Weekend Edition: Obama’s Syrian Disaster

Next Tuesday evening, as things stand now, Obama will make what is likely to be regarded, by history, as the most desperate, pathetic plea for war ever made by a United States president.

On the eve of 9/11…A date of dual significance to Americans, Obama will take his sad, anemic case for striking Syria, in effect, declaring war ON Syria, to the American people in a last ditch and what is most likely to be a deeply flawed and failed attempt, to sway the votes of congress.

The case he is planning to present is that the United States has a “moral obligation” to strike and enter Syria’s civil war and he must, again, try to convince the American people and congress that it was Assad who launched a chemical attack on August 21st but, that will be a tall order as more and more evidence is belittling that argument.

 Carla  del Ponte, a member of the UN Independent Commission of Inquiry on Syria and someone who should know the truth, has let it be known, in the face of Obama’s claims, that, “Our investigators have been in neighbouring countries interviewing victims, doctors and field hospitals and, according to their report of last week which I have seen, there are strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof of the use of sarin gas, from the way the victims were treated.”

And then, the bombshell if one can employ that word under these circumstances.

“This was used on the part of the opposition, the rebels, not by the government authorities.”

Obama and John Kerry have told us that it was Assad’s government and Kerry has even referred to “THOUSANDS OF REPORTS” that have been declassified and made available.

It seems, those “THOUSANDS OF REPORTS” are likely in the form of social media and twitter posts from the region and are backed up by no hard evidence whatsoever while, Carla del Ponte, a member of the UN Independent Commission of Inquiry on Syria, tells us that, “This was used on the part of the opposition, the rebels, not by the government authorities.”

It makes one wonder, doesn’t it, just what the CLASSIFIED reports contain that he has shown to only a handful of house and senate members and where, exactly, his “CLASSIFIED” material came from.

Obama, from his setting of the “red line” a year ago to what will be his desperate plea to congress next Tuesday to what is looking more and more like a sound defeat when it comes to a vote in the house and senate, has made a mess of this whole thing.

It’s worse than a mess.

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Friday Fume

In Sweden a couple of days ago, TOUGH GUY Barack Hussein Obama was whining about the way he’s sometimes treated  in the United States and the names he sometimes gets called and then, he suggested he’d be more welcomed in Europe.

I have 2 words for him…


Senator Bob Corker (RINO TN) asked the HEAD of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, GENERAL MAYHEM DEMPSEY what it was that this administration was “seeking” by attacking Syria.


I can’t answer that, what we’re seeking.”

Naturally, after that…CORKER voted in FAVOR of the attack resolution.

I’m pretty sure I know what conservative voters are gonna be “SEEKING” the next time CORKER’S up for election.

And Obama has old Bill Clinton is out there trying to sell Obamacare because, try as he might…Obama CAN’T FIND A SINGLE ASPIRIN FACTORY TO BOMB IN SYRIA OR…AN INTERN TO HUM…”HAIL TO THE CHIEF” WHILE HE DOES IT!!!

Trust me, there IS humor to be found in this absurd Syria situation if ya dig for it and you know me…I walk LOUDLY and carry a BIG shovel!!!

My friends and Patriots…

Today is Friday and…

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We knew it all along.

We did, and now, we have the proof of it from none other than Obama’s point man on the need to attack…commit an act of war…against Syria.

We said this was nothing but a distraction and John Kerry, in a terse exchange yesterday before the house committee, has offered proof positive.

Obama is desperate…DESPERATE…to run and hide from Benghazi and his role in the murders of 4 Americans there 1 year ago.

The Nobel Peace Prize winner is SO desperate that he is now willing to commit an act of war and worse, against a country that poses no threat to the United States to divert attention away from what he knows to be acts of treason in Benghazi.

Yesterday, congressman Jeff Duncan, a conservative from South Carolina, posed this to John Kerry:

“I cannot discuss the possibility of the U.S. involvement in the Syrian civil war without talking about Benghazi.”

Congressman Duncan was nowhere near finished either.

He then went on to state, in no uncertain manner…

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Weekend Edition: Syria – Operation: Because Everybody’s Laughing

There has been a number of inane comments made by the Obama administration regarding the desire to launch an attack on Syria but, perhaps the most brainless to date was uttered by Nancy Pelosi.

Here is exactly what she said on Thursday night.

“Assad gassing his own people is an issue of our national security, regional stability and global security. We must be clear that the United States rejects the use of chemical weapons by Assad or any other regime.”

The woman is beyond even professional help.

First of all…Do we even know that ASSAD ordered the gassing?


Do we know that ONLY Assad’s army is responsible for the gassing?


Given that, there are even MORE pressing questions needing to be addressed when it comes to this absurd statement from Pelosi.


How, exactly, is the gassing of anyone, half a world away and limited to the borders of Syria a THREAT TO…OUR…NATIONAL SECURITY???

We have an unsealed border to our south and we know full well that Hezbollah has their operatives on the Mexican side of the border.


Obama gave THOUSANDS of weapons to MEXICAN DRUG CARTELS.

THAT is a National Security matter.

The Obama administration if rife with members of THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD.


The list of REAL matters of NATIONAL SECURITY, ignored and coddled by this absurd administration is LONG and DANGEROUS but…

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Obama – On the Verge of Starting WW3

For the last couple of days, I have outlined, here in The National Patriot, the foreign policy of this Obama regime related to Syria and I have tied in Benghazi, Gaddafi, Egypt and offered evidence that the WMD attacks in Syria were carried out by Syrian “rebels.”

I have also stated that ISRAEL is directly in the crosshairs.

Allow me to now expand on that scenario.

It is only a matter of time now, with more than 360 cruise missiles aboard U.S. warships, before Obama pulls the trigger.

There is something very, VERY important you should know.

The WMD inside of Syria, the components of which were most likely delivered to them by Saddam in the weeks leading to the war in 2003, can NOT…Let me repeat that for clarity…

CAN NOT be destroyed by missile strikes.

Obama can rain HELL on Syria with missile attacks but, he can NOT destroy the WMD as most of it is kept underground and, any strike ON it would SPREAD it.

Now…Consider that the WMD that has been used, has been used by the “REBELS” rather than by ASSAD and you will start taking in the bigger picture.


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BUSH Lied and People Died? WHO’S LYING NOW???

The liberal “there were no WMD in Iraq” crowd is being suspiciously silent right now as their chosen one, Obama, is about to launch military strikes against Syria’s Assad.

There ARE WMD in Syria and I doubt anybody would deny that but, there are some very dire questions which must be posed.

First…Where did Syria GET the WMD?

Remember…the “There were no WMD in Iraq” crown has, for a decade, jeered at the idea that WMD were moved FROM Iraq TO Syria even though there were satellite images clearly showing caravans of heavy trucks moving SOMETHING out of Iraq and across the border into Syria.

Now, chemical weapons are being USED in Syria and that brings up the 2nd dire question.

WHO is using them?

Yesterday, Obama trotted out the Vietnam war traitor, John Kerry, to tell us all that, “What is before us today is real, and it is compelling.”

Kerry stated, “Our sense of basic humanity is offended not only by this cowardly crime but also by the cynical attempt to cover it up.”


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Israel in the Crosshairs – Obama Poised to Create ANOTHER Vacuum

Barack Hussein Obama has created more vacuums than Dyson and while the cost of a Dyson vacuum is steep…The cost of an Obama vacuum is STAGGERING and Israel is in the crosshairs.

Obama created a power vacuum in Libya by “leading from behind” and arming the Libyan “rebels” who were, in fact, elements of al Qaeda…Our enemy in a time of war.

The removal of Kaddafi led to a vacuum which was then filled BY al Qaeda and their alias, Ansar al-Sharia.

The cost was 4 American’s lives…Ambassador Stevens, Glen Doherty, Sean Smith and Tyrone Woods. The price also included the strengthening OF al Qaeda and the loss of tens of thousands of pieces of military weaponry.

Obama created a power vacuum in Egypt when he said Mubarak had to go.

THAT vacuum was quickly filled by the Muslim Brotherhood and the cost of THAT vacuum included…Instability in the region, put Israel in jeopardy, threatened the Suez Canal, cost hundreds of Coptic Christians THEIR lives and killed thousands in the streets.

In leaving Iraq without sealing a deal to have troops remaining there, Obama created a power vacuum there too. As soon as American troops pulled out of Iraq, insurgents filled the vacuum and today, the streets and towns of Iraq are as dangerous as they were before the war.


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Benghazi – Covering Up TREASON With a Scandal

Did anyone but me catch the attempted distraction yesterday?

The only thing transparent about this administration is their corruption.

Just 2 days ago, three of the four mid-level State Department employees, singled out in the Accountability Review Board (ARB) official BENGHAZI REPORT, as being primarily responsible for the shortcomings OF the State Department which led TO the attacks in Benghazi…WERE REINSTATED.

The 4th, Eric Boswell, assistant secretary of state for diplomatic security had already resigned from his position.

 Charlene Lamb, the deputy assistant security tasked with embassy security…Scott Bultrowicz, the former director of diplomatic security and Deputy Assistant Secretary Raymond Maxwell, who was responsible for the entire North Africa region…HAD been placed on ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE…a PAID VACATION while socialists, a complicit lapdog media and this insipid administration TOUTED the THOROUGHNESS of the Pickering report.


Okay, so…WHICH IS IT???



Now, it seems…NOBODY in the State Department did ANYTHING wrong and just as that comes out, James Clapper at the NSA makes public MORE spying on Americans as a DISTRACTION.


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Obama on Syria – Too Complex for Mere Mortals

Where liberty is concerned, America has a moral directive to help emerging nations and movements to achieve it.

That’s who we are.

It’s what we are.

But an internal struggle for power, where no liberty is in the offing regardless of which side is ultimately seated?

That is none of our damned business.

Syria, as it has been, under Assad, is a threat to our allies in the region.

Syria as it would be, under Islamic radicalism at the hands of those who would replace Assad…al Qaeda…The Muslim Brotherhood…Ansar al-Sharia…would STILL be a threat to our allies in the region.

While we can and should offer humanitarian assistance to those displaced by the civil war in Syria, where we can and to the extent that we can…Getting involved in the fight, via arms shipments to the “rebels,” is a foolish thing indeed.

There is no moral high ground there.

Arming the “rebels” who are al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations, with who we are currently at war in other theaters, is treason and…

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Weekend Edition: Syria and the Obama Doctrine

Insanity, according to Einstein, is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

We already know that Obama is a Pathological Liar.

“A person who lies to the point of it being considered a disease or condition, an abnormally habitual liar.”

A Sociopath

“A sociopath is typically defined as someone who lies incessantly to get their way and does so with little concern for others.  A sociopath is often goal-oriented (i.e., lying is focused – it is done to get one’s way).  Sociopaths have little regard or respect for the rights and feelings of others.  Sociopaths are often charming and charismatic, but they use their talented social skills in manipulative and self-centered ways.”

And a Compulsive Liar

“A compulsive liar is defined as someone who lies out of habit.  Lying is their normal and reflexive way of responding to questions.  Compulsive liars bend the truth about everything, large and small.  For a compulsive liar, telling the truth is very awkward and uncomfortable while lying feels right.  Compulsive lying is usually thought to develop in early childhood, due to being placed in an environment where lying was necessary.  For the most part, compulsive liars are not overly manipulative and cunning (unlike sociopaths), rather they simply lie out of habit.”

Can we now add CERTIFIABLY INSANE to the list?

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