Biden v. Reade – Hold the High Ground

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

Joe Biden.

Let’s set the gaffes and the now all too obvious dementia aside for the time being and focus on what has become a glaring problem for both him, and the democrat party.

Joe Biden has been accused of sexual assault by Tara Reade.

According to Reade, that assault took place back in 1993 when she was a staffer for then Senator Joe Biden. The accusation is that Biden kissed her…touched her inappropriately, and even penetrated her with his fingers…all without her consent.

There are some parallels here with the Christine Blasey Ford accusations against now Justice Brett Kavanaugh that must be addressed.

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Right Issues…Wrong Suspects

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Donald Trump Jr. is, apparently, the very first person connected to a presidential campaign, in the history of historic things, to take a meeting with someone who is purported to have information of some interest on the opposition candidate.

Never mind that Ted Kennedy, while making his own run at the White House, took a meeting with the KGB in an effort to get the goods on Ronald Reagan.

It’s not the same thing, and you know it.

This was Donald Trump Jr. taking a meeting with a Russian attorney…Natalia Buyadamnvowelortwowhydon’tya…whom he was led to believe had some dirt on Hillary Clinton. See…completely different from Ted Kennedy meeting with the KGB to gather dirt on Reagan. Completely different…not even close to the same thing.

It’s like comparing apples to… Continue reading

Weekend Edition: Calling a Spade a Spade

So…They DIDN’T release 500 ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIMINALS onto the streets and into the cities?

They being, the Dictator’s administration.

They Didn’t release 500 Illegal Alien criminals. Well…THAT’S good…wait…what???

It wasn’t 500…IT WAS 2000???????

Yes…2000, maybe a few more…ILLEGAL ALIEN…CRIMINALS…were released by this administration onto our streets and into our cities.

Because of a “sequestration” that hadn’t even happened yet.

They were turned loose before…BEFORE..sequestration became reality but, it’s okay…They have to report in…They’re being “monitored” and when they have another court date…THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO JUST WALK RIGHT BACK INTO THE COURTROOM AND PRESENT THEMSELVES.


We KNOW whose dumber than a box of rocks idea “sequestration” was. Woodward cleared THAT up. “Sequestration” is OBAMA’S lame-assed idea. Yes, Republicans and socialists all agreed TO it BUT, the idea itself came directly from the OVAL OFFICE and guess who signed it last?

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A Tsunami in a Sea of Lies

FromGuantanamo bay to be closed within a year” to “You Didn’t Build that.” The Dictator, Obama, has lied as often as Biden has gaffed.

It’s been an amazing 4 years of bald face lying to those who elected him and to those who didn’t.

The clear difference is, those of us who declined to anoint the Dictator KNOW he’s lying and those who DID…KNOW it but simply don’t care.

What follows is but a partial list of whoppers from the Lyin’ King.

“I Won’t Raise taxes on those making less than 250,000 per year.”

77% of Americans are not happy with that lie.

“The Unemployment rate will be 8.5% without stimulus.”

What the Dictator apparently FAILED to tell us was that WITH the stimulus…Unemployment would rise to more than 10%.

“I’ll Cut The Deficit in Half by end of first term.”

As our annual deficit has doubled, I’m not sure if this is 1 lie or more than 4 TRILLION lies.

I am immediately instituting PayGo “Pay as you go.”

Sooo…You DON’T need another debt ceiling raise after all???

“We shouldn’t Mandate the purchase of health care.”

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Romney’s MUST Give Speech

It’s time for Mitt Romney to start telling it like it is. Like it really is. It’s high time he took off the nice guy gloves and started laying it on the line with respect to our economy.

What follows is the speech he needs to start delivering.


My name is Mitt Romney and I’m running for President.

Next month, our party will hold a convention and, I expect to receive the Republican nomination at that convention but, there are some things you need to know and waiting until after the convention might be too late.

My opponent, Obama, is running about telling stories. He’s on the attack. Okay. We, my staff and I, expected that. I would hazard to guess that some of you expected it too.

His plan is to attack…ME. Early in our republican primary race, his campaign issued the order…”Kill Romney.”

Now, I’m not just speaking to those in my own party when I ask this question: Is that what a president, immersed in the worst economy we’ve seen in many, many decades and a skyrocketing debt should be doing? To those who voted FOR Obama in 2008…Is that what you elected him to do?

Please, correct me if I’m wrong but…Didn’t you elect Obama to change things? Change them for the better? Didn’t you elect him to fix the economy? Didn’t you elect him to cut the debt in half? Didn’t you elect Obama to bring transparency to the government? To mend the divide between parties?

How’s that working out for you?

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Did Cornered Obama Launch a Preemptive Strike?

Over the last several days, we have seen an uptick in the rhetoric from the Obama campaign and it’s all personal attacks against Mitt Romney.


We fully expected that during this campaign and, we fully expect it not only to continue but, to get worse.

Lots worse.

We know Obama can’t run on his record and we know he’ll try to swing the topic away from things like jobs, unemployment, the debt, the economy, raising taxes and just about any part of his record or administration one cares to mention.

But what has transpired in the past few days may well be being mischaracterized by almost everybody in the press and the blogosphere.

What we are hearing most often are words and phrases like…”Jumped the shark” and “desperation.

Here’s what is leading to what could well be the biggest missed foreshadowing in recent history.

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