Weather Weasels of the Apocalypse REJOICE!!!

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

Now that Obama has ISIS contained…Paris, San Bernardino, most of the Middle East, a good portion of North Africa and areas of Europe along with various other places within the geographical boundaries of earth notwithstanding…the collective heads of state have turned their collective heads to more pressing matters.


That’s correct…a CLIMATE CHANGE deal has been reached and thus, for the first time since the creation of the 3rd rock from the sun, our climate will not change!!!

There was a standing ovation as the 195 countries involved in utter nonsense announced that a deal had been reached by which the world’s temperature would not rise by more than 2 degrees Celsius and fossil fuels would become obsolete.

See below for details…

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Weekend Edition: Ig Nobel Answers to Unquestioned Issues

There are certain ways by which we recognize greatness.

Every year since 1901 the Nobel Prize has been awarded for achievements in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and for peace. The Nobel Prize is an international award administered by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm, Sweden.

And then, there too are ways by which we recognize the not so greatness of scientific research.

The first Ig Nobels were awarded in 1991, at that time for discoveries “that cannot, or should not, be reproduced.” The prizes are presented by real Nobel laureates in Sanders Theater at Harvard University. There are a number of running jokes, including a little girl who yells, “Please stop: I’m bored,” in a high-pitched voice if speakers go on too long and paper airplanes being tossed at the audience by the presenters.  The ceremony always closes with the phrase: “If you didn’t win a prize — and especially if you did — better luck next year!”

Given the fact that Al Gore was given an actual Nobel prize for science quackery and Obama was handed one for what…We do not know…One is left to question why the Nobel prizes are considered prestigious and the Ig Nobels are considered a joke.

Here are this year’s Ig Nobel winners and my comments on them.

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