Damn the Roses…This is the Socialist Derby

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

AND…they’re off…in more ways than one.

The liberal’s horse race for the White House is under way. Let’s call it the Socialist Derby and issue an immediate apology to the great state of Kentucky for purloining their moniker.

The problem is, all the liberal horses are running backwards. Have you ever seen a horse running backwards? It’s awkward, to say the least, and amusing at best. What it amounts to is watching one horse’s ass trying to get out front of the rest of the horses asses to see which horse’s ass can get to the glue factory last.

It’s not much fun for the horses…it’s gonna be sad for liberals who have their bets placed…but it’s gonna be a hoot for we spectators on the right side of the bleachers.

To fully understand the nature of this race, we’ll have to size up just a few of the horses asses in the running. Trust me…there are simply too many horses asses in this race to deal with all of them…which would require writing a book rather than an article, and I just don’t have time to write a book so let’s start with…

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A Very Bad Week For Liberals

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Last week was a bad week for the stupid liberals…a very bad week…which has resulted in a perverse sense of glee on my part.

I just can’t help it.

As the liberals grow evermore desperate, they have started doing some of the most obtuse things that even a six year old could see as doomed to failure…but as we are all too well aware…your average liberal’s intelligence doesn’t rise to the level of your average six year old.

The real question is…from where do I even begin?

Okay…how about with what’s going on in the state of denial…Virginia?

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Toxic Masculinity My Hairy, Australopitheman Ass

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Toxic masculinity…it’s all the rage right now amongst liberals who are always looking for something at which to direct their collective rage. You know who I’m talking about…the tolerant left who are always seeking out new targets for their collective intolerance.

Liberals…the perpetually, terminally offended. Those to whom great offense is always taken due to the actions of those who are rarely offended by anything at all. You know…liberals…the victims of everything, responsible for nothing, owed by everyone and in desperate need of warping the world around them, and those who inhabit it to their own bent, distorted and intellectually dishonest mindset.

One day, it is the weather that has their panties in a wad…the next, it might be someone thinking that under the Constitution, we have a right to keep and bear arms.

Right now, for the moment, the flame throwing weapon aimed at the delicate little snowflakes is…

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The Wall: Dollars and Common Sense

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

According to David Cicilline, a liberal congressman from Rhode Island, President Trump’s proposed border wall, “is a colossal waste for money.”

That said…it’s been the better part of 35 years since I took junior high algebra, and to be honest, it was not my best subject. I didn’t see the need for it. In fact, my algebra teacher once asked me, in front of the entire class, why I had such a hard time grasping algebra.

My response was simple…

I told her that I used NUMBERS for MATH…and LETTERS for SPELLING. While that snarky line drew scorn from my algebra teacher, it elicited everything from snickers to full-on laughs from my classmates but that’s not the point…

The point is…one doesn’t have to jump through mathematical hoops, flaming or otherwise, to get to the heart of the abject stupidity of Cicilline’s statement. In fact, all one has to do is apply…not common core…but common sense to it.

Okay…let’s get after this…

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Crap We Learned in 2018

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Okay…its 2019…a new year full of new possibilities and new opportunities, and it’s time to look back at some of the crap we learned in 2018.

While liberals continue to pee themselves over Hillary’s loss in 2016, and spew their socialist collective hatred at President Trump, and at Conservatives…desperately trying to take both down…we Conservatives continue to wallow about in all the winning our country is experiencing.

The real difference between liberals and Conservatives as we begin a new year, is nothing new…as Conservatives, we love our country…liberals don’t…and while we actually learn from things related to last year…liberals just never seem to get a grip on reality.

So…here we go…crap we learned last year…

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The Mainstream Media’s Blurred 20/20 Vision

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Obviously, there has been a mountain of things going on in the world over the past couple of weeks, and in a 24/7 news cycle, one would think that the mainstream media would have plenty of hard-hitting, current and relevant things to cover.

Take ABC’s news magazine, 20/20 for instance…

The name of the program suggests it has a clear, sharp vision of what’s important, relevant and news worthy. One would expect current topics, in-depth analysis and introspective investigative reporting…right?

Well…before I tell you what they hyped since Christmas for their first show of the new year this Friday, January 4th, 2019…let me tell you a few of the things they didn’t cover on that show.

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The Liberal’s Guide to Christmas

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

It’s that time of the year when visions of sugarplums start dancing in one’s head and our thoughts turn to the festive gatherings of families and friends.

Christmas…from the reason for the season, to jolly ol’ St. Nick…from the giving of gifts, to food, fun, laughter and decorating.

Christmas is a time for celebration unless, of course…

You’re a liberal.

With that in mind, allow me to provide, not so much as a set of rules, but more as a source of information…

The Liberal’s Guide to Christmas.

Here we go…

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Liberals…Unencumbered By Reality

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© Craig Andresen/thenationalpatriot.com 2018

In order to be a liberal these days…I mean a dyed in the wool, card carrying certified liberal…one has to be nuttier than a squirrel turd on a pecan plantation.

Today’s aforementioned variety of liberals have an upside down, ass-backwards view of the entire world in which they’re taking up space.

They live in a world of denial, make-believe, entitlement, perceived and pretend victimhood and self-loathing. They believe as fact, things that are demonstratively untrue, and dismiss true facts as conspiratorial fraud. Not even Einstein could quantify the level of liberal stupidity.

Reality eludes today’s liberals as deftly as a skunk eludes a semi in the middle of the road…the difference being that liberals should be smart enough to know better than to play in traffic where skunks simply never see reality coming at them.

Let’s have a look at a few examples of what it takes to be a true liberals in today’s America…

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Liberals Say It’s Trump’s Fault – Any Port in a Storm

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Earlier this Week, as hurricane Florence barreled towards the East Coast with a powerful storm, but before landfall, on Wednesday, September 12th, 2018…the Washington Post did what liberal fake news has become famous for…they blamed the impending hurricane on…

President Trump.

The title of the Washington Post op-ed? “Another hurricane is about to batter our coast. Trump is complicit.”

Here’s a tidbit from the poo-flinging fish wrapper…

“Yet when it comes to extreme weather, Mr. Trump is complicit. He plays down humans’ role in increasing the risks, and he continues to dismantle efforts to address those risks. It is hard to attribute any single weather event to climate change. But there is no reasonable doubt that humans are priming the Earth’s systems to produce disasters.”

Did you get that?

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The Mainstream Media Monkeys Up Racism

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The fake news mainstream media propagandists are at it again, this time going after Florida gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis and trying to label him a racist.

True to form, any time liberals are losing an argument on merit, they cry “racism” and hope that the mere accusation is enough to brand their opponent as unworthy of the position.

Last week, DeSantis won the Republican nod in the primary to run against liberal, and socialist, Andrew Gillum who as the Mayor of Tallahassee, Florida has an abysmal record regarding both the economy and crime.

After his primary victory, DeSantis was doing an interview with Fox News when he made a comment that liberals, and his opponent, who happens to be black, seized upon as racist.

Here’s how the liberal fake news mainstream media is portraying it…

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