Yesterday, the Supreme Court ruled on Arizona’s SB 1070 striking 3 of the 4 sections of that bill.

That simply wasn’t good enough for the Emperor so, he and he alone, has gutted the only remaining provision of that bill. The Supreme Court voted UNANIMOUSLY to UPHOLD Section 2B of Arizona’s SB 1070 but the EMPEROR ruled UNILATERALLY to strike that provision as well.

Regarding SB 1070, immigration is indeed the prevue of the federal government and according to the Supreme Court, Arizona is not allowed to do what the federal government refuses to do and THAT is where Obama has won.

That’s right, OBAMA wins on SB 1070 but, Patriots…That is FAR from the end of it.

Yesterday,  the Department of Homeland Security instructed their agents in the field to…not…NOT…cooperate with Arizona law enforcement should they, the federal agents, be called upon.

This is because Obama, by decree, is deciding which laws will and will not be enforced or defended.


Upon his rise to the throne, the now EMPEROR Obama swore an oath:

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What has been seen as the key provision in Arizona’s SB 1070, Section 2B, requiring law enforcement officers to check immigration status of those in contact with law enforcement for other reasons HAS been upheld by the United States Supreme Court!

The high court today basically allowed Section 2B to stand but also remanded it back to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

THAT means that, as soon as an Arizona Law Enforcement officer proceeds with such an immigration status check, it is very likely that a court challenge OF it will ensue and THAT case will proceed quickly to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

The case is far from settled.

Basically, what the Supreme Court said was, regarding Section 2B, it cannot be ruled upon until it is in play IN Arizona and a challenge TO it has made its way back TO the Supreme Court.

3 other provisions of SB 1070 including making it illegal in Arizona for illegal aliens to seek work were struck down by the Supreme Court.

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer HAS stated that her state WOULD, if portions of SB 1070 were struck down, begin to REDRAFT those provisions into a new law.

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The Emperor’s Mistimed Misdirections

What’s an Emperor to do when he fears something bad is about to happen?



“Ooo, Ooo…I’m the Emperor!!! Look over here. Here. Right here…Pay no attention to what’s about to happen over there…Look over here!!! This is MUCH more interesting than anything that’s going to happen over there!!!”

The thing about misdirection is that it has to be perfectly timed.

Make no mistake…Mistime your misdirection and the misfortune of your misadventure will NOT be…missed.

In the last week, the Emperor has employed 2 misdirections. One was well thought out and well planed in advance while the other was hastily thrown together.

The problem is, both were mistimed in their execution.


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Obamacare – Ramping Up for the Ruling

As WE wait for what will most likely be Monday’s announcement of the Supreme Court decision regarding Obamacare, now would be a good time to take a look at how we got to this point.

Rather than look at the bill in specifics, all 2000 plus pages of it, generalities will suffice.

To start it off, one could go back as far as the introduction of Medicare, Medicaid or other social(ist) programs but, rather than that, let’s go back to where THIS particular bill started.


In the first 1 ½ years of the Clinton administration, Bill put Hillary in charge of socializing medicine. It was an utter disaster. Unknown millions, perhaps billions of taxpayer dollars were spent to find a way to bring socialism to the nation’s healthcare system.

She couldn’t do it and it was dropped, at least for a time.

With the rise of Obama to the throne…Liberal/socialists knew they had their best shot at it and almost immediately, Obama launched into the effort. In so doing, at a time when the economy was in recession, the housing slump killing American dreams and bailouts being handed out with reckless abandon, Obama ignored completely the economy and jobs market to focus on Obamacare.

What came out of more than 1 ½ years was a bill, some 2000 plus pages in size.

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BOOYAH…The FACTS Behind Obama’s Judicial Statement

It was a thing of beauty yesterday. A Judge, Jerry Smith, from the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, one of 3 Judges on that bench, had had enough. Judge Smith had had enough of Obama’s arrogance and his ideology.


The Court had a federal Department of Justice in front of him while hearing a case related to Obamacare and to that attorney, Dana Lydia Kaersvang, Judge Smith let it be known that he indeed, had had quite enough.

“Does the Department of Justice recognize that federal courts have the authority in appropriate circumstances to strike federal statutes because of one or more constitutional infirmities?”

Kaersvang managed to utter a “yes” to the question but, Judge Smith wasn’t through.

“I am referring to statements by the president in the past few days to the effect … that it is somehow inappropriate for what he termed unelected judges to strike acts of Congress.” 

“That has troubled a number of people who have read it as somehow a challenge to the federal courts or to their authority. And that’s not a small matter.” 

It was Obama’s arrogant statement in the Rose Garden in front of his piers from Mexico and Canada on Monday which brought about Judge Smith’s ire.

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Obamacare…1 Justice…1 Word…The Tipping Point

Obamacare, the signature legislation of Obama and that which liberal/socialists hold as a triumph, is on the ropes. With 2 days of Supreme Court arguments complete and but 1 day to go, even liberal pundits are scared Obamaless.

Upon the bench, there are 4 liberal Justices…4 Conservative Justices…And 1 swing vote.

It is NOT just Obamacare which hangs in the balance. The future of the republic is at stake. The Constitution is at stake. The intentions of the framers…Also is on the edge of oblivion. The decision, which is expected in June, will either save our Constitution and the intent of the founders that government should be limited, or toss them from the proverbial cliff in favor of socialism.

At the center of this most important decision both figurative and literally, is a single Justice.

Anthony Kennedy. Justice Anthony Kennedy.

Upon HIS shoulders rests the future of the republic.

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Obamacare…SCOTUS Decision WILL Affect the Election

Being a political commentator entails many things. It means being up to speed on the widest variety of issues. It means putting yourself out there as a target. It means having passion and the courage of your convictions.

It means offering your opinions and analysis to the choir and the angry mob.

Sometimes, it means putting something out there that won’t make you popular with the choir. This may well be one of those times but, if you read through the entire piece, you’ll see where I’m coming from.

Obamacare is currently being heard as a case before the  Supreme Court . As of this writing, 1 day down, 2 to go. What conservatives want the most could well be the worst thing for this nation.

Let me put that another way.

What LIBERALS want the most, could be the BEST thing for this nation.

Oh boy…is it getting hot in here or is it just me?

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Inside the Mind of Pelosi…Rattling and Squeeking

“What our founders put forth in our founding documents, which is life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And that is exactly what the Affordable Care Act helps to guarantee.”

Those were the words, last night, of Nancy Pelosi.

Somewhere, on the Montpelier Estate, James Madison, the Father of our Constitution just rolled over in his grave…and extended a middle finger in the general direction of Nancy Pelosi.

Along with being a brilliant political theorist and statesman, Madison was a keen judge of character.

Just as Madison was a great American, another such man of renown, Noah Webster, provided a definition with which, one must suspect, Nancy Pelosi has no known relationship.

LIBERTY, n. 1: [Noun] Freedom from restraint, in a general sense, and applicable to the body, or to the will or mind. The body is at liberty, when not confined; the will or mind is at liberty, when not checked or controlled. A man enjoys liberty, when no physical force operates to restrain his actions or volitions..   2: [Noun] Natural liberty, consists in the power of acting as one thinks fit, without any restraint or control, except from the laws of nature. It is a state of exemption from the control of others, and from positive laws and the institutions of social life. This liberty is abridged by the establishment of government..   3: [Noun] Civil liberty, is the liberty of men in a state of society, or natural liberty, so far only abridged and restrained, as is necessary and expedient for the safety and interest of the society, state or nation. A restraint of natural liberty, not necessary or expedient for the public, is tyranny or oppression. civil liberty is an exemption from the arbitrary will of others, which exemption is secured by established laws, which restrain every man from injuring or controlling another. Hence the restraints of law are essential to civil liberty. The liberty of one depends not so much on the removal of all restraint from him, as on the due restraint upon the liberty of others. In this sentence, the latter word liberty denotes natural liberty..

When Madison wrote of Life…LIBERTY…and the Pursuit of Happiness…One can quickly see that Mr. Webster had a much greater idea of what was meant by…”Liberty.”

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Will Obamacare Come Down to Steamboats vs Cows?

We are now less than 2 weeks away from opening arguments in the United States Supreme Court regarding Obamacare. The Court will take up the case starting on March 26th and hear arguments through March 28th.

On March 26th, the arguments will center around something very odd, unless of course, you keep an eye on liberals.

March 26th will be a stall tactic by the Obama administration. They will argue that it’s not applicable for the High Court to even hear the case until AFTER the individual mandate kicks in. That, of course, would be 2014. By then, nearly any vestiges of private healthcare would have been laid waste making a return to private healthcare nearly impossible – and IF possible, extremely costly.

The other and possibly more veiled reason for this stall tactic would be the possibility of a new Supreme Court nomination by a reelected Barack Obama.

Either way you look at it, the delay or stall move is one of desperation on behalf of liberals and the Obama administration.

On March 28th, the arguments are again scheduled to revolve around the expansion of Medicaid and its constitutionality and also around the question of whether or not Obamacare as a whole can stand should the individual mandate be struck from it.

The bulk of the case will be heard on March 27th. On that day, the idea that the government can mandate what We The People buy, as goods or services, will be challenged by the 26 Attorneys General who have filed suit against the Obama administration.

This part of the Obamacare case will directly involve the Commerce Clause.

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Is 2012 Shaping Up to be the Year of NObama?

While 2008 was clearly the year of Obama, 2012 may well go down in history as the year of NObama. Not only are his polling numbers sliding lower day by day with less than a year to go before election day but in March of 2012, the Supreme Court will hear the case against Obamacare.

Now we have word that also in 2012, the Supreme Court will hear the case Obama’s DOJ has brought against Arizona (and other states) regarding illegal immigration.

Obama has, for the last 3 years, tried to make a living off these two issues and now it looks as if things might not go his way in the highest court of the land.

With Obamacare, it is the individual mandate portion of his bill which is at issue and the Commerce Clause which could well, and should doom it. Never before has the Commerce Clause been used so broadly as to force American citizens to buy a good or service. It is doubtful that the Supreme Court will grant to the government such powers as it would clearly open the doors for any administration to follow suit regarding any good or service they so choose.

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