Unconstitutional Fiscal Cliff Deals for Socialist Dummies

How will the new UNCONSTITUTIONAL fiscal cliff tax deal effect our economy?

I’ll get back to that but first…

Let me count the ways.

First of all, the new legislation sets the standard for “rich” at $400k for an individual or $450k for a family rather than the $250k originally desired by the Emperor.

This will leave some small business in the NON rich category but not ALL small businesses.

Those small businesses which exceed the “rich” limit will have some options available to them. They can simply put the breaks on any planned growth of their business which will be the case for those approaching the limit or, they can downsize if they are just barely OVER the limit.

What will be the MOST likely scenario will be businesses raising the cost of goods or services to compensate for their increased tax bill.

THAT, of course means, those who BUY those goods or services will have THEIR taxes raised by proxy.

Then there is the fact that EVERYBODY…not just the “rich” will see a tax increase.

That’s right…Part of the new fiscal cliff tax deal is that everybody…EVERYBODY will see their PAYROLL taxes go UP which means EVERYBODY will have LESS take home pay.

Nice huh?

All that talk from the Emperor during his campaign about making sure that the middle class would NOT have their taxes raised?

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Obamacare IS a Fundamental Transformation Tax

Obamacare is THE largest TAX INCREASE, the most deceitfully CONTRIVED and UNSCRUPULOUSLY passed bill in American history!!!

As a law, Chief Justice Roberts was absolutely CORRECT in finding it CONSTITUTIONAL as a TAX law and THAT is as FAR as I believe he could possibly go in his ruling. The Supreme Court had no choice but to hear arguments and adjudicate upon the MERITS of the law itself and in that light, Chief Justice Roberts was 100% correct or…Was he?

Here’s a MAJOR problem though…According to the Anti Injunction Act from March 2nd, 1867…NO TAX LAW CAN BE ADJUDICATED UNTIL AFTER IT TAKES EFFECT and in the case of Obamacare, the Supreme Court should NOT have ruled on it in whole…AS A TAX LAW…until after 2018 but that would require yet ANOTHER round in 2 years at the High Court.

Now then, what neither he nor any of the Supreme Court could do, considering the nature of the action by which it was BROUGHT to the Highest Court, was adjudicate it upon the MANNER in which it was passed. I suggest that had THAT aspect been the focus of the case, the outcome may well have been QUITE different.

Roberts and the Court found it to be a TAX law and CONSTITUTIONAL because it’s a TAX law.

Oh…Obama TOLD us it WASN’T a tax and that nobody in the middle class would see THEIR taxes go up…”Not one single dime.” But…And I know this will come as a GREAT shock…Obama was lying. He wasn’t misspoken. He wasn’t misquoted. He wasn’t taken out of context. He wasn’t misunderstood or any of the rest of the lame excuses so often used by politicians.

It’s NOT conservative spin, right wing propaganda, parsing of words, misrepresentation by the right, racist, scare tactics or any of the other things the liberal/socialists are want to use as dismissive talking points or labels either.

Obama was flat out, bald faced, down and dirty, through is teeth, without blinking an eye and without a second thought…


And one can EASILY believe he was LYING because HE, and a handful of others, KNEW that the ONLY way to obtain passage of Obamacare, was to proceed Unconstitutionally and WITHOUT a SHRED of ethics nor rules adhered to.

Here is how it went down and WHY it SHOULD be regarded as UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

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Obama’s “Fundamental Transformation” to Imperial Rule

America is poised to the razor’s edge of an abyss the depths of which have no measure. Make no mistake, this is a fact.

We currently have a “president” who stands at that deadly precipice and orders the nation…”FORWARD.”

If what Obama did last Friday, with his immigration decree doesn’t wake you up, you are forever lost.

Allow me to be as clear and succinct as is humanly possible.

In November, there will be 2 names on the presidential ballot.



That’s it. That’s it no matter who would rather have someone else’s name there instead of Romney. I am one of them as of the field which ran, I would have much preferred Newt Gingrich. No matter what thread of hope onto which I hang, there will be no brokered convention. Newt will not be the nominee.

The exact same is a fact for the followers of Ron Paul. The supporters of Sarah Palin, Allen West, Perry, Cain, Santorum, Pawlenty, Bachmann and on and on.

It is just as true for those who support candidates who have never been heard of by people outside of their circle of friends. John Dummett Jr. comes to mind…A candidate with no name recognition whatsoever outside a small yet determined band of social media advocates.

None will be the nominee to face Obama but Mitt Romney.

That is a fact and those who don’t believe it had better start.

In November, on the presidential ballot will be 2 names. Obama and Romney.

Those who would cast a write in vote for someone other than Romney and then stand their ground and state that they voted for liberty are fools.

That too is a fact.

Every vote NOT cast for Romney in November IS a vote for Obama in that each such vote is a vote not in the Romney tally and THAT allows Obama to gain a crucial step ahead of the only other name on that ballot.

One need look no further back than Ross Perot.

Perot siphoned off enough votes from Bush 41 to keep Bush from defeating Clinton. Perot was just 1…JUST 1… “other candidate and this year, in the most important election since 1860, there are too many “other” candidates to count.

Each “other” candidate…All those different write ins, will garner, maybe, 1 or 2% of the vote IF they’re lucky. 10 “other candidates would split 10%-20% of the vote.

That is exactly the same as spotting Obama, 10%-20% in a race that has THE most dire consequences in HISTORY.

Those who would vote a write in and declare that they voted for liberty might just as well buy the bullets for the firing squad facing them and proudly declaring that they cleaned the rifles for them.

Here it is, straight forward and with no apologies.

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The Truth Behind Obama’s Immigration Decree

Well, as of yesterday morning, we have a clear and concise picture of the Obama jobs plan.

It’s stunning.

The Emperor’s plan is to drop nearly 1 million illegal aliens into the United States workforce.

Given the fact that unemployment is at 8.2 percent and the number of those dropping out of the workforce or those who are way under employed is significantly higher than the “official” figure, the Emperor has, in his unlimited and pandering wisdom, decided the best thing he could possibly do, is dump 1 million illegal aliens into that workforce.


It depends on who you ask.

Ask Obama and he will tell you because “It’s the right thing to do. It’s the right thing for America.”

If that’s not galling enough, he goes on to say that “We are a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants.”

Allow me to decode that for you.

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Coming Soon to a Supreme Court Near You – Obamacare

In less than 2 weeks, we will know whether or not the Supreme Court will hear the case against Obamacare. As it now stands, more than half the states are engaged in that action and it is widely believed that the fate of Obamacare will rest in the hands of the Court.

Before we get to that, a refresher in the issues at hand might be a good thing.

At the heart of the lawsuits regarding Obamacare is the “individual mandate.” That is, of course, the part of Obamacare which makes it mandatory for people to purchase their healthcare from a government approved…government…healthcare provider.

For those who don’t, a fine disguised as a tax will be levied against them at a rate of $750.00 or 2% of income.

I say “disguised” because this is neither an income nor an excise tax – but a punishment or a means of enforcement and while Obama and his administration can call it whatever they want to call it; the fact remains, it is a punishment…Not a tax. Proof of this lies in the fact that the tax…er…Mandate is $750.00 or 2% of income…Whichever constitutes the higher amount.

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Obamacare Puts YOUR Privacy at Risk

Yesterday, I wrote an article regarding the need to stop Obamacare – not just through the court system but by repeal. The Obama administration has passed on the opportunity to delay things in an Alabama court which will take the Obamacare case directly to the Supreme Court with a decision expected early next summer.

I stated that even LOSING in court, Obama would know his precious socialized healthcare program wouldn’t be dead…just on life support. That is why conservatives MUST take the Senate in 2012 so that repeal will finally pull the plug.

Okay, a friend, a liberal friend, shot off an email and of course, his viewpoint is a great deal different than mine.

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