Reparations…The New Welfare

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again…nobody alive today in the United States has ever been a slave in the United States…and nobody alive in the United States today has ever own slaves in the United States.

That is just a cold, hard fact…but it’s not stopping the descendants of slaves from seeking reparations from the descendants of former slave owners.

Here’s something else I’ve said before…

If your ancestors were slaves, and you think that you deserve reparations…dig up the some old pre-Civil War democrats…dig through their pockets and whatever loose change you can find…is yours…but don’t come around demanding that I pay you for what my ancestors might have done to your ancestors.

That said…

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Hypocrisy For the Left of Us…Condemnation For the Rest of Us

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The real shame of racism in the U.S. is that racists are controlling the national dialogue, while non-racists are allowing it to be that way. To discover just how true that statement is, and why it’s true, one first must identify just who the real racists are.

Historically speaking, the real racists in America have enjoyed a singular political party affiliation…to the democrat party.

Democrats fought for slavery. Democrats founded the Ku Klux Klan. Democrats developed Jim Crow laws. Democrats stood for segregation. Democrats initially blocked the Civil Rights Act and democrats invented Affirmative action….the process of separating blacks and people of color from the rest of the nation for the business of protecting and advancing people based solely on race, regardless of their abilities as individuals.

Those are all historical facts, but today’s democrats, today’s liberals, are no less racist than their historical political party predecessors.

Today, driven by liberal ideology, and the liberal agenda, if you’re black… Continue reading

Weed Weasels, Statues and the Truth

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

So…today it’s statues that are being removed. Statues of Confederates to be precise, and why? Because some people claim to be offended by them.

It’s a conundrum really.

The terminally offended, which one can most usually find in the deep weeds of their natural habitat…on the left side of the political aisle…say that those statues, of Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis and the like just have to go. They must be removed because they are tangible reminders of the era of slavery.


Reminders of slavery? So, if those statues are removed…what? History is scrubbed clean of the stain of slavery?

It doesn’t work that way.

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Rebel Flag Flap…Let it Fly

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

rf 1Did Nikki Haley really cave to political correctness in now agreeing that the Confederate flag be taken down from the South Carolina statehouse?

And why are Conservatives all bent over that flag being taken down?

There are plenty of people out there turning themselves inside out trying to make a case for leaving that flag flying and they’re using the flag’s design to justify it.

I have seen thousands of comments and posts regarding the Confederate flag over the last week or so and many of them are along these lines…“Neither the design nor the content of the flag has anything to do with racism, slavery, hatred or white supremacy. Nothing.”

That of course, is correct…there IS nothing in the DESIGN of the Confederate flag that denotes racism. But…is the design of the rebel flag all there is to it?

Look…I know about the Confederate flag design…

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Ferguson – Eyes Open, Case Closed

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

eyes 1Yesterday, in The National Patriot, I laid out the politically direct truth regarding the criminal aftermath of the Ferguson Grand Jury decision and exactly who is responsible for it.

Today, I will go a step further to provide the direct compare and contrast Obama doesn’t want you to read.

As I stated at the end of yesterday’s article, “Mike Brown’s 7 Steps to 6 Feet Under,” all of the events that have transpired between the seating of the Grand Jury and the criminal aftermath of their decision have been orchestrated by the liberal machine and the wizard behind the curtain, pulling the levers and spinning the dials as well as the flow of information and propaganda is none other than Barack Hussein Obama.”

And, as I have stated for years, “If you really want to know what liberals are up to, pay attention to what they accuse Conservatives of doing.”

Take a seat and hold onto something well anchored Obama…you’re not going to like what’s coming next because…it’s the truth.

Let’s go back to 2009 and 2010…

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White People Are NOT Our “Black Brother’s Keepers!!”

ferg 1I intended to write an article today about the mess in Ferguson Missouri but let’s be honest here…brutally honest…I don’t know what happened when that punk kid got shot by the cop and neither do those who are rioting, looting, committing arson, shooting or going on the attack.

Jesse Jackson doesn’t know…Al Sharpton doesn’t know…Eric Holder doesn’t know…Obama doesn’t know and neither does the grand jury that’s been seated to railroad that cop into court.

NOBODY really knows what went down in that moment nor will they until the investigation is complete and when that is done, if charges are warranted, so be it. A trial will follow, a verdict will be rendered and whatever happens next will happen…but I guarantee you this…if there is no trial or the cop is found not guilty IN a trial…there WILL be more of what we’ve seen in Ferguson over the past 12 days and nights.

It won’t just be contained IN Ferguson either and there’s a reason for that…

Now I said I was going to be brutally honest and so…here goes…

There are good people in Ferguson…plenty of them from both sides of the political aisle and of all colors of skin but what we’re seeing there now is a direct result of idiots and fools.

Perhaps the most inane thing uttered in the wake of the shooting of that punk and while the riots continue came directly from the mouth of Don Lemon at CNN a few days ago…

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Friday Fume

Well, friends and Patriots…Another week has come and gone.

Malaysia has lost a plane and…


Let’s skip the quick hitters this time and head straight for the knot-headed behavior of the left side of the aisle.

Today is FRIDAY and…

I’m fuming.


ALL the other problems in the world have been TAKEN CARE OF and the ONLY thing now holding women back is being called bossy.

According to Facebook’s  COO, Sheryl Sandberg, little girls are somehow scarred for life if they are called…Bossy and women…WOMEN…Just can’t reach their true potential if THEY are called…


WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP but, like flies to manure…LIBERALS are now buzzing around trying to actually BAN the word…BOSSY!!!

According to liberals…being called BOSSY is a form of LABELING and…”BEING LABELED…MATTERS!!!”

Oddly…It hasn’t stopped LIBERALS from labeling those who don’t flock toward SOCIALISM as “ANGRY MOBS, TERRORISTS, HOSTAGE TAKERS, VIOLENT, RACISTS and CERTIFIABLY INSANE!!!”

These idiots claim that, by middle school, little girls are less interested in LEADERSHIP and the REASON they are less interested is because…THEY ARE AFRAID THEY WILL BE CALLED…BOSSY!!!

“BAN BOSSY” is now the liberal cry.

“BAN BOSSY!!!!!!!”

I don’t know about you but…DEMANDING  the word…BOSSY…be banned seems to be pretty…

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Obamacare, Lies and Videotape

Whatever lies beneath pond scum is where socialist puppet Harry Reid dwells.

Yesterday…upon the announcement of yet ANOTHER house plan to open the government…

Reid stated, categorically, “It won’t pass the Senate.”

Neither Reid nor Obama nor anyone else in the senate, had even seen the republican proposal. It had not even been voted on in the house.

And yet…There was the Dictator’s useful idiot, Harry Reid…Rushing to a microphone to tell the world that, “It won’t pass the senate.”

Anyone who can still fog a mirror and thinks this “shutdown” and the impending bump up against the debt ceiling is the fault of Republicans, is delusional.

On the left, we have a Dictator who refuses to negotiate, a mob of morons spouting rhetoric, pointing fingers across the aisle and labeling the willing to negotiate, bill and proposal passing Republicans as everything from “arsonists, terrorists, hostage takers, ransom demanding homicide vest wearing radicals” while Reid continues to be the only one not allowing the Republican proposals to come to a vote.

Yesterday, without so much as laying socialist eyeball on the latest proposal from the house…without knowing one single thing about it…Reid said, “It won’t pass the senate.”

Without even seeing the proposal, Nancy Pelosi stated it was, “wasting the public’s time.”

Without seeing the latest Republican proposal, white house mouthpiece, Amy Brundage, called it, “A partisan attempt to appease a small group of Tea Party Republicans who forced the government shutdown in the first place.” 

And Harry Reid…WITHOUT EVEN SEEING THE REPUBLICAN PROPOSAL ,STATED THAT IT IS NOTHING BUT…”Extremist Republicans in the House of Representatives are attempting to torpedo the Senate’s bipartisan progress with a bill that can’t pass the Senate … and won’t pass the Senate.”

Remind me once again, exactly, who is responsible for 17% of the government being closed?

Oh yes…

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A Progressive March to the Brink of Self Destruction

The election of 2012 will be the – THE – most important election in our 235-year history. We’ve heard this said and while many agree, I believe it needs context. To say an election is THE most important, one really needs to know which previous election set the standard.

To do that, I believe we must go back and have a look at the election of 1860.

It was the 1860 election which gave us President Lincoln – but it was what led to that momentous moment which makes the 1860 election so important and to this day, the most…MOST important we have ever seen.

We all know that slavery was the…THE issue in that election but few people know why. Of course there are the known factors in that slavery was wrong, the south wanted it, the north did not and the divide would lead to civil war – but what was it which lit the fuse?

To be frank, it was the Kansas–Nebraska Act.

In 1854, that Act, which replaced the Missouri Compromise, was written by and pushed to passage by Lincoln’s future opponent Stephen Douglas.

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