Damn the Roses…This is the Socialist Derby

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

AND…they’re off…in more ways than one.

The liberal’s horse race for the White House is under way. Let’s call it the Socialist Derby and issue an immediate apology to the great state of Kentucky for purloining their moniker.

The problem is, all the liberal horses are running backwards. Have you ever seen a horse running backwards? It’s awkward, to say the least, and amusing at best. What it amounts to is watching one horse’s ass trying to get out front of the rest of the horses asses to see which horse’s ass can get to the glue factory last.

It’s not much fun for the horses…it’s gonna be sad for liberals who have their bets placed…but it’s gonna be a hoot for we spectators on the right side of the bleachers.

To fully understand the nature of this race, we’ll have to size up just a few of the horses asses in the running. Trust me…there are simply too many horses asses in this race to deal with all of them…which would require writing a book rather than an article, and I just don’t have time to write a book so let’s start with…

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Liberals…Victims of Their Own Desperation

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Liberals are growing more desperate by the day, but the desperation didn’t start yesterday. In many cases, it is hard, if not impossible to pinpoint the nexus of desperation. Most often, desperation is a progression between cause and effect…it is something that sets in over time, and circumstances.

That is not the case with the sort of liberal desperation we are seeing, and let’s be honest in this…we can trace the nexus of it to a specific point in time, and a specific event.

The sort of liberal desperation we see day in and day out now, the desperation that is growing more convoluted by the day if not by the hour had a very specific moment of origin.

The date was…May 3rd, 2016…

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Hey Liberals…Neener Neener

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

In the past several articles here in The National Patriot, I have outlined the pitfalls of socialism…not that conservatives aren’t already aware of such things…and not that liberals would read those articles even if they could read.

The overwhelming history of socialism is that, everywhere it has ever been implemented, and every time it has been implemented, it eventually collapses in failure.

Last week, in several primary races leading up to the 2018 midterm elections this November, liberals need look no further than their own candidates to witness such a collapse.

In the weeks and days leading up to several key primaries, liberals sent their socialist collective darlings…Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Cynthia Nixon and Bernie Sanders, otherwise known as the Marxist Sisters and the namesake of Weekend at Bernie’s…on an extended road trip to whip up support for their fellow socialist candidates.

It didn’t end well….

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Deep State’s Global Agenda…Part One

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Before I get into the heart of this article, some background on Deep State is necessary. My Right Side Patriots partner and friend, Diane Sori did a great job regarding that background in her recent op-ed, “On Deep State…An Essay in Truth” which you can read by clicking the link.

Recently I saw in a social media posting a question regarding why liberals are so intent on socialism. It seems to be a reasonable question given their hatred of capitalism and their deep desire to institute socialism.

Over The years I have written many times about socialism, the liberal bent towards socialism, and the fact that socialism fails every time it is implemented.

Allow me to give you a couple of famous quotes that have a direct bearing on the question at hand…why are liberals so hell bent on socialism?

Margaret Thatcher once said, “The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.”

In fact…

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Ocasio-Cortez…Nothing But a Facade

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Ross Barkan of The Guardian has called Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “the future of the democratic party.” In fact, in a recent piece, Barkan said of Ocasio-Cortez, “Ocasio-Cortez is an unabashed leftist, supported by the Democratic Socialists of America and numerous progressive organizations. She ran on a platform of Medicare for all, abolishing Ice and a federal jobs guarantee. She was unafraid of calling out corporatism and capitalism.

Tom Perez, the Democratic National Committee Chairman said that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the woman who won the NY primary over liberal incumbent Joe Crowley, and she is an unapologetic, unabashed socialist. Ocasio-Cortez is also running on a platform of free everything for everybody…

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Socialism 101 and the Ultimate Irony

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Most millennials seem convinced that socialism is the way to go. Look at the support in 2016 for Bernie Sanders as an example. Look at the support for New York Congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as yet another example.

Both of those candidates are out of the socialist closet and millennials have flocked to both of their campaigns…but why?

What is it about socialism that so many millennials find worthy of supporting? Why are they so enamored with the whole idea of socialism, and what is it exactly that they expect socialism to do for them?

Perhaps the better question would be…what do they really know about socialism?

The answer to that question is…

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Penalizing Success…The Seattle Syndrome

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Homelessness is at an all-time high in Seattle, and the City by the Sound is doing something about it. No, Seattle isn’t doing anything to fix it…in fact…they’re making it worse.

Seattle’s biggest problem when it comes to homelessness is Seattle and it’s bent toward liberalism, a fact liberals will argue against, but a fact nonetheless.

Before I get into what Seattle is doing, that will make the homeless situation there even worse than it already is, let me explain why Seattle has so many homeless to begin with.

Seattle’s liberalism is legendary…it’s one of the most liberal cities in America. Other such cities include, but are not limited to…Los Angeles, San Diego, Oakland, San Francisco, New York City, Washington DC, and Chicago. In fact, all of the cities named here are renowned for their liberalism, and all also have a big-time homeless problem.

They have something else in common too…a couple of dots liberals don’t want anyone to connect…

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The Craziest Democrat Strategy Yet

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

According to Neil Sroka, a liberal activist and spokesmouth for “Democracy for America,” which sounds suspiciously like “Organizing for America,” the 2018 strategy for his party’s midterm success should include the impeachment of President Trump.

Here’s exactly what he said…

“Democrats should run on an inclusive, populist agenda of free college and paid family leave, but shouldn’t shy away from supporting impeachment.”

Oh…please make that the foremost plank in the liberal/socialist party strategy.


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Lessons Learned from Liberals in 2017

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

History is a funny thing isn’t it?

It has often been said that those who fail to learn the lessons of history, are doomed to repeat it, and that much is certainly true.

President Ronald Reagan once said, “The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.”

That too is very true.

So…now that 2017 is history, and because liberals are liberals, perhaps it’s time to have a look at just what lessons we learned from those who “know so much that isn’t so.”

To begin our history lesson…

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Why Liberals Really Hate Tax Cuts

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Armageddon is defined as…”the last and completely destructive battle.”

In other words…Armageddon is the end of everything, including life.

So…according to perennial moonbat, Nancy Pelosi, regarding the GOP tax bill “It is the end of the world. The debate on health care is life/death. This is Armageddon.”

I couldn’t find even a single liberal on the record disagreeing with her, so one can reasonably suppose that before the passing of that GOP tax bill just before Christmas, liberals as a whole believed that should it pass…the entire world would come to an end.


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