If You’re Not OFFENDED…You’re Not a LIBERAL

They are among us.

They walk, sleep, eat and live among us and, at a glance, they look like us but, they are another breed altogether.


You know who I’m talking about.

Certain segments of many different demographics.

Gays, Liberals, Muslims, PETA people, Anti-Gun Nuts, Black people to whom being black is more important than being people, Illegal Aliens, Atheists, Feminists, tree huggers, global warming alarmists…

THEY know who they are…Any group or seemingly unrelated individuals who act in concert while claiming to all be unique…together…

The TERMINALLY offended.

One would think, the way they carry on about this, and that, that they are on the verge of ceasing to fog a mirror should YOUR behavior not change and, change RADICALLY.

A subset of the terminally offended are those who are…

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Today’s Not FRIDAY…Fume

Since missing out on a Friday Fume a few days ago and, since I’ll be spending a few days over Christmas with family…I thought today might be the BEST day for a year ending FUME!!!

It should come as no surprise that liberals are just as baffled by the truth at Christmas time as they are the OTHER 51 weeks of the year and, their behavior never takes a holiday.

So…My Patriot friends…

Grab onto your sleigh, guard your holly berries and hang on for all you’re worth.

Today is…MONDAY and…

I’m fuming.

Well, well…What have we here?

It seems there’s a company out there called…OpticsPlanet that is selling, or TRYING to sell some sort of covert, spying, recon kit so that one can hide in the bushes or snow banks and do to their neighbors what the NSA has been doing to ALL Americans…

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Liberal’s War on Christmas – AGENDA EXPOSED!

Writes Jeffrey Folks, on page 51 of his 1985 book, The Rough Guide to Yugoslavia, “Religious faiths have experienced a waning of worship.”

Folks was describing the transformation of SOCIALIST Yugoslavia into COMMUNIST  Yugoslavia and, in the communist state…CHRISTMAS had been done away with as a publicly displayed holiday.

One wonders, and rightly so, just how far away WE are from THAT.

Perhaps, a better way of posing the question would be…

How CLOSE are we to it?

While even in a communist country back then, as Christianity or Judaism lived in the hearts and minds of those who practiced the faiths, any outward display of them was subject to neighborhood and government spies and no one wanted to suffer the consequences of being caught with a Christmas tree or a Menorah.

In this country, it’s hard to believe that such things would be possible but, let’s remember, it wasn’t THAT long ago that anyone would have thought someone could have been evicted from their home for flying an American flag.

Today’s home owners associations have been downright commie in their approach to veterans who have proudly displayed the stars and stripes over the last few years and, assorted atheist trolls from states hundreds or, thousands of miles from the scene of the Creche, have raised unholy HELL over THOSE public displays.

In today’s politically correct, agnostic, liberal, secular society, why WOULDN’T we expect to start hearing orders that Christmas lights and Christmas trees in windows will be banned?

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Millennials – The Last Nail in the Obamacare Coffin

According to Zeke Emanuel, Rahm’s brother, Obamacare architect, and a guy with all the warmth and charm of an inflamed hemorrhoid, the reason Young people are, in droves, NOT signing up for the insipid insurance program is that…

“No one has launched a big PR campaign to get these people signed up because of the problems with the federal website. We are about to launch a big PR campaign, and that, I think, is going to persuade a lot of people to sign up.”


After 3 ½ years of Obama campaigning on Obamacare…After his minions constantly telling the public how Obamacare was the greatest thing since sliced cheese and after all the ballyhoo surrounding a bill SO fantastic it had to remain under wraps until after it was passed…

Obamacare needs a “PR” CAMPAIGN???

Most folks think PR stands for “PUBLIC RELATIONS” but, most folks don’t have the double top-secret, Karl Marx decoder ring.

PR, in socialist speak means…


Obamacare, according to Zeke, suffers from a lack of propaganda.

You see, for Obamacare to work, YOUNG people, steeped for the vast majority of their lives in socialism, via indoctrination centers mislabeled as “Public Schools” and, having had their brains soaked in socialism at asylums of HIGHER indoctrination masquerading as COLLEGES…MUST sign up for Obamacare and have THEIR bank accounts raided on behalf of older, sicker people.

What Zeke and Barry just can’t understand is that…

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How Liberals Would LIKE to Revise Thanksgiving

We all know the basics of the story of the first Thanksgiving.

We know of the Pilgrims, their friendship with the Indians and how they came together at a feast to celebrate the first successful harvest.


What if the story were written TODAY using LIBERAL mentality and a COMMON CORE approach to what liberals and socialists must surely see as THE most politically INCORRECT story of America’s history ever told?

Oh…How the story would change.

First of all…The Mayflower.

The ship that carried 102 Pilgrims to the new world would be HERALDED by the liberals for using WIND POWER and the Pilgrims CHAMPIONED for being GREENIES!!!

It’s not like they had a choice for had it been available in 1620…The Pilgrims would have CERTAINLY foregone the grueling 66 day journey for a 4 or 5 day cruise in a ship belching smoke and throwing the leftovers from each day’s all you can snarf buffet…overboard.


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Weekend Edition: The REAL Solution to the Obamacare Disaster


Obama’s Obamacare “fix” will have the same effect on the Obamacare DISASTER as drilling holes in the bottoms of the Titanic lifeboats would have had in “fixing” THAT disaster.

As Americans are focused, and rightly so, on the most current and direct effects of the lie and bribery induced Obamacare “law” there are other and equally dire implications as well.

Employers, having dealt with the gross uncertainty of the “law’s” implications have already started laying employees off and/or cutting employees from full to part-time status.

Many more have simply put on hold, the inevitable and will make those moves next year as time runs out on their 1 year delay.

The economy, propped up only by the furious printing of money by the Fed remains stagnant because businesses, large and small, refuse to grow or expand due to the overbearing consequences related directly TO Obamacare for doing so.

At this point, the number of Americans that have received cancellation notices from their policy holders has hit 5.1 MILLION and we all know there are many, many more to come.

The rates of Obamacare policies are, in the majority of cases, much higher than folks were paying for their privately held policies and, they simply can’t afford…Obama’s “affordable” healthcare.

There is, in fact, only ONE way to fix this.

REPEAL OBAMACARE…Run all 2700 pages of it and the 18,000 regulations attached TO it through the shredder…Burn the remains and bury the ashes in THE deepest recesses of the sea.

The REAL fix for the healthcare system in America is…

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Weekend Edition: Obamacare Slapping Liberals With Reality

When it comes to Obamacare and, Obama himself, there is a very telling quote out there from Dr. John C. Drew.

Drew was introduced, by his girlfriend, Caroline Boss, to Obama back in 1980 at Occidental College at a time when Drew himself had just given up the idea that a communist America was possible.

The college student, Drew, had converted. He no longer believed that communism in America could work.

Here is what the now, political scientist and PHD said of Obama in 2010:

“The young Obama was a garden variety Marxist-Leninist. He and Boss and his sophomore year roommate, Hasan Chandoo, believed that social forces where creating an inevitable Communist revolution in the U.S. and that it was important to have a highly trained elite of educated leaders guide this revolutionary process and oversee it once the revolution took place. Remember, this was at the height of the Cold War in 1980. Ronald Reagan had just been elected president and the USSR was still our mortal enemy.”

That quote will not be so important about what it “reveals” regarding Obama’s ideology to those of us who have known it all along but…

It is the last part of the quote and, the date, that will come as a startling revelation to those who have ignored the lessons of history.

Allow me to explain.

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Friday Fume

Keeping track of the behavior of liberals is a little like herding cats but, week in and week out, we designate Friday’s as the day to laugh at em.

This week is no different than the rest.

We finally have a number for the crush of people who enrolled for Obamacare on the very 1st day.



An Italian magazine claims that Obama’s NSA was…SPYING ON THE CONCLAVE THAT ELECTED POPE FRANCIS!!!!!

Well, that explains the sudden downturn in the over/under line on Cardinal DOLAN.


According to a report…Back in 2011…Kathleen Sebelius’ HHS Department paid out…$23 MILLION DOLLARS in MEDICAID to…DEAD PEOPLE!!!


Good grief…


It’s Friday friends and Patriots and…

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Tea Party Rising

The stakes have never been higher.

With the 2014 midterm election but a year away, 47% of Americans will be faced with one of the hardest choices they will ever make in a voting booth.

Will they side with the GOP Republicans or will they join the Tea Party Republicans?

Here is what they face.

The GOP…The ESTABLISHMENT Republicans or, as I and many fellow writers call them…RINO’s…have set the terms of their 2014 midterm races.

They want to crush the Tea Party.

Congressman Steve LaTourette of Ohio…a RINO…Puts it this way: “We’re going to be very aggressive and we’re going to get in their faces.” La Tourteet claims he and his fellow RINO’S intend to raise $8 million dollars to beat the Tea Party in his state.

Across the nation, the Establishment plans on running ATTACK ads AGAINST Tea Party Candidates.

They plan to AGGRESSIVELY attack such CONSERVATIVE organizations as the Heritage Action, Freedom Works and the Club for Growth.

In short…The GOP plans to do exactly what LIBERALS plan to do…


Therefore…I submit this question:

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