Common Core is Nothing But Ideological Paste

core 1aCommon Core is a fool’s curriculum but it IS necessary for the liberal ideology to of complete government control of the people to become the accepted method of governance.

Let me explain.

Too many years ago, when I was a public school student, 2+2 equaled 4. Everybody knew it and if you happened to write down 5 as your answer you were docked for it. If you stood your ground and argued the point long enough and without reservation, there was a good chance you would find yourself taking the same math class over next year while all your friends moved on.

Today, thanks to Common Core, you can proudly say that 2+2 equals 5 and get a plaque and a pat on the head if you simply explain WHY you think the answer is 5. Nobody will criticize you, nobody will dock your grade and along you go to the next level of common core math.

At this point in a rather nutshell sort of way, it should be noted that during those early years of my public school education…we sent a man to the moon and returned him safely to the earth and while it was Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins who made the trip…they were sent there by people who knew damn well that 2+2 equaled 4…NOT 5 and were considered to be at the top of their class.

Common core math is but a singular example but know that Common Core encompasses the entire curriculum from math to social studies, history to science and everything in between. It is meant to change the way children think thus, changing the way future ADULTS think and make them all part of the collective and while some states are dumping it, far too many are not.

Remember…“It takes a village to raise a child.”

What we are watching as it happens in our country today is…

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Government Land Grabs: The Truth Exposed – Part 1, 2, 3 and 4

Government Land Grabs: The Truth Exposed – Part 1

By Craig Andresen on May 3, 2014 at 4:54 am

series 1Acute.

It’s a word one doesn’t hear often, and more often than not, it’s associated with some medical terminology. Acute nasal drip. Acute arthritis… something along those lines but the word acute has a specific definition.

Acute – adjective: acute; comparative adjective: acute; superlative adjective: acutest

  1. (of a bad, difficult, or unwelcome situation or phenomenon) present or experienced to a severe or intense degree.

I want you to keep that definition front and center as you read what’s coming next and it will light your hair on fire. In fact, keep it in mind throughout this shocking 4 part series of articles regarding government land grabs as it becomes more than obvious the “problem” isn’t at all what the government wants you to believe.

The Obama regime, his DOI (Dept. of the Interior) and the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) are plotting behind closed doors to grab even more land in the western United States because, they are convinced there is an“acute” problem of private landholdings in BLM administered areas to the sum of 412,675 acres, and no, we’re not talking about Bunkerville here but, we might as well be.

So…of all the vast expanse of land out there, what’s a measly little 412,675 acres? In the great scheme of things, it’s only an inch on the scale.

Give em an inch…they’ll take a mile…right?

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Government Land Grabs: The Truth Exposed – Part 4

This article has been co-written by Diane Sori.

In Part 1 of our series, “Government Lanwestern 1d Grabs: The Truth Exposed,” my Right Side Patriots radio partner Diane Sori and I laid out the groundwork behind the federal government’s seizing of land in the western United States over decades of a take an inch…take a mile agenda used by administrations from both sides of the aisle and how the current regime has labeled PRIVATE landholdings in the west as an “ACUTE” problem.

We were able to convey that information thanks to congressman Rob Bishop’s discovery of long buried emails and documents which help expose NEW land grabs in progress along with this regime’s plans, via the BLM and the Department of the Interior pressuring Obama to use his pen and the Antiquities Act of 1906 to not only steal land from private landholders but, to move some 140 MILLION acres (an area the size of the states of Colorado and Wyoming…COMBINED) from “mixed use” to “TREASURED LANDS” status thus rendering it completely off limits to American citizens.

In “Government Land Grabs: Exposing The Truth Part 2,” we proved that the seizing of western lands has virtually NOTHING to do with the liberal call to “protect the environment” and virtually EVERYTHING to do with government control of natural resources in order to control the people.

The maps we show eliminate the possibility of coincidence in that those lands are rife with coal, oil shale and other fossil fuel deposits that the current regime wants to keep off limits to private landholders and we provided evidence of how Obama and his ilk want to keep us dependent on foreign sources for our energy needs.

In “Government Land Grabs: The Truth Exposed Part 3,” we took our investigation passed oil, gas and coal to provide clear evidence of where our nation’s reserves of URANIUM rest and…

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Is Obama’s Criminal Regime Facing Collapse?

dist 1Things are happening. Many things, stupid things, nonsense things and they’re happening at a rapid pace. Note of these things needs to be taken.

The BLM standoff at Bunkerville from which the BLM and this absurd federal administration had to retreat with their collective tails between their legs.

Harry Reid calling those who stood to defend a rancher…”Domestic terrorists.”

The mainstream media at the prompting of the lapdog NY Times trying to label Bundy a racist though the full tape of the interview proved that selective editing can do wonders for propaganda and no minority who knows Bundy personally or has worked for Bundy has come forward with anything but praise for the man.

In Bundy’s case, the race card failed again.

Donald Sterling tapes surface and the press becomes enchanted all over again. This time they have a racist but, it soon becomes front page news that he’s a long time idiot and everybody already knew he was racist.

So much for that.

John Kerry makes perhaps THE most damaging remark yet to our relationship with America’s only real friend in the Middle East or, at least as damaging as Obama’s insipid remarks a couple of years back regarding how Israel should give ground and return to their completely indefensible pre-1967 borders.

Now, Lois Lerner’s attorney wants to talk to the house committee as she faces arrest for contempt.

Violence is ramping up…

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Beware the Royal Spawn of Chelsea

YIKESPoor Barack Hussein Obama.

At some point in the future when he becomes a grandparent, nobody in the media will be able to gush over his being our nation’s first black presidential grandchild.

How sad.

First of all, that honor should go to Thomas Jefferson citing his affair with Sally Hemings, a Monticello slave at the time and DNA evidence compiled in 1998 regarding the fact that Heming’s youngest son, Eston Hemings, shared male ancestry with our third president.

While that has been disputed by some, there can be NO dispute over who our first black president was.

One, pasty white, Bill Clinton as deemed by the liberal media back in the day and now, with the mainstream media literally OOZING vapidness from every pour regarding the recent news of Chelsea Clinton’s impending birth canal expulsion, any future Obama offspring would come in a distant third but, while on the topic…

The child of Chelsea may well not even be the 2nd black presidential grandspawn given Horny Bill’s propensity to be as monogamous as a rabbit on Viagra in a hutch full of hot-to-trot bunnies regardless of his poor aim in relation to his presidential humidor, Monica Lewinski.

There could well be more Clinton offspring out there of child bearing age for all we know.

Now, I know there are some out there who believe, perhaps with some validity, that the Obama’s adopted but…

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Staring Down the Barrel of the Liberal’s Total Control Agenda

agenda 1Over the past several days, I have written many articles surrounding the situation at the Bundy Ranch and the creeping nature of federal land grabs which have taken place over many decades. Today, I will show you how these recent events directly tie in with the core liberal/socialist agenda and ideology.

What you are about to read is stunning and not at all unexpected as the truth is about to be exposed.

To understand the dire nature of what we are experiencing under the current regime, one must first look at where and when the full court press to socialism and its ultimate goal of communism came from.

The first thing Clinton did when he assumed the oval office was to put Hillary ( a very possible 2016 presidential candidate) in charge of trying to socialize the healthcare industry. That was a miserable failure because, coming off the Reagan era, America hadn’t received the necessary prodding to accept socialistic change. Things were good and people were satisfied with their upward mobility.

The economic collapse, the recession, started toward the end of Bush 43’s second term and since then, liberals and socialists have been all too quick to point the finger of blame directly AT George W. Bush. Too quickly because, that collapse, that recession came at the collapse of the housing bubble and economists have widely insisted the housing crisis was indeed the cause of the recession.

It was the Dodd/Frank bill and their insistence on subprime lending that brought about the housing crisis and both are die hard liberals. Bush warned congress not once, not twice but THREE times about the impending crash and each time, liberals and socialists in congress dismissed his warnings as the talk of a crazy man who knew not of what he was speaking.

They set him up and, as Rahm Emanual said…

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“Public Lands” are the Product of Government Extortion

land 1As I stated in yesterday’s article, ‘A Government Against the People,’ taking this country back will not be an easy task nor one that can be accomplished in one election or with one president.

That is because, the problem, in this particular case, land grabs BY the federal government, is not a new issue. It’s one that has been decades in the making and one which will require at least a decade to unravel.

Federal government land grabs, such as the microcosm we saw at the Bundy Ranch, have been perpetrated upon the people by administrations from both sides of the aisle and, at the root of the problem, is that dirty word…”extortion.”

When the mob or, today’s neighborhood gangs threaten business owners into paying protection money in order not to be robbed BY the mob or neighborhood gangs…it’s extortion and what the federal government has been doing for far too long amounts to the exact same thing.

Here’s how it works…

The federal government “gifts” to the states, and for the purpose of this scenario, we’ll use the western states as the primary example as that is where the overwhelming vast majority of federal land grabs have taken place…”gifts” the states with federal dollars for such as roads, bridges, levies and other infrastructure projects.

In return for the federal government’s acts of kindness and “protection” from having to fund repairs on their own, the feds then “ask” for and have received over the years, more and more access to the land OF those western states.

The federal government then bamboozles the people of those states by calling those lands…

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Friday Fume

Okay…So I missed writing the Fume last week. I knew you could Fume on for ONE Friday without me.

THIS week, however, is a different egg altogether and as eggs go…LIBERALS AND SOCIALISTS ARE…


No quick hitters this week…We’re diving right in so…HANG ON…

Today IS Friday and…

I’m fuming.

THIS guy just HAS to be an Obama voter and once you read through this, you’ll most likely agree, HE’S ONE SICK PUPPY!!!

Lucky but…SICK!!!

Here’s what happened.

Police in Tampa Florida were called out to the home of one, 57 year old Bernard Marsonek last Tuesday where they were, according TO the police, “GREETED” by a small crowd of this moron’s neighbors.

The cops found Marsonek inside his home and, upon running him through their “BAD BOY’S” DATABASE…They discovered the…um…’excited’ miscreant to be a FELON.

After a little looking about…Tampa police found, in his home…A GUN!!!

Now one would think the 2…Being a FELON in possession of a GUN…would have been enough to slap the cuffs on ol’ Bernie but…

That was NOT what he was arrested for.

Oh no…

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Friday Fume

How ‘bout that State of the Union speech, huh?

In Egypt, when a guy wins a “DEMOCRATIC” election and then, declares himself the DICTATOR…The OPPOSITION PARTY has him ARRESTED AND PUT ON TRIAL!!!

Over here…The opposition party offers a trio of rebuttals and then goes on a retreat.


Sounds like the assembled audience at the  SOTU but only stinking half as bad.


It’s Super Bowl week and we now know why the Falcons went 4 and 12 last year.

They knew the big game was set for NEW JERSEY in FEBRUARY and…


Patriots and friends…It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.

And then…There were 3…Heading for the elected socialists retirement VILLAGES, where they can relax, play golf and REAP THE REWARDS OF BEING CAREER A-HOLES!!!

That’s right…

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NY Governor Wants to Maintain the Statist Cuomo

New York, it seems, is trying to out Massachusetts…Massachusetts when it comes to being the nation’s right coast mecca for lefties.

San Fran Freak Show has it all sewn up on the left coast much to the dismay of Seattle.

Last week, the liberal/socialist governor of New York who, no doubt, has been feeling the strain of being considered the SECOND most liberal idiot in his state since the arrival of Mayor De Bla, bla bla…Was talking about conservatives when he came right out and said it.

“Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are.”

What’s a matta Coumo???

Is the stink of liberalism, the impending collapse of big government ideology and, the fact that facts keep showing the Tea Party to be right, starting to get to you?

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