Commie Kamala’s Campaign is Crumbling

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

Now, with less than two months to go before election day, or during election months depending on what blue state in which you dwell, it seems that the honeymoon period for Kamala Harris has come to an end.

Oh sure, the propagandists of the mainstream media are still trying to prop her up, just as they tried to prop up Joe Biden before they were told to no longer bother, but things just aren’t looking real good now for the candidate who was handed her party’s nomination without ever winning so much as a single vote.

Harris has been the Marist party’s nominee for more than 50 days, and she has yet to hold a press conference, she has yet to post her policy positions on her campaign website, and she has yet to do a single interview. Oh, sure…she did that thing on CNN a couple of weeks ago, but let’s just be honest here. If it’s not live, but taped and edited, it’s not an interview…it’s a production level infomercial.

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The Secret Service Strikes Again

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

So, on the heels of the absolute failure of the U.S. Secret Service in Butler, Pennsylvania, where President Trump was shot in the ear, we now know that the situation, or culture at the U.S. Secret Service has hit rock bottom.

Just a week ago, we found out that while in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, in Berkshire County, the U.S. Secret Service was providing “security” for Kamala Harris at the “Border Czar’s” rally. A local salon owner, Alicia Powers says that the Secret Service literally BROKE INTO her place of business.

Powers says that rather than dealing with the hassle of trying to run her business that day, what with all the so-called “security” measures up and down the street, and the Kamala Harris event taking place right across the street from her shop, she decided it was best to just close the salon for the day and re-open the next. That makes sense. It would have been a fair bet that most people in the area, close to the event, were either going to, or coming from it, trying to negotiate their way through the mess that always accompanies such an event, and had little time, or inclination to have their hair done.

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Make America Weird Again

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

Remember when, in the run-up to the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton called Republicans, and Trump supporters “a basket of deplorables?” While in the moment, it sure got a lot of coverage from the liberal media, but it quickly backfired when Republicans and Trump supporters suddenly embraced what Hillary meant as a slur.

All of a sudden, “Deplorables” social media groups were everywhere, “Deplorables” bumper stickers were on cars, and right side of the aisle voters were laughing at it and wearing it as a badge of honor.

We have known for years that the liberal media gets “talking point” memos from their liberal handlers on a daily basis, and they run with them. While the liberal media has denied going off of such talking points, all one has to do is scan through the propaganda outlets, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and MSNBC and you will find that regardless of the channel, they are all using the exact same words, or adjectives throughout any given 24/7 news cycle. From one propagandist outlet to the next, they might alter the delivery in bits and pieces, but the key words, the key phrases are identical outlet to outlet.

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