being shot down out of the sky does.

While early reports have everyone blaming Vladimir Putin or Russia for this take down there are a few things that just do NOT add up.

First, Putin was the one who told Obama that a plane was down and that in and of itself seems an odd thing for someone supposedly involved to have done. What’s even odder is that Obama was fast to accuse Putin of downing the plane before the debris of the plane even had a chance for its fires to die down.

The more we learn…in mere bits and pieces…the more questions are raised. Questions like…was this an actual surface-to-air take down or was this done by an air-to air-missile?

The actual flight path as compared to what should have been the flight path was changed. According to Malmh 17 2aysian air officials, the common route for these planes traveling to Asia would have been about 200 miles south of the flight path this plane was on. Malaysian Air is saying that air traffic control out of Kiev moved MH-17 to a flight path 200 miles north of the one normally used which sent MH-17 directly over the war zone, an alteration probably done while the plane was still in Polish airspace.

Why did they move this plane 200 miles north over the exact area where other military planes had recently been shot down? Part of the problem is that the Kiev government has reportedly seized those records from air traffic control so we might NEVER know.

Another part of the problem is that air traffic control knew damn well this was a civilian airliner and NOT a military plane yet they diverted it over rebel held territory, which raises the question of why would Ukrainian officials send a civilian plane over enemy territory?

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The Obama Doctrine Applied to Israel – EXPLAINED

Most people would be apt to consider any farmer who was trying to milk a BULL to be a complete idiot but to be honest, it rather depends on who the farmer IS and the name of the bull….don’t you think?bull 1a

Let me explain.

Let’s say, for instance, that the farmer is Barack Hussein Obama.

And, for the sake of argument, the BULL’S name is…Hamas.

Liberals…pay attention…this is for you…

Picture in your minds, Barack Hussein Obama sitting on one of those little three legged milking stools with a bucket, he’s got his hands up under that old bull…and he’s just a pullin’ and a pullin’ for what little he’s worth.

I think there’s two things here we should all be in agreement over.

1)      What’s fillin’ that ol’ bucket ain’t nothing you’d want to be pourin’ on your Corn Flakes and…

2)      That ol’ bull’s gonna be mighty appreciative.

There, in a nutshell, is the Obama doctrine as applied to the current situation between Israel and Hamas.

Perhaps a further explanation is needed…

Last week, try as he might, John Kerry was negotiating for some sort of a cease fire between Hamas and Israel on behalf of the Obama regime but exactly what sort of “DEAL” was he trying to make?

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Ukraine is Now Putin’s You Tube Video

MH 1Is what we have with the shooting down of Malaysian flight MH-17 last week is an act of war perpetrated by Eastern Ukraine separatists rebels?

These are people who have seized a portion OF Ukraine, claiming it as their own but, in fact, they are nothing but Putin’s proxy. His regional puppets. Those trying to take Ukraine the way Putin took Crimea.  Those “rebels” are doing FOR Putin what Putin says HE’S not doing at all.

The Ukraine “rebels” would be nothing without Putin, without Russia and they know it, Putin knows it and we know it too.

The mere notion that they would have had he capability or the training or the hardware necessary to bring down ANY aircraft without Putin’s deep assistance in PROVIDING the missiles and the training is pure folly and that they have used that very system several times over the past couple of weeks points directly to their months if not years old partnership with Putin’s army.

The SA-11 system takes at least a full year of training to be used and those rebels have been able to bring down planes for several weeks now.

These are RUSSIANS who want nothing more than to return Ukraine over to Putin and his new Russian Empire at the end of the day.

Vladimir Putin is blaming Ukraine for the deadly attack on that civilian airliner because HE wants the world to believe that HE had nothing to do with the act of war.

To Putin…

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It’s Time for Comprehensive Regime Reform

If you are planning to board a plane anytime soon, for vacation or business, to fly to any U.S. destination, there is something very important youtsa 5 should be aware of and I mean…VERY important.

There is a good chance that there will be passengers on your flight who boarded without any identification whatsoever.

These are people granted immunity from the TSA goon squads at any U.S. airport and their free pass has been authorized by none other than the Obama regime.

While YOU, as an American citizen are NOT allowed to board WITHOUT proper identification…OTHERS are and they are NOT U.S. citizens.

According to NBPC (National Border Protection Council) Local 2455 Spokesman Hector Garza, “The aliens who are getting released on their own recognizance are being allowed to board and travel commercial airliners by simply showing their Notice to Appear forms.”

That’s right ladies and gentlemen, ILLEGAL ALIENS who have set foot in OUR country having NO documentation OR ID are being allowed to board ANY commercial flight to ANYWHERE in the country by simply showing their ‘Notice to Appear’ form at the gate.

We all know that along with Mexican and Central American ILLEGAL INVADERS we have members of Mexican drug cartels pouring across our now non existent borders. We also know that gang members from Mexico and Central American countries are escorting many of the illegal invader unaccompanied children across the border as well.

Folks…we are well aware as well that terrorists, sent from Islamic organizations are in the border crossing mix.

NONE of them are illegally INVADING our nation with ID’s or documentation.

NONE of them and yet, all they must show to board our planes at our airports is show their ‘Notice to Appear’ form. All that means is they have been ordered to appear at a deportation hearing. That’s all. And most of them will simply disperse across our nation, from sea to shining sea and take up a below the radar existence in our cities and towns.

It gets worse…

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Friday Fume

fume 1As I sat down to hammer out this week’s attitude-laced week in review, I really wanted to go off on Hillary’s new book and signing tour but…in the grand scheme of things…635 pages of toilet paper pales in the light of other decidedly liberal/socialist stupidity.

It’s been a tough week to be a liberal and I’m sure they’re getting dizzy from all the spinning they’ve been doing while trying to get out of the hole they keep digging for themselves.

How about we all take a break from pulling our hair out and spend a few minutes giving liberals, socialists and their collective ilk all the credit they deserve?

My friends…It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Just a couple of days ago, there was quite the scene taking place just outside the white house.

It was shortly before 3:00 pm when reporters were starting to file in for their daily dose of regime propaganda when a fellow approached the security gate and told the Secret Service that he had a 3 o’clock appointment with, “Mr. Obama.”

He then showed them some foreign driver’s license whereupon  the palace guard promptly told him he would need a U.S. DRIVERS LICENSE or a PASSPORT.

That’s right… a U.S. DRIVERS LICENSE OR A PASSPORT TO GET INTO THE WHITE HOUSE which comes as quite a shock since the dude that LIVES at the white house…APPARENTLY DOESN’T HAVE EITHER ONE but that’s not the most shocking part of all this…

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Friday Fume

fume 1I know it’s hard, if not impossible to laugh after the week we’ve all had but…trust me…if we don’t, we’re all gonna go screaming into the night.

This regime has traded 5 terrorists, so DISGUSTING that even the United Nations of Thugs, Thieves and Despots have labeled them international war criminals.


Most of the time, they just give them a seat on the HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL but THIS time…THE INTERNATIONAL UNION OF CAMEL HUMPERS deemed them to be turds.

And those are the people Obama traded for a DESERTING TRAITOR!!!

Like I said…sometimes ya just gotta find a way to laugh so…don’t be drinking anything while you’re reading the rest of this because…I am NOT responsible for dousing your computer with your favorite beverage!!!

It’s Friday and…I’m fuming.

Well, isn’t this special…

Hailey Idaho, the home away from his Taliban home for Bowe Bergdahl WAS going to hold a GREAT BIG sloppy wet kiss event for Bowe on June 28th as a Welcome Home celebration.

Not any more.

Hailey Idaho has cancelled the event. Not gonna do it. Nope. Forget about it…ain’t gonna happen.

Don’t be silly…

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Obama’s Aid and Comfort for the Enemy but Not for Vets

VA 1Here we go again.

How many times does this regime think they can rehash the same old, dog-tired, worn out crap and get away with it?

I have a little advice for the Dictator…rewrite the code book…the only people still buying it are those Kool Aid drunk socialists who will believe whatever is spoon fed them by the lapdog media and even some of THEM are beginning to question the validity of the propaganda sewage your spewing.

According to the Dictator’s minion, Denis McDonough who is either one “N” short of Dennis or an “E” short of Denise…Obama is, “madder than hell” over the VA delay scandal and…“At the same time that we’re looking at accountability we want to continue to perform to provide our veterans the services that they have earned. The President will continue to demand that he and all of us who work for him continue to fix these things until they are functioning the way that our veterans, believe they should and the way that, so that they get the, the services and the benefits that they have earned.”

One can be sure there will be a puppy treat for any lapdog who runs with that hackneyed false Frisbee of sincerity and a steak bone for Denise or…Dennis or…Whatever his name is.

We’ve heard it all before, just before the deck chairs on the sinking Titanic get rearranged. The Dictator is mad. Mad as heck…”MADDER THAN HELL” over a breaking scandal. He vows, promises and declares that he will get to the bottom of it, whatever it is this week and he will bring to justice those responsible.

Excuse me but…

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