For their own good, I made sure their weapons were taken away.
I relegated them to the status of 3rd class citizens while I rallied the people to my issues.
I told them we would dominate and that the government would protect them.
For their own safety, I rounded them up. I took them from their homes and from their work and I sent them to places where we could guarantee they would be kept from harm.
When they arrived at their destinations, I took their belongings and removed their individual identities. I shaved their heads and humiliated them. I took their clothes and I separated them from their families.
Those who were weak or old or too young were sent to one side while those, able bodied, were sent to work.
The able bodied never saw the old and weak or their children again.
I enslaved them.
I starved them.
The goal was to wipe them out. To rid the world of their kind. To do the rest of mankind a favor. That was the goal.