Giving Obama’s SOTU the BIRD!


Tuesday night, our Dictator delivered his Hate of the Union address.

The gallery was full of professional victims and…Ted Nugent.

Oh, I COULD regale you with fact checks and and counterpoints along with pointing out all the contradictions but, why bother?

It’s been done and it doesn’t honestly differ much from his previous Lying like a rug addresses.

Instead, I thought maybe a pictorial recounting of the way Patriots viewed the drooling and applause laden fiasco might serve as a better alternative and when it comes to giving the entire manifesto the bird…I say…Flip it THE most PATRIOTIC bird you can find!

SO…Needless to say, after the first 5 minutes, the Dictator’s nose had exceeded the limits of my 55 inch screen.

It’s a good thing this festival of bull wasn’t shown in 3D…

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Weekend Edition: 2nd Amendment Crusade (Pt 2)

Neither Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Feinstein nor any of the rest of the socialist ilk in Washington give a damn about your safety or the safety of your children.

In yesterday’s Weekend Edition, we pointed out what we’re up against as Patriots when it comes to the assault on the 2nd Amendment.

That assault didn’t start yesterday or 4 years ago.

It began with the introduction of socialism into the highest levels of our government and Woodrow Wilson. Over the decades, socialism has progressed, grown and now, it is not just knocking at the door, it’s trying to kick the door down.

I believe, at the heart of it all, IS the assault on the 2nd Amendment.

Why the 2nd?

Of the 27 Amendments to our Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the 2nd is the growling, snarling dog patrolling the perimeter fence.

Socialists want to pull the dog’s teeth thus, infringing on your God Given right to protect your liberty.

Of all the Amendments spelled out in the Bill of Rights, the 2nd is the ONLY one to include the words, “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.”

Our founders and framers well knew the danger to the republic should the amendment which protects all others, be infringed.

The poorest states in America are all run by liberals.

The poorest cities are all run by liberals.

Every high crime city in America is under the control of liberals.

Think about that.

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Weekend Edition: 2nd Amendment Crusade (Pt. 1)

Just a couple of days ago, Melody Valentin…A n elementary school student, found in her pocket a folded and torn piece of paper…A square with the bottom quarter torn away.

She threw it in the trash and another young student, obviously a victim of indoctrination, programmed to be scared to death and to inform on offenders, then notified the government, in this case, a teacher, the nearest figure of authority.

“He yelled at me and said I shouldn’t have brought the gun to school and I kept telling him it was a paper gun but he wouldn’t listen.”

The teacher yelled at Melody, telling her that the cops should be called and that she should be arrested.

He searched her in front of her classmates.

Melody’s classmates started calling her a murderer.

Little Melody Valentin was suspended and the incident will now be a part of her permanent record thus reinforcing to her classmates that even possessing a folded and torn piece of paper which may or may not simply LOOK like a gun is something for which they will be punished and possibly arrested.

Where did this indoctrination of today’s youth and affront to common sense take place?

Why…In the very birthplace of freedom…Philadelphia…of course.

This was NOT last week’s ONLY such event.

Last week, a 5 year old girl from Mouth Carmel, PA  was interrogated for more than three hours, forced into psychological testing and then suspended by school officials.


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Gun Control – Rush to a Reckoning

The Emperor, assorted socialists in congress, Hollywood and roaming socialists are all, lock, stock and smoking barrel in a full blown, hair-trigger panic over gun control.

They want it.

They want it right now.

The absolute desperation over gun control by socialists reminds me of something.

Let’s see…What was it again?

Oh yes…


Socialists HAD to have Obamacare and they had to have it SO FAST they couldn’t even allow time for Members of congress, or the public for that matter, to READ the bill before they PASSED the bill.

This gun control nonsense is no different.

With Obamacare, we were all told some very specific things.

We were told it was NOT a tax.

We were told that EVERYBODY would be covered.

We were told there were no “death panels”

We were told it was…”AFFORDABLE” for crying out loud.

We were told that Obamacare would LOWER the cost of coverage.

We were told that Obamacare would CREATE jobs.

In fact, we were told a whole LOT of things about Obamacare and, as it turns out, EVERYTHING we were told about it was a lie.

Did I say that this “gun control” nonsense was no different?

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The Fiscal Cliff Is a Disguise For…

We’re about to go off the fiscal cliff. Don’t be fooled by the disguise.

We’re just 3 weeks shy of it, give or take a couple days and, taking the chance that the Mayan calendar is wrong.

The Emperor made HIS proposal, absurd as it was, to demand twice the amount of tax hikes he campaigned on, the dictatorial authority to raise the debt ceiling without any need to seek congressional approval and put off any hint of spending cuts until an unnamed point in time that we all know will never come.

The republicans countered with their proposal that produces the same amount of revenue the Emperor campaigned on by closing loopholes and NOT raising ANYONE’S taxes and included entitlement reform that would cut spending AND sustain those entitlements for future generations.

It’s now crystal clear, as we have been saying, that the Emperor has NO interest whatsoever in adding revenues.

Obama simply wants to stick it to the so-called “rich.”

He wants to jack up their taxes.


This has nothing whatsoever to do with paying any sort of “fair share” and EVERYTHING to do with punishing success.

I’m about to explain this to socialists in a nutshell and I ain’t  gonna be polite about it.

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Friday Fume

As we head at warp speed into PETA’s favorite holiday, THANKSGIVING…and wait on the edge of our seats for liberal’s WAR ON CHRISTMAS…we simply can’t ignore the here and now with all of its inane liberal/socialist behavior.

The only mandate socialists got from the election was the the mandate to keep acting like fools.

Joe Biden came out of his hole…Somebody blew sunshine up his butt…

and now we have 4 more years on Imperial rule.

At least, at the end of every week, we can collectively vent a little.

Today IS Friday my Patriot friends and let’s make no mistake about it…

I’m fuming!!!

Certainly by now, you’ve heard about the National Anthem brouhaha.

In Pennsylvania, a high school hockey league decided NOT to have the National Anthem before their games anymore.




The National Anthem takes all of 90 seconds and if you sing REAL slow…MAYBE 2 minutes!!!

The problem, they say, is the cost of ice time.

$300 bucks an hour.

According to Commissioner Ed Sam, “It’s not that we’re not patriotic, that’s the furthest from the truth.”


That’s the issue with these socialist public school yahoos…the FIRST thing they can think of IS A WAY TO PUT AN END TO SOMETHING PATRIOTIC and the 2nd thing they think of is TELLING EVERYBODY IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH PATRIOTISM!!!

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We The People vs Obama

It stands for the same thing regardless of the language.

Avante!, organ of the Portuguese Communist Party

Avanti!, organ of the Italian Socialist Party

Eteenpäin, Finnish-language newspaper in the United States

Új Előre (‘New Forward’), a Hungarian-language newspaper in the United States

Voorwaarts!, organ of the Communist Youth Movement (Netherlands)

Vorwärts, organ of the Social Democratic Party of Germany

Vorwärts!, published from Paris in 1844 and associated with the Communist League


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In What America do YOU Believe?

Has the fool on the hill finally seen the light? Has Obama started to come around to OUR side? It certainly seems like it if you listen to the words he is now employing on his latest campaign swing.

“If you get sick, you’re on your own. If you can’t afford college, you’re on your own. If you don’t like that some corporation is polluting your air or the air that your child breathes, then you’re on your own.”

Sounds a lot like…Self Reliance to me.

Here’s the code.

Obama = Big Government.

On your own = Self Reliance

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A Reckoning, Not In but FROM Wisconsin

The vote in Wisconsin yesterday which placed 6 republicans up for recall by a liberal base infuriated over the successful legislation put forth in April limiting collective bargaining by unions was NOT a shot over the bow, not a referendum and not a precursor. It was a reckoning.

4 of the 6 republican senators held their seats in Wisconsin. Of those who lost, Dan Kapanke won his seat in a heavily democratic district by a very narrow margin last November and was in the greatest danger of losing this recall and Randy Hopper faced the ire of democrats for his support of the April legislation as well as from republicans who have been rightfully rankled over his tribulations regarding an affair with a young staffer outside his marriage.

This recall vote and the GOP success in it should send a clear message to liberals for several reasons.

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