The Dictator’s State of Tyranny Address

Tomorrow night, ON LINCOLN’S BIRTHDAY,the Dictator will deliver his State of Tyranny speech to his American subjects and to a joint session of the congress he fully intends to subvert.

We need to hear from the Great ENSLAVER on the birthday of the GREAT EMANCIPATOR like Lincoln needed to go to the theater.

There will be bowing and scraping, wild applause, cheering, head nodding and all other manner of ring and ass kissing throughout by the collective of elected socialists.

Among those in attendance will be a 4th grade girl from…

Newtown Connecticut.

No…She wasn’t even at the Sandy Hook School BUT…She did write a letter to Nancy Pelosi begging for government control of the people and the scrapping of the 2nd Amendment.

It was Rahm Emanuel who once, so famously said, “Never let a crisis go to waste.”

“Never let a Crisis go to waste.”

The most important word, as it turns out, in that statement is…”a.”

“Never let A crisis go to waste.”


“Never let ALL crisis go to waste.”

It’s important and, here’s why.

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2nd Amendment Crusade – 2016 Strategy

As I outlined in yesterday’s Weekend Edition…NOW is the time WE must take a stand. Obama’s gun grab agenda IS the rally point for the 2014 midterm elections and he MUST be stopped.

The ONLY way he can bring FULL socialism to this nation is to REMOVE the citizen’s right to keep and bear arms, render the 2nd Amendment null and void and then…the rest of our rights will come under assault.

Socialists have been at this for DECADES and they are now, closer than ever before, to full assimilation turning the Republic into a socialist based system.

Obama’s “Fundamental Transformation” is at hand and WE must get serious.

We CAN have the same effect on the 2014 midterm as we did in 2010 but…WHAT HAPPENED IN BETWEEN???

The opportunity to remove the Dictator from office presented itself in November 2012 but, WE missed it.

How then, do we avoid the same missed opportunity in 2016?

By recognizing the error and NOT doing the same thing again.

I have been told, many times, that I preach to the choir.

True enough for, the socialists have no interest in listening to any plan other than their own.

Rather than a choir, for the sake of this article, let’s call it an orchestra.

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Desperation in the Words of the Dictator

If you are a minority, gay, illegal immigrant from a communist country, yesterday’s coronation of the Dictator was your dog and pony show.

Politically direct enough for ya?

The orification from the Orifice in Chief was a deep courtesy to the ilk of Lenin, Mao, Castro and Gay Guevara.

Look…I realize that I have mentioned “gay” in 2 out of the first 3 sentences but, before anyone comes unhinged, yesterday’s unhinged ceremony included the divisiveness of gays and straights in the body of the Dictator’s speech AND  in its closing prayer not to mention the divisiveness of race and class standing to boot.

The Dictator used his coronation to draw a clear line that he only sees ONE side of what divides this nation…THE SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST side.

Don’t think so?

How about THIS quote?

“Preserving our individual freedoms ultimately requires collective action.”

If you thought the last 4 years made you sick…You have not yet begun to vomit.

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Weekend Edition: Gun Rights vs Gun Control – The TRUTH

The government can’t find 15 million ILLEGAL aliens and to be perfectly honest, they don’t WANT to but, by forcing gun registration…They WILL be able to find every LAW ABIDING gun owner in America. Am I the ONLY one who thinks something is wrong when the government, in an attempt to control people, does nothing about those who BREAK our laws and removes rights from those who ABIDE by the laws???

In the next few days, Joe Biden will submit his report on how to control you to the Emperor. Both he AND the Emperor have made it clear that Imperial Orders may well come into play against you regarding the 2nd Amendment.

Over the last few weeks, socialists, liberals and their pundits have not missed a single opportunity or microphone in their quest to demean and dismiss you, the law abiding gun owners of America.

They want you to believe that what they are about to propose or bypass congress to accomplish with regard to eroding your rights is for your safety and…of course…for the children.

Every time they want to remove some of your rights, it’s for the sake of the children.


It’s time to make a few things crystal clear and I can assure you, liberals and socialists aren’t going to like this at all because…It’s the TRUTH.

How many times have we all heard a socialist, bent on controlling you by removing your rights, tell anyone within earshot that you don’t need an AR-15 to hunt deer?

Socialists are trying to SHAME you into bowing to their ideology and they HOPE you will be seen as the fool.

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Letter to Liberals, Socialists and Assorted Idiots

Dear Liberals, Socialists and Assorted Idiots,

We tried to tell you but YOU told US we were crazy.

You got your 1st paycheck of 2013 last Friday and many, MANY of you were astonished that it was smaller than it was the Friday before.

Guess what?

Elections have consequences.

YOU voted for what you DIDN’T get in your paychecks…TWICE.

You did and YOU know it.

For the last 4 years, the Emperor has made it very clear that he wanted to stick it to the “rich” and hike THEIR taxes.

WE, as conservatives, TRIED to tell you that HE was lying.

We tried and we tried and every time we told you he was going to hike YOUR taxes, even though YOU are part of the MIDDLE CLASS that the Emperor said MUST NOT be harmed by higher taxes…

YOU told us that WE had NO IDEA what we were talking about.

YOU called US crazy. You called US names.

YOU said WE were lying.

Well, now that you’ve seen your paychecks, what do you think?

77% of ALL Americans, regardless of their class, lower, middle or upper, have had their taxes jacked up.

YOU are among them.

WE were telling YOU the TRUTH.

Remember Obamacare?

Well, THAT’S just PART of your current tax hike.

We told you so.

Your payroll tax went up too, didn’t it?

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Weekend Edition: “Gun Control” – Socialists in Their OWN Words

So…When we, as Conservatives, say that liberals…socialists really…Want to disarm We the People…WE’RE crazy?

WE’RE just making stuff up?

WE’RE the extremists and…

WE’RE lying?


The denials of socialists when confronted with facts would be whimsical were the facts not so dire and despite what socialists will tell you, the implications are more dire than the facts.

First, let’s have a look at what a few historical “gun control” advocates had to say in THEIR day.

“Germans who wish to use firearms should join the SS or the SA – ordinary citizens don’t need guns, as their having guns doesn’t serve the State.”

Heinrich Himmler

“If the [political] opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves.”

Josef Stalin

“The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed the subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the supply of arms to the underdogs is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty.”

Adolf Hitler

Edict of March 18, 1938, H.R. Trevor-Roper, Hitler’s Table Talks 1941-1944 (London: Widenfeld and Nicolson, 1953, p. 425-426)


There is a reason I open this article with those 3 quotes from 3 of the most ruthless, murderous curs of history.

I want you to keep those quotes top of mind as you read the rest of this article.

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URGENT!!! Amerika…THIS is Your Final Warning!!!

Are you awake yet Amerika???

That is NOT a typo.

I’m talking to YOU…Citizens of the Socialist Banana Republik of the Former United States.

Some of you, far too many, have been hitting the snooze button for far, FAR too long.


Are you awake…YET???

Yesterday, in what was surely the strangest press conference I have ever seen held by a president…One masquerading as one made some EAR SHATTERING announcements.

Ear shattering only if you aren’t DEAF to the sound of a nation’s destruction.

Normally, appointing Joe Biden to do ANYTHING would be a laughing matter but, this simply isn’t funny.

Biden has been put in charge of Obama’s commission to end gun violence.

The reason this isn’t at all laughable is because Biden couldn’t lead anyone’s way out of a wet paper sack and Obama damned well knows it.

Biden, therefore, is nothing but a figurehead and future pavement under a Canadian made bus should anything go wrong.

The entire commission, whoever should be appointed to it is a sham.

To be succinct…This panel or commission or board…Whatever it ends up being labeled…Is nothing different from the group of scum who drew up the Sharia law “constitution” for Morsi in Egypt.

It’s a kangaroo committee.

Make no mistake…The Emperor means to disarm Amerika and lay waste to the 2nd Amendment.

Allow me to connect a few dots and decode a couple of things from yesterday’s presser.

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I Don’t Need a Drone to Identify BULLCRAP!!!

Think about it…When WAS the last time YOU were invited to DISCUSS anything on a NATIONAL scale???



That’s because there is NO SUCH THING as a NATIONAL DISCUSSION.

But that is exactly what the socialists say they want…A national discussion regarding the 2nd Amendment and gun control.

“I think when we talk about the assault weapons ban that was in place in the U.S., to have allowed that to have gone away …These are assault weapons. You don’t hunt deer with these things.”

Those were the words, spoken yesterday by Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy.

His words are being echoed far and wide by socialists elected or not, on social media, news reports and by dictator loving socialist pundits.



You can NOT alter the meaning of the Constitution.

The 2nd Amendment was NOT meant to preserve an individual’s right to go hunting regardless of what you WANT everyone to believe and no matter HOW many times you repeat the lie.

Were that the case, our original Patriots would have been allowed bows and arrows…

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Socialism – Building a Culture of Stupidity

Don’t we wish we could put today’s socialists into a time machine and send them 25 years into the future? Maybe 50 years?

Let them see what their policies will bring.


The bad news is that there are no time machines.

The good news is that we don’t need one.

For the last 40 or 50 years, our schools have been pumping out liberal morons brainwashed with the propaganda of socialism. Not everybody is easily stupefied but, those early least common denominators have now reproduced, passing along their collective ideas of collectivism and their children are now having children.

Those who were brainwashed by the first wave are now teachers themselves and the entitlement generations are starting to pile up.

And so, the teachers, via their union socialist thugs, are being fed a never ending buffet of class warfare pap which, no doubt, they are regurgitating into the already socialist soaked heads of today’s youth.

I’m going to give this to you in a nutshell and…

Since socialists are NUTS…

This SHOULD hit them where they live.

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The Fiscal Cliff Is a Disguise For…

We’re about to go off the fiscal cliff. Don’t be fooled by the disguise.

We’re just 3 weeks shy of it, give or take a couple days and, taking the chance that the Mayan calendar is wrong.

The Emperor made HIS proposal, absurd as it was, to demand twice the amount of tax hikes he campaigned on, the dictatorial authority to raise the debt ceiling without any need to seek congressional approval and put off any hint of spending cuts until an unnamed point in time that we all know will never come.

The republicans countered with their proposal that produces the same amount of revenue the Emperor campaigned on by closing loopholes and NOT raising ANYONE’S taxes and included entitlement reform that would cut spending AND sustain those entitlements for future generations.

It’s now crystal clear, as we have been saying, that the Emperor has NO interest whatsoever in adding revenues.

Obama simply wants to stick it to the so-called “rich.”

He wants to jack up their taxes.


This has nothing whatsoever to do with paying any sort of “fair share” and EVERYTHING to do with punishing success.

I’m about to explain this to socialists in a nutshell and I ain’t  gonna be polite about it.

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