Little Lyin’ Donny’s Liberal Distraction Tactic Noted, and Exposed

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

Obviously, Little Lyin’ Donny needed a distraction from his shortcomings…both on the lld 1campaign trail and from his baffoonish, knot-headed foreign policy statements.

Trump was on the verge of having his Chinese made hat handed to him in Utah, which Cruz won on Tuesday night with 69% of the vote and Little Lyin’ Donny, on Monday night, made what now has to be THE dumbest foreign policy statement ever uttered on a campaign trail when he advocated shaking down NATO for money or pulling out of the compact altogether.

Then, Tuesday morning happened and Islamic pigs attacked the home city OF NATO with bombings at the airport and a metro station killing more than 30 and wounding more than 300 innocent civilians.

So…Little Lyin’ Donny did what all liberals do…he launched a distraction by tweeting out a threat regarding Ted Cruz’s wife, Heidi.

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Snakes, Weasels and Wise Guys

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

One of the most oft repeated things I hear from Trumpoholics is that their candidate will sww 1clean up the lobbyist corruption in Washington because he, Trump, can’t be bought.

I find it quite interesting that someone who has literally financed the corruption in Washington for decades is the one the Trumpoholics say can end it. In fact, Trumpoholics also often spout off regarding their opinion that Ted Cruz is part of the Washington establishment which would put Cruz in league with the ilk of Mitch McConnell and John McCain and the Trumpoholics pin their blind following to the guy they say is the anti-establishment candidate.

Oh really?

The fact is, Donald Trump has, as recently as 2014, financed the establishment ilk of McConnell and McCain in the attempt to end the Tea Party.

While the Trumpoholics condemn the establishment and the corruption of bought and paid for politicians in Washington…they, for some unfathomable reason, blindly follow a candidate who has personally bought and paid for political favors from Washington’s political cartel as well as financed attempts to squash the very movement designed to rid the Washington’s cartel like hold over We the People.

But let me get back to the lobbyist thing…

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