Mad Maxine…As Unstable As They Come

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

“A Member, Delegate, Resident Commissioner, officer, or employee of the House shall conduct himself at all times in a manner that shall reflect creditably on the House.” (House Rule 23, clause 1.)

Given that particular rule, and considering what House member Maxine Waters said to a small group of like mindless liberals in Los Angeles…“If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them! And you tell them that they are not welcome, anymore, anywhere,” it would seem Mad Maxine is in trouble.

Her statement, an incitement to violence could, and should get her expelled from the House, and it could, and should land her ample arse in an official investigation from which jail time could, and should be forthcoming.

That is the most of Mad Maxine’s problems, but it’s the least of the problems for the liberal party.

Let me explain…

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Circus Cannons, Guatermelons and the Law

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

How anyone can be 6 feet, 8 inches tall and exist without a spine is quite beyond my comprehension, but somehow James Comey is still walking upright, so one can suppose it is possible.]

Late last week, the backboneless coward Comey traveled to Ireland and let loose his truest feelings regarding the United States when he told a crowd that upon entering the Emerald Isle, he and his wife wanted to tell customs that they were from Canada, because…and I’ll quote the giant invertebrate here…

“My wife and I were joking, not really joking; we wanted to tell the people on the customs line coming here that we were Canadian. And we were joking but it’s funny because it reveals a truth: I’m ashamed.”

Naturally, Comey was talking about the policy of separating illegal alien kids from their illegal alien parents at our southern border, and he added…

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A Simple Solution for Illegals and Liberals

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

According to a 1997 legal settlement, DHS could detain unaccompanied children captured at the border for only 20 days before releasing them to foster families, shelters or sponsors, pending resolution of their immigration cases.

That was expanded through other court rulings to include both unaccompanied and accompanied children.

Then, in 2008, the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act required…that’s REQUIRED unaccompanied minors from countries other than Mexico and Canada to be placed in the care of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, or relatives in the U.S., while they go through removal proceedings.

That legal settlement, and that Act are at the center of what liberals are now decrying as the inhumane separation of illegal alien kids from their illegal alien parents and naturally…

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Whoever Wins…the Constitution Loses

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

Hillary Clinton, along with violating the Espionage Act of 1917 and the Federal Records ht 1Keeping Act…along with her treason related to Benghazi and lies told to cover her ample, pant-suited ass…is also a vile and vicious anti-constitution freak show regarding our 2nd Amendment.

Before I get to her specific comments, allow me to ask anyone with a working brain cell…and the liberals without such…to tell us all just how effective the liberal gun control measures are working out for them.

Gun free zones? Really? The majority of mass shootings in this country take place in liberal induced gun free zones yet every time some liberal crackpot opens fire in a school or college, liberal numb-nuts rush to the nearest microphone or to their social media to demand more gun restrictions.

And gun restrictions and gun registrations…

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The Jail for Jesus Movement is Coming Soon

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

mart 1They have been successful.

The far, FAR religious right, those driven by those who pretend to be Christians and Conservatives, have successfully, in their minds, fabricated a martyr out of a useful, liberal idiot…Kim Davis…and they now stand on their holier-than-thou island and claim Davis was jailed solely because of her religion. They claim she was persecuted…only because of her Christian beliefs…not prosecuted for her contempt and disorderly conduct as anyone would be had they done in court what she did there.

“Jailed for being a Christian,” they are saying…”Christianity now against the law,” they claim.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Christians are not being rounded up in this country. They’re not being kept from attending whichever branch of church they choose. Churches are not being shut down in our country and the people are still free to worship in their own way.

It’s not that way in other parts of the world but these holier-then-thou Christians, those laser focused on Davis, don’t give a damn. Christians MURDERED in other parts of the world…rounded up, burned alive, shot…hanged, nailed to crosses, raped, tortured, beheaded and all just for being Christians…but where ARE those who have stood…loud and proud…for the woman who refuses to issue a marriage license in the face of all of that, from other parts of the world where there really IS a war on Christianity going on?

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Kim Davis – Agenda of a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

kd 1When my Right Side Patriots radio partner and friend, Diane Sori and I wrote and published yesterday’s article, “First Amendment Held Hostage in Kentucky,” I had no intention of writing a follow-up article but, considering the comments received after yesterday’s article…I felt compelled to address a few things which some folks out there just refuse to grasp.

Far too many of the holier-than-thou religious Conservatives out there, and one can only guess from some talking points memo, are feigning ignorance which makes them appear foolish…their top question has been…”What law did this woman, Davis, break to be sent to jail?”

That of course was followed by an often repeated, in nearly the exact same wording…”What law did congress pass making gay marriage legal?” And the direct talking points memo statement of…”She’s in jail for her beliefs…not for breaking any law,” was another oft repeated comment being made so…let me make this clear for the terminally religious fabricaters of spin out there…

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First Amendment Held Hostage In Kentucky

By: Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on CPR Worldwide Media / www.cprworldwidemedia,net

“I’ve weighed the cost and I’m prepared to go to jail, I sure am…this has never been davis 10a gay or lesbian issue for me. This is about upholding the word of God.” – Kim Davis, the woman who has made herself the flag bearer for the anti-gay marriage issue

Diversions…deflections…and all modes of roadblocks for a woman who’s been turned into a martyr by the religious far right as she, a civil servant, used her personal religious beliefs as a weapon of sorts to stop others…in this case a same-sex couple…from accessing their now SCOTUS awarded Constitutionally given legal right to civilly marry.

Now please understand before we go forward that this co-written article in no way is an attack on Christianity nor on anyone’s personal beliefs, know that we both are straight, and that we both are believers in the one true living God of the Christians and the Jews.

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All the King’s Horses and all the King’s Minions

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

hump 1Humpty Dumpty sits on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty is about to fall.
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Can never put Humpty together again.

Humpty in this case is Obamacare and at the end of next month, the United States Supreme Court will render a decision that could well leave Humpty Dumpty shattered into 8 million pieces.

At stake are the subsidies. Should the Supreme Court hold that the subsidies are allowed only as the law was written…that ONLY the STATE exchanges are allowed to extend subsidies and NOT the FEDERAL exchange…8 million people who received subsidies from the federal exchange per the king’s executive order and not via an act of the congress…would LOSE those taxpayer subsidies thus making the “AFFORDABLE” Care Act UNaffordable to them.

If they can’t afford the cost of full-on socialism…they will drop OUT of the socialist healthcare program leaving the pool of other people’s money too shallow to draw from for the rest. Oh, there are options…everybody ELSE’S premium costs, deductibles and prescription costs could be jacked up into outer space to cover the shortfall but that will render socialismcare unaffordable even to those who can, but just barely, afford it now and they TOO will beat a hasty exit.

I believe the Supreme Court will indeed rule against the king on this one and here’s why…

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