Reality vs Made For Reality TV Administration

With this Imperial administration’s tight ties to Hollywood, It’s no wonder that the happenings in Washington now seem more like a reality show schedule.

What’s missing from the line-up is NEWS but, most socialists regard the  Daily Show as their primary source of hard hitting investigative news.

With this in mind, let’s break out the TV Guide and see what’s on for YOUR viewing pleasure!!!

This week…On CSI Benghazi…

The senate is holding a “hearing” today regarding who knew what and when did they know it regarding the terrorist attack in Benghazi which ended in  the deaths of 4 Americans.

Hillary Clinton who KNOW who knew what and when they knew it…

WASN’T there but not for lack of an…”Invitation.”

Hillary couldn’t be bothered because she already had pressing plans.

Drinking wine down under.

The Head of the CIA who knows full well who gave the “Stand Down orders won’t be there either because…HE was having an affair and resigned.

What a miracle of timing THAT is huh?

General Ham and Rear Admiral Gaouette  who ALSO know from whom the “Stand Down” orders emanated won’t be there.

They have been relieved of duty because THEY didn’t want to FOLLOW those orders.

Tough break.

The Secretary of Defense. Yes…Leon Panetta. HE’LL be there…right?


He’s going to be in Australia too because, apparently, Hillary needs a designated driver or something.

Obama, one suspects, is hiding under his desk as he will not be available either.

So basically, nobody of consequence will be answering questions from senators.

Business as usual…Move along…Nothing to see here.

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Who Will Chaperone the Chaperones?


The most elite law enforcement detail in the nation now has to be treated like children because of their all too adult behavior.

It’s disgusting.

The Secret Service, while on overseas assignments, has been not-so-secretly-serviced. Carousing with foreign hookers, binge drinking and frequenting strip clubs. Those identified, some…Not all…are being allowed to retire or resign. So far, nobody has been fired.

But NOW…new RULES are being employed.

“Alcohol may only be consumed in moderate amounts while off-duty on a TDY (temporary duty) assignment and alcohol use is prohibited within 10 hours of reporting or duty. Foreign nationals, excluding hotel staff and official counterparts, are prohibited in your hotel room.”

Let’s be clear…the behavioral problems are not new, not confined to this current administration and so far, have been traced back over a decade. What is coming to light now, has been going on for a long time.

The issue I have; is how it’s being handled in the here and now.

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