We Have Officially Gone Over the Sanity Cliff

Maybe the Mayans were right and we’re all too apathetic to notice that the world really has come to an end.

We are no longer facing the fiscal cliff…We’ve officially gone over it, for now. Today, maybe tomorrow or perhaps later in the week, the House will attempt something only seen previously in cartoons…Hanging in mid-air, turning around and trying to run back to safety before gravity sets in.

Last night, the senate passed a sort of, almost, not really fix for the fiscal crisis in that it included no spending cuts, doesn’t deal at all with sequester and only raises taxes on those making $400k per year.

The house hasn’t voted yet, and they might not like it at all since they didn’t like it when the tax hikes hit those making a million or more.

Given the fact that congress has a single digit approval rating, they waited until AFTER the last minute to do anything on this fiscal cliff issue and the senate hasn’t passed a budget in 1400 days or so…

Naturally they all deserve a raise.


I mean, we’re now 16.4 TRILLION dollars in debt, taxes are going up, spending is NOT going down and Congress  is basically waiving the white flag so…Obama signs an executive order giving them all a raise.

That ONLY makes sense if the world actually HAS ended…Right?

$16.4 trillion dollars in debt…

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Weekend Edition: 2013 – Resolve Over Resolutions

While others busy themselves making predictions for the New Year and others with formulating resolutions, I have neither the time nor the patience for either.

Instead, I will relate MY RESOLVE for the New Year.

Before I begin, you should know that I mean these wholeheartedly and I am quite serious about each and every one of them.

So…2013…Where should I begin?

First…I intend to start an online petition which, should it gain 1 million signatures, would outlaw all online petitions.

Seriously…Name ONE online petition which has EVER gained the required number of signatures and has then gone on to accomplish ANYTHING. Name ONE. Go ahead…We’re all waiting…

I…And I suspect YOU…Are bombarded by such petitions DAILY and they are ALL posted as though the future of the world depends on YOU signing the thing. Well…Guess what?

IT DOESN’T and YOUR signature might make you FEEL good but, in reality…IT’S ALMOST AS MEANINGFUL AS AN EMAIL FROM A NIGERIAN PRINCE.

I’ll get the ball rolling and if YOU’LL just sign on…WE CAN STOP ONLINE PETITIONS FOR ALL TIME!!!!

Second…I am finished with listening to ANY “End of the World” prophecy garbage.

It’s not because I feel it is a waste of time or nonsense.

It’s because I simply can’t take any more of that sort of disappointment.

EVERY damned time SOMEBODY says the world is going to end…IT DOESN’T.

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Unions Choose FORCE Over Choice

Yesterday, with their panties in a wad, socialists gathered in Michigan to pitch a hissy-fit.

Yesterday, socialist teachers in Michigan ditched their students to join in the hissy-fit.

Yesterday, union socialist thugs with THEIR knickers in a knot, tried and tried to bully Michigan law makers into NOT doing what they were elected to do.

Well, guess what socialists?

Elections have consequences.

You lost.

Get over it.

Isn’t that what THEY’VE been telling US for the last 4 weeks?

Michigan, yesterday, became the 24th “Right to Work” state and that’s bad news for unions in the very state where unions began.

Pardon me while I wipe away the tears.

So, what does it all mean?

Well…Unions in Michigan are losing their iron workers grip on power.

What Michigan did was pass a bill making it perfectly legal for workers in Michigan to think for themselves.

Oh the humanity…

Workers will now have the ability, in Michigan, to decide for themselves whether or not they belong to a union.


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Weekend Edition: It’s Always Somebody Elses Fault

So…Whose fault IS it anyway?


Whose fault???

When George W. Bush was the president, apparently, the economy was his fault.

Obama said so.

Obama told us back then that a half trillion dollar deficit was irresponsible.

Obama told us it was…”Unpatriotic.”

It was Bush’s fault.

Now, the economy under Obama is…Bush’s fault.

While Bush was operating with a half trillion dollar deficit, Obama has increased that deficit to $1.2 – $1.3 trillion dollars. Is the NEW deficit irresponsible? Is it…”Unpatriotic???”

Not according to Obama. He now wants unlimited and unchecked ability to raise the debt ceiling.

Whatever it was then, it’s not today but one thing remains unchanged. According to Obama, it’s Bush’s fault.

Last week, Bob Costas told the world that the murder/suicide involving Jovan Belcher was the fault of a “gun culture.”

Costas was alive, well and broadcasting back when Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman were murdered and O.J. Simpson stood trial but, did Costas blame THAT on a “knife culture???”


Guns, according to most socialists, kill people but other inanimate objects…Don’t.

Tonight, during halftime, will Bob Costas blame yesterday’s death of Dallas Cowboy player Jerry Brown in an “alcohol culture” or on a “car culture???” Brown lost his life when a car, driven drunk by teammate Josh Brent flipped.

Whose fault is it?

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Socialism – Building a Culture of Stupidity

Don’t we wish we could put today’s socialists into a time machine and send them 25 years into the future? Maybe 50 years?

Let them see what their policies will bring.


The bad news is that there are no time machines.

The good news is that we don’t need one.

For the last 40 or 50 years, our schools have been pumping out liberal morons brainwashed with the propaganda of socialism. Not everybody is easily stupefied but, those early least common denominators have now reproduced, passing along their collective ideas of collectivism and their children are now having children.

Those who were brainwashed by the first wave are now teachers themselves and the entitlement generations are starting to pile up.

And so, the teachers, via their union socialist thugs, are being fed a never ending buffet of class warfare pap which, no doubt, they are regurgitating into the already socialist soaked heads of today’s youth.

I’m going to give this to you in a nutshell and…

Since socialists are NUTS…

This SHOULD hit them where they live.

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The Fiscal Cliff Is a Disguise For…

We’re about to go off the fiscal cliff. Don’t be fooled by the disguise.

We’re just 3 weeks shy of it, give or take a couple days and, taking the chance that the Mayan calendar is wrong.

The Emperor made HIS proposal, absurd as it was, to demand twice the amount of tax hikes he campaigned on, the dictatorial authority to raise the debt ceiling without any need to seek congressional approval and put off any hint of spending cuts until an unnamed point in time that we all know will never come.

The republicans countered with their proposal that produces the same amount of revenue the Emperor campaigned on by closing loopholes and NOT raising ANYONE’S taxes and included entitlement reform that would cut spending AND sustain those entitlements for future generations.

It’s now crystal clear, as we have been saying, that the Emperor has NO interest whatsoever in adding revenues.

Obama simply wants to stick it to the so-called “rich.”

He wants to jack up their taxes.


This has nothing whatsoever to do with paying any sort of “fair share” and EVERYTHING to do with punishing success.

I’m about to explain this to socialists in a nutshell and I ain’t  gonna be polite about it.

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Weekend Edition: Obama Plan a Bridge to Socialism

As the “fiscal” cliff looms, there is another, perhaps more disastrous cliff of which congressional conservatives should be vary.

In Obama’s “plan” presented last week by tax cheat Timmy Geithner, are some just crazy ideas.

Obama, who ran on raising taxes by $800 billion dollars is NOW demanding $1.6 TRILLION in tax hikes.

If soaking the so-called rich, those who make $250,000.00 or more, many of them small business owners, was going to cause higher unemployment and a stalled economy, what then will soaking them for twice that amount do?

Faced with that sort of government theft, small business owners will NOT expand, will NOT invest, will NOT hire and WILL lay off employees to offset their losses.

In many, MANY cases, small businesses will ALSO raise their prices to consumers thus causing their customers to cut back on THEIR spending.

Combine the two and unemployment rises while the GDP falls.

Basically, the Obama “plan” calls for massive tax hikes and then leaves the spending cuts…dangling.

Obama says, give me the tax hikes NOW and we’ll talk about spending cuts…later…maybe.

Also included in his “plan” is another $50 billion dollar STIMULUS.

Why? Are there more green energy companies that have yet to go bankrupt?

Obama is acting like he has a mandate from 99% of the people to hike taxes in the 1% but, that simply is NOT true. He was “reelected” by a smaller margin than in his 2008 original election and, nearly half the people voted to send him packing.

In fact, the whole “tax the rich” and blow off the spending cuts “plan” only has the support of 11% of the people according to recent polls.

Gallop places the number of people who want “major cuts” to government SPENDING at 92% although, in Obama’s plan, we’ll discuss spending cuts sometime down the road…maybe.

NOT included in Obama’s goofy “plan” are any measures to stabilize Medicare or Social Security.



Zip, zilch zero.

Oddly, according to Gallop polls, 88% of the people WANT Obama to do something to save Medicare and Social Security.

It seems to me that 88% IS a mandate…92% IS a mandate but…11% is NOT.

So, let’s recap…

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Friday Fume

Please don’t miss out on our Operation Patriot Christmas for our troops. You will find a special message at the end of today’s Fume!!!

It’s clear that socialists after the reelection of their Emperor act exactly like the fans who riot after their team wins a title.

This is why we can’t have nice things.

In Egypt, Tahrir Square is again filled with pissed off people after Morsi made himself a Dictator, North Korea is acting like they’re gonna launch another soon to fail missile test and the United Lair of Thugs, Thieves and Despots voted for Imaginary Statehood Status for the terrorists of the never existed in the first place Palestine.

But this week, we’re going to concentrate on our local lunatics.

We’ve made it to the end of another week Patriots. Today IS Friday and…

I’m fuming!!!

With an Emperor who wants to punish success, it stands to reason that…


Remember, just a couple weeks ago, when Hostess went BANKRUPT and their IDIOTIC UNION STRUCK THEIR WAY RIGHT OUT OF THEIR OWN JOBS AND PENSIONS???




I am NOT making this up…

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Papa John’s and the Whiny Weasels of Socialism

A word of warning to the Whiny Weasels of Socialism.

Be careful what you vote for…You may just get it and WHEN you get exactly that for which you voted…DON’T START WHINING ABOUT IT!!!

9 days ago, socialists voted for the Emperor and now, they’re starting to realize the fruits of their labors.


Lots of them.

Socialists now want to boycott Papa John’s and Applebees because they are cutting work hours of their employees. They say such a move is…Un-American.


Socialists think something is Un-American???
Let me explain this in a way that anyone with a working brain cell can understand it.

Let’s use Papa John’s as our example.

Here is a company which started when somebody decided there was a better way to make pizza. Fresh instead of frozen ingredients, a great sauce a great crust and a great price.

A classic AMERICAN idea.

It grew because people who like pizza liked the complete Papa John’s recipe.

It grew and grew. People wanted to own their OWN Papa Johns and franchises were sold.

Very American.

After the expenses, ingredients, building and real estate costs, insurance, equipment, EMPLOYEES, taxes etc…The typical franchisee had…HAD a profit margin of around 10%.

Now, because of increased regulations, hikes in the minimum wage, rising insurance costs and the clamping down on business loans, higher costs due to rising gas prices for delivery of goods and delivery of pizzas…Over the last 4 years…The average franchisee NOW has a profit margin of…2%.

Along comes Obamacare.

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Defining Fundamental Transformation

Let me see if I have all this straight.

Over an 16 month time span, there were 234 terrorist attacks in Libya…48 in Benghazi…2 attempts on the life of the British Ambassador,…The British and the Red Cross pull OUT of Benghazi…OUR Consulate in Benghazi was attacked twice…Our security people in Libya sent a dozen or so pleas for MORE security and WARNED of the growing threat from terrorist factions linked to al Qaeda…Our Ambassador sent messages to the State Department warning of those threats and alerting those in charge to the fact that the LIBYANS there to protect us were casing the joint and…

Nobody did a damn thing about ANY of it other than to DECREASE security in Benghazi.

We have 4 Americans killed in Benghazi due to a terrorist attack and while it was watched live in real-time at out State Department and in the white house situation room…Nobody was sent to help…any who were in a position to help were ordered to stand down, those who defied those orders were either killed in Benghazi or removed from their commands and…

Nobody but NOBODY is responsible.

Do I have that about right???

It’s now been nearly 2 weeks since Hurricane Sandy slammed the east coast and just a couple of days shy of 2 weeks since the Emperor graced New Jersey with his presence.

While mingling with the serfs, the Emperor heap praise upon FEMA and the FEMA director for the fine job they were doing but…

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