Voter Fraud…It’s On Your Ballot!!!

melo 1About a week ago, master race baiter Al…not so Sharpton, attended a ‘Voting Rights’ rally in Cincinnati Ohio where he embraced one Melowese Richardson.

You remember Melowese…don’t you?

Melowese Richardson is the woman from Ohio who, nearly 2 years  ago, voted.

She voted and she voted.

Then she voted again…and again.

Melowese Richardson then voted some more.

By the time she was done, she had voted at least six times, for Obama, in the same election.

Oh, I know there’s no voter fraud because Holder and Obama, Sharpton and Jackson along with numerous other liberals and socialists have told us that there is no voter fraud taking place and that’s why we don’t need any voter ID laws.

Liberals and socialists say that you and I…Conservatives…are just making this crap up because we’re racists who don’t want black people to vote.

Never mind that ol’ Melowese admitted to it. WE’RE just making THAT up too I suppose but let’s allow Melowese to tell HER side of the story…

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Weekend Edition: A Degree in Intellectual Bankruptcy

tnp eagleThis weekend, Vermont’s Goddard College, an asylum of higher indoctrination, squats to a new low as they will play the recorded words of cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal at their commencement ceremony.

This piece of trash stood over Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner in 1982 and emptied a gun into him. Abu-Jamal, then a member of the Black Panthers, has never denied doing it and never repented FOR doing it.

Here’s THE most disturbing part of the whole ‘Mumia as commencement speaker’ debacle…

It wasn’t the staff or the liberal/socialist elite who run the asylum who chose this murderer to be the speaker, to impart words of wisdom upon the assembled graduates…oh no…

According to the asylum’s interim president, one Bob Kenny…“As a reflection of Goddard’s individualized and transformational educational model, our commencements are intimate affairs where each student serves as her or his own valedictorian, and each class chooses its own speaker. Choosing Mumia as their commencement speaker, to me, shows how this newest group of Goddard graduates expresses their freedom to engage and think radically and critically in a world that often sets up barriers to do just that.”

That’s right…cop killer Mumia was chosen as this year’s commencement speaker by…the students…and if that doesn’t put the starch in your shorts to get you out to vote I a month…nothing will.

Let me explain…

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Obama’s Policies Have UNIONS Seeing RED!!

screw 1Okay…from the lips of liberals…

Conservatives are obstructionists. WE are the racists…the jobs killers and the reason the economy sucks out loud. Liberals love to claim that Conservatives comprise the “do nothing congress” and Obama stands there last week in Kansas City chiding US to “come on…come on now, let’s get things done.”

Meanwhile, on the back shelves of Harry Reid’s liberal/socialist controlled senate…

Some 356 bills…PASSED by the House…are collecting dust because Reid himself refuses to bring them to a vote.

OF those 356 bills…

98% were passed with bipartisan support…200 of them were passed unanimously by the ENTIRE house without a single objection from the liberals ensconced there…and more than 100 others were passed with 75% of house DEMOCRATS supporting them.

40 of those bills would directly help lower unemployment and many of them offer assistance to the “more than 3.4 million workers between the ages of 20 and 59″ missing from our labor force.”

There they sit…356 bills, including a border bill passed just last Friday…on Harry Reid’s desk because Reid himself refuses to have them brought up for a vote.

And Lois Lerner thinks that CONSERVATIVES are the ASSHOLES???

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We the People vs They the Politicians

rino 1Welcome to the new normal?

If this be normal, I want no part of it.

We are now but three and a half months from an election that could at best, start to turn the ship around toward calmer waters but it seems some, both elected by the right as well as those who elect the right are bound and determined to scuttle our last chance to slow the decline of what used to be the greatest nation on earth.

What we have today is one party hell bent on defending the dismantling of our nation and the other, content to sit on their hands while it happens.

Shame on the GOP for staunchly backing those who would do nothing in the face of tyranny. Boehner, Ryan, McConnell, Graham, McCain, Rand Paul, King and the list from the right side of the aisle goes on….gutless, spineless wonders all….too comfortable in their cushy seats of power to take a stand…lacking the balls to speak out except against those who adhere to their oaths.

Welcome to the new normal?

Up is down, wrong is right. The more absurd the policy the more vigorously it will be defended by the Kool Aid slurping liberals and the more common sense the solution to the problem, the more it will be decried by the left.

From our stagnant and declining economy to our rapidly rising national debt…from Obama’s betrayal of our Constitution to his treasonous activities abroad…the race is on to see who claims the precious, the ring and all that goes with it first. Will the caliphate solidify before the invaders take America or will it be the other way around?

Obama doesn’t give a damn which means he’s either so mentally disturbed that he now lacks the ability to recognize any iota of reality or…

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A Tea for Two Foes – Liberals and RINOs

org 1How did things turn out in your state’s primary elections this year? Did your Tea Party candidate win? Some did, a few, too few for my liking and most likely for your liking as well.

Why is that? Why didn’t we win MORE primaries?

I’ll tell you why. Because as Tea Party Patriots and those who want a return to a Constitutional republic, far too many of us stand on our own little individual islands when it comes to candidates and that is exactly what liberals and for that matter, the GOP establishment want us to do.

It’s time to change all that and start winning…not only in the primary elections but in the general elections too but what we need is a strategy. A WINNING strategy.

First off…one of the main reasons the Tea Party didn’t show well in this year’s primaries is right there on our voter registration cards.

Back in 2010, with the decisive victory in the house, the shellacking of the liberals, many went and changed their voter registration to Tea Party based on how proud we were of what we had just accomplished. Pride gets us nowhere and here’s why.

In MANY states, when it comes to the primaries, only registered REPUBLICANS can VOTE in the primaries. If you have reregistered as something else…Tea Party…Constitutional Party…Libertarian…whatever…you can’t vote in the primary or, if they allow you to CAST a vote…it’s wiped out by your ‘other’ party registration. That being the case, guess who wins…the GOP establishment candidate and NOT the Tea Party candidate.

We must remember that the Tea Party is a MOVEMENT, a grass roots movement…

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The Hostage Taker in Chief Issues His Demands

Let’s get something straight right off the bat here.

There is no reason…NO reason whatsoever to raise the debt ceiling.


We won’t “default” if we don’t raise it and, we SHOULDN’T raise it without some plan to deal, and I mean deal EFFECTIVELY with, the CURRENT, staggering, $17 TRILLION dollar debt.

In 5 years, Obama hasn’t submitted a budget that spends equal to or less than we take in and for most of those 5 years, his budget proposals have been SO absurd as to not garner a single vote in the senate.


So…Why raise the debt ceiling?

Essentially, raising the debt ceiling would be borrowing MORE money to SPEND without ANY attempt to pay back what has ALREADY been borrowed and providing absolutely NO assurance that SPENDING will be brought under control.

Try doing that with YOUR bank and see what happens.

Try DEMANDING that of your bank.

Walk into your bank and DEMAND that you be given a bigger line of credit with your bank manager KNOWING that you spend more than your income and DEMAND it without ANY strings attached.


You’ll be lucky if they don’t have you committed for a MENTAL examination.


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The Fiscal Cliff Is a Disguise For…

We’re about to go off the fiscal cliff. Don’t be fooled by the disguise.

We’re just 3 weeks shy of it, give or take a couple days and, taking the chance that the Mayan calendar is wrong.

The Emperor made HIS proposal, absurd as it was, to demand twice the amount of tax hikes he campaigned on, the dictatorial authority to raise the debt ceiling without any need to seek congressional approval and put off any hint of spending cuts until an unnamed point in time that we all know will never come.

The republicans countered with their proposal that produces the same amount of revenue the Emperor campaigned on by closing loopholes and NOT raising ANYONE’S taxes and included entitlement reform that would cut spending AND sustain those entitlements for future generations.

It’s now crystal clear, as we have been saying, that the Emperor has NO interest whatsoever in adding revenues.

Obama simply wants to stick it to the so-called “rich.”

He wants to jack up their taxes.


This has nothing whatsoever to do with paying any sort of “fair share” and EVERYTHING to do with punishing success.

I’m about to explain this to socialists in a nutshell and I ain’t  gonna be polite about it.

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Conservative’s War on Women Explained


I’ve been putting a few things together. Connecting the dots, as it were.

You know how I enjoy connecting the dots.

Well, I’m going to do something here I have never done before. I am going to offer my assistance to the liberal/socialists.

Alright now, where to begin.

Okay. In a recent ABC News Poll…The numbers are somewhat startling for Obama. In April, Female voters preferred Obama 57-39%. However…the most RECENT poll shows a VERY different story.

Female voters NOW prefer Romney to Obama by 50% (Romney) to 46% for Obama.

My goodness. What happened???

For months now, angry liberal/socialists have been telling the nation that Republicans are waging a “war on women.” They’ve been painting conservatives as purely EVIL towards women. They say that Romney HATES women and Ryan HATES women.

They’ve said it and said it. From the campaign trail and every liberal/socialist spinning head pundit has said it and said it.

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