We knew it all along.

We did, and now, we have the proof of it from none other than Obama’s point man on the need to attack…commit an act of war…against Syria.

We said this was nothing but a distraction and John Kerry, in a terse exchange yesterday before the house committee, has offered proof positive.

Obama is desperate…DESPERATE…to run and hide from Benghazi and his role in the murders of 4 Americans there 1 year ago.

The Nobel Peace Prize winner is SO desperate that he is now willing to commit an act of war and worse, against a country that poses no threat to the United States to divert attention away from what he knows to be acts of treason in Benghazi.

Yesterday, congressman Jeff Duncan, a conservative from South Carolina, posed this to John Kerry:

“I cannot discuss the possibility of the U.S. involvement in the Syrian civil war without talking about Benghazi.”

Congressman Duncan was nowhere near finished either.

He then went on to state, in no uncertain manner…

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Friday Fume

Well…Another week of EPIC socialist stupidity in the can.

We live in difficult times of warped socialist sensibilities and free-falling morals. It would be too much to handle if we couldn’t find a way to laugh at it from time to time.

At the end of every week, I meet absurdity with absurdity…HEAD ON and this week is no exception.


Today is Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Look…You didn’t need to grow up in farm country to recognize the utter stupidity of the latest move by the Dictator’s Palace Guards.

As we all know, the Dictator was in Northern Ireland for a few days and staying in some posh lakeside resort.


Apparently, surrounding the resort, one would find farm fields.


So…The “SECRET” Service decided to pose as…FARMERS to patrol those fields and NOT be noticed or…Stand out regardless of HOW outstanding they are in their field.


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Dear Leader vs Dear Leader From Behind

Tensions in the Korean peninsula are rising quickly.

In the north, THEIR Dictator is doing far more than rattling his sabre. He…Kim Jong Un-stable has declared that a state of war exists between the north and South Korea.

OUR Dictator is puffing out his chest, unwilling to call the nuclear armed enemy of our allies an enemy.

North Korea is a horrible place. There, one will find gulags filled with whole families deemed enemies of the state. There one will find mass poverty, starvation and a “government” hell bent on holding their people down.

No internet. No cell phones. No contact whatsoever with the outside world.

Education in North Korea has all but been outlawed and what there is of it is nothing more than propaganda force fed to the young to bolster their absurd claims that the rest of the world is a far, far worse place then the misery they experience every day.

Kim Jong Un-stable is genetically insane.

No amount of diplomacy can alter that fact and no amount of diplomacy or medication will ever keep him sedated. Those who suggest otherwise are, themselves, delusional. Diplomacy can only reach peaceful solutions between those who share a common desire for peace.

Now, Un-stable has rockets aimed at South Korea and at U.S. military bases in the pacific region. He has made public his intentions, whether achievable or not, of attacking the United States.

And what has OUR Dictator done?

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The Department of Homeland Security tells their border agents to run and hide if gunfire breaks out.

According to Brandon Judd, Tucson Local 2544/National Border Patrol Council, “We are now taught in an ‘Active Shooter’ course that if we encounter a shooter in a public place we are to ‘run away’ and ‘hide.’ If we are cornered by such a shooter we are to (only as a last resort) become ‘aggressive’ and ‘throw things’ at him or her. We are then advised to ‘call law enforcement’ and wait for their arrival (presumably, while more innocent victims are slaughtered).”

Okay…Got that?

They are to run and hide and as a LAST resort…THROW things at the shooter.

Remember that as you read on as it WILL become even MORE disturbing…Shortly.


We have DHS telling US that in case of an office intruder we should…

Grab up a pair of scissors or hide under our desks.

Now then…Just as I asked you to keep in mind the border agent’s instructions…Also…Keep THIS in mind.

I do hope you’re sitting down.

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My Name is Holocaust

For their own good, I made sure their weapons were taken away.

I relegated them to the status of 3rd class citizens while I rallied the people to my issues.

I told them we would dominate and that the government would protect them.

For their own safety, I rounded them up. I took them from their homes and from their work and I sent them to places where we could guarantee they would be kept from harm.

When they arrived at their destinations, I took their belongings and removed their individual identities. I shaved their heads and humiliated them. I took their clothes and I separated them from their families.

Those who were weak or old or too young were sent to one side while those, able bodied, were sent to work.

The able bodied never saw the old and weak or their children again.

I enslaved them.

I starved them.

The goal was to wipe them out. To rid the world of their kind. To do the rest of mankind a favor. That was the goal.

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Netanyahu Draws the Red Line!!!

Today, we saw leadership.

True leadership.

We witnessed leadership from the FRONT rather than from behind.

Today, at the United Nations, we saw Netanyahu.

The man I have referred to as the world’s last great statesman took the podium and gave the world a stern talking to, a lesson in history and, the man with whom Obama has refused to meet with face to face did what Obama has steadfastly refused to do.

HE drew a clear red line against the development of Iran’s nuclear weapons.

Over the last several days, Iranian leaders have threatened a preemptive strike against Israel if they feel threatened BY Israel and Obama, not wanting an armed conflict before the November election has strongly told Israel to wait regarding any attack.

Obama believes the absurd, that there is “Time and space for diplomacy” to work against Iran.

Netanyahu has asked the intelligent questions.

“Wait? Wait for what? Wait until when?”

Questions Obama refuses to answer.

In a letter to the People of Israel yesterday, Prime Minister Netanyahu said:

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Truth, the WHOLE Truth and NOTHING the U.N. Wants to Hear

Ladies and gentlemen, friends, allies, despots and dictators,

I am not politically correct. I am, instead, politically DI-rect. What I have come here to tell you today, will not sit well with some of you.

I don’t care.

There are, no doubt, some who would LIKE to say what I’m GOING to say but, decorum halts them.

Too bad.

I am here to tell you the truth and if the truth offends you, you need offending.

The world is on fire and do you want to know why? It’s because there are far, FAR too few in this assembly who purport to promote freedom who do quite the opposite.

Freedom is gained through and upheld by strength and not attained as the result of terrorist actions or appeasement TO terrorists.. Terrorism is the tool of cowards and curs and those who employ it mistake fear for respect.

In Syria, Assad, a murderous scourge against humanity, is killing his own people by the tens of thousands. Too much a coward to allow his own people to live in freedom and too damned stupid to recognize the recent lessons of history.

Mubarak is ill and imprisoned.

Saddam was pulled from a hole in the ground, tried and met his end dangling from a rope.

He was lucky when compared to Gaddafi whose sodomized remains were displayed in a grocery store meat cooler for the world to see.

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Obama Campaigns To the World’s Thugs


It’s that time of year again.

The time of year when the world’s despots gather at the den of thieves and have their say while the world watches.

Wednesday, on Yom Kippur, Ahmadinejad will address the Assembly.

At a time when, supposedly, a movie that nobody has seen has inflamed those who ascribe to an ideology, an organization dedicated to the protection of political correctness over the protection of freedom is allowing a worm who has called for Israel to be wiped from the map will allow that worm to verbally assault Israel on Israel’s most holy day.

Absurdity breeds absurdity and within the United Nations, it’s a matter of inbreeding.

When the cur of the Middle East rises to the pulpit, the delegation from Israel will stand and leave. So too will the U.S. delegation.

There are two different reasons for letting their feet speak volumes.

For Israel…It’s a statement of objection not only to the cur but to the organization which owns the pulpit.

For our delegation, under the Obama administration, it’s to save face on the stage.

Among the world’s other wincing excuses for leadership, Obama was there.

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It’s time to connect the dots and look at the bigger picture.

This is stunningly despicable.

Last week, in The National Patriot, I took on Obama’s comments in his appearance with Letterman in an article titled, “A Potato Will NOT Get Us All Killed.”

I focused on a single comment which I found both appalling and a complete failure of foreign policy.

The message we have to send to the Muslim world is we expect you to work with us to keep our people safe.”

We had just discovered, in a Fox New exclusive, that a former GITMO detainee, Abu Sufian Ibrahim Ahmed Hamuda bin Qumu, may well have been the mastermind of the Benghazi terrorist attack which took the lives of 4 Americans at our Consulate.

NOW…we learn that the Obama administration is planning on releasing  55  GITMO detainees.


Because it worked so well when we released Abu Sufian Ibrahim Ahmed Hamuda bin Qumu  back in 2007???

So far, 51 NATO troops, including Americans, have been killed by those we’ve been “training” to take over “security” in Afghanistan so…why NOT release MORE captured terrorists, like Abu Sufian Ibrahim Ahmed Hamuda bin Qumu, and hope for the best??

Maybe we’ve become SO good at KILLING terrorists in the field that they’re running low and it’s now up to US to restock their supply???

As insane as the idea of releasing 55 GITMO terrorists, ONE OF WHICH OS BIN LADEN’S BODY GUARD,  just 2 weeks AFTER one released in 2007 masterminded the attack in Benghazi, this is NOT the truly despicable part of our connect the dots moment.

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Weekend Edition: More PR Than Money Can Buy

We can’t be policing the whole world.

How many times have you heard that?

It’s a false statement and I suspect even those who employ it, know it.

It’s not about policing, it’s about leading and the two are far different things. Now, perhaps more than ever before, the world needs a leader.

Obama doesn’t think so and neither do his followers.

Ron Paul doesn’t think so either and, of course, neither do HIS followers.

They are wrong. Dead wrong. And if we’re not careful, we’ll all be dead because they’re wrong.

Since the beginning of this nation, we have been that leader. In the war of independence, we defeated the world’s most powerful military force. Was it a fluke? Clearly, they thought so across the pond and so, they tested us again in the war of 1812.

We defeated them again.

Some thought that the war between the states would be our end. It wasn’t. In fact, it made us stronger.

Yes, there have been times when we stumbled…Korea…we stumbled. Vietnam? Yes, we stumbled.

Those were wars, on the world stage, battles.

While stumbling in the battles, on the world stage, we were still the leaders. The cold war loomed through both those conflicts and those who thought maybe we had lost our resolve found that, under Kennedy, we had certainly not.

While Nixon stumbled at home, on the world stage, he opened doors. Because we were the world’s strength, China and the Soviet Union, the world’s other two powers, began at least, to talk to us.

Reagan, through firm and unwavering resolve, won the cold war without firing a shot.

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