You’re Not Oppressed…You’re an Idiot

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Are you feeling oppressed?mat-1

There’s a pretty good chance that if, when you went to bed last night, the primary thing on your mind was that you’re black…and when you woke up this morning, the first thing you thought of was that you’re black…

You think you’re oppressed.

Let’s be honest here…you’re not oppressed…

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Beware the False Diversionary Tactic

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

azee 1I have looked and looked…I just can’t seem to be able to find the clause, the section or the wording anywhere in our 2nd Amendment that states…

“One cannot own or bear arms if they are collecting social security and have someone else managing their money.”

But that is what Obama the Insipid is now touting and something that has we Conservatives all tied up in knots. So…why then IS he making THIS his LATEST attempt to render the 2nd Amendment null and void?

Simple…I believe he knows this is insane…I believe he knows he can’t get away with it and further more…I believe he has no intention OF making this a reality. Instead…I believe he’s using this as yet another distraction FROM reality.

What reality?

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Liberal Gun Policies Just Killed 12 More People

In the wake of yesterday’s horrific events in Washington DC, we have learned one thing.

We have learned that liberals haven’t learned one damn thing.

What happened on November 5th, 2009 at Ft. Hood happened again yesterday at the Navy Yard in our Nation’s  Capitol.

Before the shooter was dead and before the smell of gun powder had cleared from Building 197, liberals, those elected, those who sell socialist snake oil via the MSM and celebrities who think they are so important that they MUST open THEIR pie holes were once again, beating the GUN CONTROL war drums.

They need to shut the hell up.

I have a couple of questions to pose to those knot-heads.

WHY do they think Hasan opened fire at Ft. Hood?

WHY do they think that freak opened fire at Sandy Hook?

WHY do they think Aaron Alexis opened fire yesterday at the DC Navy Yard?

I’ll happily tell them why…

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