The TRUTH Shall Set Us Free

The great and mighty, all knowing above the law and beyond religion Emperor needs a “Truth Team.” Dear Leader and his minions have announced 3 websites where his version of the truth can be spread. To understand how this works, one must first define the liberal/socialist “truth.”

Truth (trooth) Noun

1)      A lie told often enough. 2) A lie told loudly, often over the top of someone elses vocalizations. 3) A lie spread by means of like-thinking media outlets. 4) Disinformation believed by those with access to facts to be grossly incorrect. 5) Whatever the Liberal/Socialist Emperor says it is.

The Emperor’s “ was the first of the 3 to be brought online. That site is dedicated to a “big brother” sort of approach. On “” the Emperor’s supporters can turn in their neighbors, various websites, billboards, media reports, advertisements and the like which dare to utter, publish, print or broadcast anything against the Emperor’s ideology or, gasp, against the Emperor himself.

“” has been in effect for several months and has been constantly bombarded by conservatives turning themselves in. The National Patriot did just that on the very first day “Attack Watch” went live.

“Keeping GOP” is the second of the 3 sites which provides a means by which liberal/socialists can provide damaging information, fact or rumor or just flat out myth, regarding the Emperor’s rivals.

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