On January 28th, 2014, his highness the king, will deliver his State of the Union speech.
After being named as the deliverer of the 2013 lie of the year, a lie repeated by him some 3 dozen times over the past 3 years, Obama’s SOTU for 2014 should be one for the ages.
Obama will, no doubt, blame republicans for last fall’s 17% government shutdown as well as for a myriad of other things republicans had nothing with which to do.
But…If he chooses to duck and run from Obamacare on January 28th 2014 as he did in the 2012 SOTU, the omission will speak louder than his droning words as Americans, by the tens of millions, from both sides of the political aisle, are being screwed BY Obamacare daily.
How will he handle the topic?
The initial prognostication of most conservatives is that Obama will turn it into yet another festival of fibs. A desperate delivering of deception.
Another litany of lies.
The American public are watching their lives be turned upside down by Obamacare and their bank accounts being drained by it. Businesses are seeing their American Dream become America’s worst nightmare and, liberals up for election in November of 2014 are heading for the deep weeds because of Obamacare.
As his poll numbers continue to decline and more and more Americans deem him unworthy of trust, even the pathological liar knows the jig is up.
So, if one takes lying out of the teleprompter, what other options does the liar have?