On Private Militias and Their Future

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!!           By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori/ Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio.com

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”the all-important Second Amendment to the United States Constitution.


Recently, so-called “private militias” have become a hot-button issue of contention for those who simply do not understand the true nature of militias and why they are desperately needed in these trying political times. And while “private militias” existed long before the framing of our Constitution as well as their having played an important part in our nation’s founding, this article is not about the history of American militias per se as their history can be easily “googled,” but it is about why “private militias” are today not only gaining in numbers both start-up and membership wise, but why they can and must be accepted as robust defensive adjuncts to help aid our country’s state defense forces…forces more commonly known as SDF, state military, state guards, state militias, or state military reserves…and why it has become so imperative to address the numerous other rolls “private militias” can play in today’s America.

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Toxic Masculinity My Hairy, Australopitheman Ass

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!!

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Toxic masculinity…it’s all the rage right now amongst liberals who are always looking for something at which to direct their collective rage. You know who I’m talking about…the tolerant left who are always seeking out new targets for their collective intolerance.

Liberals…the perpetually, terminally offended. Those to whom great offense is always taken due to the actions of those who are rarely offended by anything at all. You know…liberals…the victims of everything, responsible for nothing, owed by everyone and in desperate need of warping the world around them, and those who inhabit it to their own bent, distorted and intellectually dishonest mindset.

One day, it is the weather that has their panties in a wad…the next, it might be someone thinking that under the Constitution, we have a right to keep and bear arms.

Right now, for the moment, the flame throwing weapon aimed at the delicate little snowflakes is…

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