More Lipstick for the Islamic Pig

mus 1Liberals and socialists, as we all know, get their little panties in a wad anytime religion enters our schools.

Say “Under God” in the pledge and liberals get an instant wedgie. Point to the sky after scoring a touchdown in a high school game and liberals have kittens. Say a prayer, read a bible during open reading time, mention the Almighty during a graduation…liberals and socialists are fit to be tied, lawsuits are filed, the Uncivil Liberties Union goes on a rampage and the whole world must stop until the situation is resolved.

Hell, they have been known to take their wadded panty cases all the way to the Supreme Court.


Let ISLAM drift into the curriculum and all you hear from the left side of the aisle is…crickets.

Liberals and socialists, those running nearly all government centers of indoctrination will bend over backwards to tell you that ISLAM is the RELIGION of peace. They well run about screeching like a turpentined cat telling you that RELIGION is VERBOTEN in our schools and then…liberals and socialists will CRAM their “RELIGION” of peace down the throats of your children AT SCHOOL.

Just look at what is transpiring right now in Jenison, Michigan at a government center of youth indoctrination…

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Weekend Edition: Benghazi, the Truth and Men of Honor

par 1Among the many REAL issues that we, as Conservatives, Tea Publicans and Republicans must put front and center for the 2014 midterm elections, right along with Obamacare, the IRS targeting, the NSA spying, our economy and the most disastrous foreign policy Benghazi.

The interview Bret Baier of Fox News did with three of the CIA ops who were ON THE GROUND…IN BENGHAZI that night, September 11th, 2012, was THE most telling of any interview done so far.

Critics will gnash their teeth…claiming that all they’re trying to do is sell a book. Yes, there is a book, “13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened in Benghazi” written by Mitchell Zuckoff along with the security team from Benghazi but these three…Kris (“Tanto”) Paronto,  Mark (“Oz”) Geist, and John (“Tig”) Tiegen have a lot more to lose than to gain by speaking up.

Under this Obama regime, they’re through. They’re done in the intel community because the truth of what happened there doesn’t match the Obama fabrication of those events.

Not even close.

According to Baier’s interview, those three men, on the CIA security detail in Bengahzi were ready, geared up, armed, ready and calling for close air support to go to the compound, just a mile away, within five minutes of the start of the attack.

Not only did that close air support never come but…Tiegen, Paronto and Geist were told to wait.

That’s right…

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MORE Blood on the IMAM’S Hands

lies 1Last week, in an article co-written by myself and my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS radio partner, Diane Sori…’Obama’s Caliphate…The Truth Exposed’ I wrote the following:

“Last week, Obama was blaming the ‘surprise’ that is ISIS on a lack of accurate information from our intel community. “There is no doubt that their advance, their movement, over the last several months has been more rapid than the intelligence estimates, and I think then the expectation of policy makers both in and outside of Iraq.” Are we really to believe that the Director of the CIA, John Brennan, a muslim convert himself, didn’t know what ISIS was up to…oh please…”

“The Obama doctrine…creating vacuums of power in the Middle East and North Africa…is giving way to the strategic plan of ceding regional power to ISIS in an effort to do away with Israel and complete a caliphate the size and strength of which has never been seen before. And like a garden variety islamist, Obama has moved on from his support of the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda to throw in with ISIS…always bowing to the barbarians who carry the biggest sword.”

And I continued…

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Friday Fume

fume 1It’s been quite the week in the land of liberal loons and at the end of every week, we try to tie it all up in one snarky package…WITH AN ATTITUDE!!!

Let’s not dally and dive right in.

Patriots and Friends…It’s FRIDAY and you KNOW what THAT means…

I’m fuming.

Remember when we told you, years ago, that Obama violated the law by placing the Fast and Furious documents he didn’t want Eric Holder to turn over to the House committee under lock and Executive Privilege key?

Sorry liberals…WE WERE RIGHT!!!

Yesterday, a FEDERAL JUDGE…one U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson to be exact…set the fast and furiously approaching date of OCT 1ST as the date by which Eric WITHHOLDER must…drum roll please…TURN OVER ALL THOSE DOCUMENTS TO DARRELL ISSA AND THE HOUSE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE!!!

Does anyone but me smell an impending hard drive crash in the offing?

Now I KNOW that Holder just told the assembled mob in Ferguson that he TOO was a black man but…I do declare…he looks as white as sheet right now.

What’s the matter Holder? Did you just see the ghost of Brian Terry???

By October 1st, Holder has been ordered by the judge to turn over all unprivileged documents AND…all PRIVILEGED documents as well and Issa has until Oct 17th to register any objection regarding any documents that AREN’T turned over.

Why…That’s just a couple of weeks before the…

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Israel’s Allies and Enemies: The Truth Exposed…Part 3 of 3

pa 1Article Co-Written by Diane Sori

As we wrap up this 3 part series ‘Israel’s Allies and Enemies: The Truth Exposed’ with the benefits of what we believe to be the ONLY truly viable plan to establish a two-state solution in the Middle East, one very important thing bears repeating…while Israel IS in favor of a two state solution to achieve peace with the ‘Palestinians,’ ‘Palestine’…as in the Palestinian Authority with Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood as their in-house Islamic army…is decidedly NOT as Hamas has it written into their charter that Israel is to be destroyed and all Jews, on a global scale, are to be killed. ‘Palestine’ is only in favor of a ONE state solution and Israel is NOT that state. While the solution we propose will be difficult to achieve, as King Abdullah II of Jordan is the primary roadblock to the ‘Road Map to Peace’ in the region, peace is NOT impossible, and the solution we propose IS viable, and should be given serious consideration.

In Part 1 of this most important series, Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor and RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on CPR Worldwide Media exposed the truth about the Jordanian monarchy’s continuing ties to both Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood…ties the media will NOT tell you about…and ties that are in and of themselves stopping the peace process from moving forward. In part 2 this series Craig Andresen of The National Patriot and RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS explained how King Abdullah II, playing both sipa 9des of the coin, in addition to the silence of the Arab nations…except for Egypt which clearly sides with Israel…has stood out. However, by the Arab nations NOT outwardly siding with either side really means that the islamic factions involved, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, do NOT have their support.

To understand why peace at this point in time cannot be achieved one must understand the dynamics of the Arab mindset. This mindset has been set in motion by the 1924 destruction of the Caliphate, subsequent western occupation of Arab lands, the establishment of Israel in 1948, the two Gulf wars, and the continuing of the west’s ‘War on Terror,’ all contributed to how the Arab mind works. And with the Arab mindset totally controlled by the words of the Hadith…programmed if you will to hate all non-muslims…this translates into meaning  we infidels. The Arab sense of right and wrong is the polar opposite of how we westerners think, just as they relish death…we relish life.  Any western attempt to orchestrate political change in Arab countries is instantly rejected and thrown back at us through the call to jihad. This is why all proposals by the west have been rejected and is exactly why it will take an Arab country…like Egypt…to broker an actual peace treaty even though will put an Arab leader expounding such a proposal in jeopardy. Remember, history records the fate of Anwar Sadat after signing the Egypt/Israel Peace Accord along with the same fate for Menachem Begin.

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Israel’s Allies and Enemies: The Truth Exposed…Part 2

isr 1The fact of the matter is clear, the political landscape regarding the current and protracted situation between Israel and the “Palestinians” is greatly different than the biblical landscape, set forth in Genesis, where it comes to the borders OF Israel.

“From the Nile river (which is mainly modern Egypt and Sudan) to the Euphrates (modern-day Iraq).”

Since its inception in 1948, Israel has never been in the business of conquering other nations, never insisted on the biblical borders and instead, only wanted to live in peace. A peace often interrupted by the hatred for the Jews by other surrounding entities but Israel, having never let down her guard, has repelled all such incursions and has, in fact, sought peace through the giving up pieces of what little land she has.

Today, all Israel wants are the borders drawn after the 1967 war, a war she did not start but a war she won and to be left alone to exist in the world as a Jewish nation.

To understand the dynamics at hand and arrive at a viable solution, we must first break down the entities involved.

In part one of this investigative series, Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor provided crucial insight into the real position of Jordan and Jordan’s King. Trust me, we’re not done exploring Jordan’s role on all of this but, more on that later.

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Weekend Edition: As ISIS Expands, Obama Shrinks

tnp eagleThe mainstream media is soft-selling one thing and propagandizing another in an attempt to distract Americans from Obama’s disastrous agenda and I, for one, am sick of it.

On the propaganda hard-sell side we have Ebola.

Right now, the mainstream media is whipping up fears of some mass outbreak of Ebola in the United States, flooding the news with tales of a “POSSIBLE” pandemic and issuing “warnings” of what MIGHT happen.

IF the virus were to MUTATE…Katie bar the door…PANIC!!!

And worse yet, there are people who are buying into it and even going so far as to urge Americans to flee big cities and run away into the country to avoid it.


Ebola is not an airborne virus and the only way to contract it is via direct contact with the bodily fluids of someone already infected with it. COULD it mutate? Yes. WILL it mutate? Maybe but it would take a long, LONG time for that to happen and as the mainstream media is eager to pass along, several people have recently come INTO the United States with what could POSSIBLY be Ebola but, what they DON’T want you to know is that other than the one doctor and the one nurse now in isolation in Atlanta…NONE of the other Ebola suspects actually HAD or HAVE Ebola. NONE of them but that doesn’t feed the panic dog now, does it?

It wouldn’t provide Obama with the much needed distraction from HIS disastrous doctrine in the Middle East…would it?

As long as people are busy looking at the shiny Ebola ball over HERE…nobody will care WHAT is happening over THERE.

That’s where the SOFT-sell comes in.

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The Obama Doctrine Applied to Israel – EXPLAINED

Most people would be apt to consider any farmer who was trying to milk a BULL to be a complete idiot but to be honest, it rather depends on who the farmer IS and the name of the bull….don’t you think?bull 1a

Let me explain.

Let’s say, for instance, that the farmer is Barack Hussein Obama.

And, for the sake of argument, the BULL’S name is…Hamas.

Liberals…pay attention…this is for you…

Picture in your minds, Barack Hussein Obama sitting on one of those little three legged milking stools with a bucket, he’s got his hands up under that old bull…and he’s just a pullin’ and a pullin’ for what little he’s worth.

I think there’s two things here we should all be in agreement over.

1)      What’s fillin’ that ol’ bucket ain’t nothing you’d want to be pourin’ on your Corn Flakes and…

2)      That ol’ bull’s gonna be mighty appreciative.

There, in a nutshell, is the Obama doctrine as applied to the current situation between Israel and Hamas.

Perhaps a further explanation is needed…

Last week, try as he might, John Kerry was negotiating for some sort of a cease fire between Hamas and Israel on behalf of the Obama regime but exactly what sort of “DEAL” was he trying to make?

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Weekend Edition: ‘Palestine’s’ PR Campaign for Genocide

tnp eagleIt has not just been happening in France and London. Anti-Israel protests have taken to the streets around the world…even in one particular place that should know better.

Much better.

Such protests have been held in Germany. GERMANY…the past home of NAZI GENOCIDE against the Jews.

Equally disturbing are the protests…pro Palestine…ANTI Israel…that are taking place across our own country from NY to California, from Florida to Washington State.

Are people really this stupid? Are there really people, around the world in places like Scotland, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Spain and so many more that are as damn stupid as are the liberals in San Francisco, Chicago, NY City, Seattle and other cities?

The answer is yes. They’re out there and between the masses of them, one would be hard pressed to discover a single working brain cell.

Let me explain this as simply as I can…

By supporting ‘Palestine’ and condemning Israel…these marching morons are, IN FACT…supporting TERRORISTS.

In marching for ‘PALESTINE’ they may as well be marching to save the unicorn from extinction.

Here’s a hint for the brain dead…there is no such thing as a unicorn and…there has never, in the history of mankind, been a country of Palestine nor have there been, historically, any such people as the Palestinians.

If you are marching up and down the streets of cities around the world claiming that Israel has “OCCUPIED” Palestine…you are supporting a myth. Pure fiction. An imaginary people and an imaginary country.

You are idiots making fools of yourselves.

I’ll get back to the myth of Palestine after a bit but there are other FACTS that need to be entered into the record first…

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Bush Was Right – Saddam Had WMD

wmd 1“U.S. officials don’t believe the Sunni militants will be able to create a functional chemical weapon from the material. The weapons stockpiled at the Al Muthanna complex are old, contaminated and hard to move.”

That’s the quote from Jen Psaki at the State Department regarding what ISIS just seized late last week in Iraq. They’re not talking about weapons Obama gave them or weapons left by U.S. forces either during the war in Iraq or left there as Obama pulled our forces OUT of Iraq.

What they’re talking about is a facility…once seized and under the control OF U.S. forces before the Obama mandated and foretold to the enemy withdrawal FROM Iraq.

Muthanna was in fact, a carefully held secret so as not to tip off our enemies. Bush kept it quiet and did so at the peril of his own legacy. Bush, not being the narcissist Obama is never felt the need to crow over such things. Not when it was first discovered by our troops, not after nor even since he left office even though it would have benefited him personally.

To have spiked that football would have drawn attention TO it and painted targets on the backs of our men and women in uniform.

Muthanna is, in fact, where Saddam Hussein manufactured and stored…WMD and is now believed to be where the gas he used against the Kurds came from.

It’s the WMD that liberals have for years said never existed and therefore used against Bush. “Bush lied and people died!!! “Bush started an ILLEGAL war because there WERE no WMD in Iraq!!!”

Well, guess what?

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