Time For Truth – Part 1

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

According to America’s foremost Indian princess, Speaking Bull…aka Elizabeth at-1Warren…“We will stand up to bigotry. There is no compromise here. In all its forms, we will fight back against attacks on Latinos, African Americans, women, Muslims, immigrants, disabled Americans—on anyone. Whether Donald Trump sits in a glass tower or sits in the White House, we will not give an inch on this, not now, not ever.”

Pretty strong words from someone who claimed a false Native American heritage to reap liberal diversity rewards.

But there is more to it that Warren’s false claims of being an Indian…her statement, on behalf of all liberals, reeks of hypocrisy.

It was, after all, democrats who fought FOR slavery while Republicans fought to and did end it. Just as it was democrats who instituted and fought for Jim Crow laws that separated the races.

But there’s plenty more…

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Hey Hillary…Kiss My Diverse Ass

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

div-1Last Sunday night’s debate was interesting and for the easily offended, which means liberals and the holier-than-thou crowd…by all means, read on.

I’ve heard just about all I care to hear regarding what Donald Trump said 11 years ago that every man in America, and dare I say just about anywhere else has said at some point in their lives.

And for those who think such crass sexual language is somehow limited to the male of the species…get over yourselves ladies…you make the same sorts of comments and you know it.

Let me be perfectly honest and painfully blunt…

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Why So Grumpy…Trumpy?

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

Oh, my…his Trumpness, lord of the lies, Emperor of the realm of low-information voters gru 1and the bloviating buffoon of bombast is having another bad week and he’s got his panties all wadded up something fierce.

Out of the last 160 delegates, Ted Cruz has picked up 152 to Trumpy Grumpy Pants’ 8 and Grumpy Trumpy is throwing yet another Trumper tantrum , especially over Cruz’s 34 delegate total sweep in Colorado.

Social media is full of angry little low-information Trumpkins who are following the lead of their Emperor in crying foul, that Cruz stole the delegates in the Rocky Mountain state and that somehow, the GOP establishment rigged the process there, and just to squash Trump, Colorado disenfranchised the voters by not allowing them to cast a single ballot.

Dear Trumpkins…that decision was made by the Colorado Republican party…last August…not last week and the rules for candidates, as to how they could secure those 34 delegates, have been public for 7 months. Nothing about it was hidden, and as each state’s political parties can design their own system for the primaries, there was nothing underhanded or unethical about it.

Of course, there are plenty of little Trumpkins out there, like Rebecca Overton-Hooker who are all too giddy to show off their low-information agenda…

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Recapping the Hawkeye Cauci

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on americanpbn.com

ic 1Okay, the Iowa Caucuses, or Cauci (the plural form) are over and what did we learn from the fracas?


We learned that a full 43% of Iowans identify themselves as socialists and of that 43%, they had to toss coins in order to determine which of their socialist candidates would be awarded which socialist delegates. Hillary (soon to be indicted) Clinton squeaked out an extra delegate over Bernie (I intend to hike your taxes beyond bejesus) Sanders.

And how did those coin tosses go? Well…Hillary won 6 in a row. The last time a Clinton got that lucky calling heads or tails…it was Bill…with Monika.

The ‘get off my lawn” voters can relax though as Sanders will win the communist vote by a wide margin next week in New Hamster…er…New Hampshire.

That is what we learned on the government needs to take care of us from cradle to grave side of the aisle, but what was it we learned on the RIGHT side of the American aisle?


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Obamacare, According to Plan, is Failing

‘By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

Obamacare.coop 1

You remember Obamacare don’t you? The “you have to pass the bill to find out what’s in the bill,” bill? You remember…the bill that would allow us all to keep the insurance plans we had and liked…keep the doctors we had and liked?

Obamacare…the “fix” to our insurance nightmare that would provide “affordable” coverage for the estimated 30 million Americans who didn’t HAVE healthcare insurance?

Yeah, THAT Obamacare. It was in all the papers a year or more ago. Remember that ONLY the democrats voted for it. Not even ONE Republican in the House OR the Senate voted for the damned thing but that was before the initial shellacking that put Republicans in charge of the House.

Well…hang onto your seats because that awful, festering, stinking pile of crap is coming back into the news but Obama isn’t going to like it much.

First of all…Obama WAS supposed to, at least according to liberals, insure ALL Americans and they told us and TOLD us that back then, there were some 30 MILLION Americans who didn’t HAVE any health insurance. Remember? Well, that number has now been trimmed all the way down to…30 million Americans. Yes, you read that correctly…there are STILL 30 MILLION Americans without healthcare coverage and the thanks for that goes to…Obamacare.

But that’s not the big news regarding this mess…

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Obama’s Iran “Deal” Nothing But Caliphate Cover…Part 3 of 3

By: Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on CPR Worldwide Media / www.cprworldwidemedia,net

dd 1“There is not value to our allies to see there is a split here in Congress or between Congress and the executive on this issue.”

– Republican turncoat Senator Jeff Flake on why he sold out to the Democratic supporters of Iran’s nuclear weapons ambition

Well it’s over…’We the People’ lost…America lost…and Israel lost. And who won…Iran won…Barack HUSSEIN Obama won…and all who hate America and Israel won…as Senate Democrats, as expected, blocked Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-Ky.) late addition amendment #2656 53-45…an amendment “to prohibit Obama from waiving, suspending, reducing, providing relief from, or otherwise limiting the application of sanctions pursuant to an agreement related to the nuclear program of Iran”… which would basically stop in full Obama’s lifting sanctions on Iran until they released the five Americans hostages they hold as well as their formally recognizing the Jewish State of Israel’s right to exist before this ‘very bad deal’…surrender actually…would go into effect.

And thanks to turncoats like Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) who voted with the GOP on last week’s procedural vote but sided with Obama’s fellow Democratic traitors when it mattered most, Flake opposed McConnell’s amendment saying that “conditions are not serious enough to make this a prerequisite for entering into a deal.” And he said this even though he knows that releasing the hostages as well as supporting Israel’s right to exist should have been a non-negotiable must be included item for any deal to go forward from the start. Stating that,“Should a whole agreement be based on those two items? No.” Flake is misguided at best…outright traitorous at worst…as this is not an agreement made in good faith but a surrender to the enemy and he knows it.

And so with Flake’s sellout…

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THIS, like the REST of the Iran deal…is UNACCEPTABLE!!!

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

side 1Of all the useless organization that exist on this earth, the United Nations (of thugs, thieves and despots) just may be the absolute worst.

Over the decades, the U.N. has allowed some of the worst actors on the human rights stage sit on their Human Rights Council…not because they in any way, shape or form, deserved to be there but because…on the Un’s rotating wheel of insipidness…it was simply their turn to sit there.

With regard to Iraq…the United Nations (of thugs, thieves and despots) allowed Saddam to thumb his Islamic nose at them…allowed him to ignore and violate 17 resolutions over a 12 year time span and contrary to liberal/socialist talking points…that is why George W. Bush took them to task…not over 9/11.

Now, in the latest of a long line of despicable behavior, the United Nations has launched into a whole new realm of Islamic-loving knot-headedness.

The U.N. has, in the side deal they struck with Iran that is not a part of the Kerry/Obama deal, as though Obama didn’t know this full well, Iran will be allowed to choose their OWN inspectors to inspect their nuclear facilities…home-brew inspectors that will, no doubt, find absolutely no evidence whatsoever of any nuclear bomb building (which I can all but guarantee you has already been accomplished) or evidence of any nuclear bomb research.

In other words…

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Debbie What’s-Her-Name Schultz vs The Truth

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

whn 1A most astonishing thing happened at the end of July and while it did get some play in social media, it died out quickly and I believe it needs to be revisited.

It took place on, of all places, MSNBC…the lowest rated cable so-called news network out there and it was an exchange between Chris “Tingles” Matthews and Debbie What’s-Her-Name Schultz. While I’m sure Tingles the clown didn’t mean it to be a gotcha question…that is exactly what it turned out to be.

Tingles asked What’s-Her-Name Shultz…

“What is the difference between a Democrat and a socialist?”

As What’s-Her-Name Shultz began to resemble a deer in the headlights, Tingles tried to stall for enough time for her to gather herself by stating…“I used to think there is a big difference. What do you think it is?”

What’s-Her-Name Schultz was STILL frozen so the Host of Softball tried a different tact by trying to clarify his question…“A Democrat like Hillary and a socialist like Bernie Sanders.”

Obviously, this didn’t help because Hillary, as a democrat, is just as much a socialist as is Bernie Sanders and while ol’ Tingles didn’t recognize that fact…What’s-Her-Name Schultz most certainly DID and it was at that point that she attempted…not to answer the question but to respond by trying to SPIN it in a more favorable direction for the liberals/socialist voters. What’s-Her-Name Schultz, spinning like a lathe said…

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SCOTUS Decision on Obamacare Looming

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

oc 1The ruling from the Supreme Court could come at any day…Obabacare hangs in the balance and Obama himself is feeling the pressure…big time.

Yesterday, at a press conference in Germany, the dictator was asked about the upcoming decision and his response was nothing shy of, well, desperation laced with lies.

At issue are four words that appear on page 95 of the 2700 page Obamacare monstrosity and what those four fords mean but before we get to that and Obama’s lies told Monday in Germany…lets have a look back at how we got to this point to begin with.

Obama knows damn well how we got to this point and his weasling isn’t going to change any of it.

Nancy Pelosi, most likely on Obama’s orders as she is a good little minion, told us all, and congress, that in order to see what was IN the bill they would first have to PASS the bill. In other words…Obamacare wasn’t fit to be read by the very people elected to read bills BEFORE they passed them.


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