Weekend Edition: Politically Correct Racism

February is officially, “National Black History Month” and frankly Scarlett…I don’t give a damn.

It may as well be called, “Not by the Content of Their Character but Because of The Color of Their Skin Month.”

Every February, the nation celebrates racism. Politically correct racism by designating this month as “Black History Month.”

It’s an absurd notion if you shun political correctness.

In an effort to prove we are not a racist nation, the powers that be celebrate one race above all others.

Where is Red History Month?

When exactly is Yellow History Month?

White History Month?

Brown History Month???

And why exactly…BLACK…History month.?

I thought we weren’t supposed to call black people black anymore. When I was a kid, they WANTED to be referred to as NEGROS. Then they decided that NEGRO wasn’t what they wanted to be so they became BLACK.

The United NEGRO College Fund apparently never got the memo.

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Weekend Edition: I WILL STAND UP!!!!

Our Declaration of Independence, one of the greatest documents ever written, ends with these words:

“And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

Those words, which should ring in the ears of every American are followed by 56 signatures.

Each man who affixed his name on that Declaration believed in those words and each did indeed pledge to each other their Lives, their Fortunes and their sacred Honor.

Do you think THEY…”Stood Down?”

Emphatically…They did NOT!

Did the Patriots who fought and died for the idea behind that document…”Stand Down?”


In the ice and snow of Valley Forge…Did Washington…”Stand Down?”


In the years after the war of revolution, when called upon to pen the Constitution, did James Madison “Stand Down?”

No. No he did not.

In the War of 1812, when things looked darkest and the British was sacking the White House…Who “Stood Down?”

No one. In fact, Dolley Madison took the portrait of Washington from the wall and saved it…for the NEW White House.

In the quest to put an end to slavery, did Lincoln “Stand Down?”

The burden of the war between the states was great but, no…NO HE DID NOT “stand Down.”

Our country is FULL of people who never “Stood Down” and it always has been. From those who, with an idea and firm resolve gave birth to this great nation, fought for it, died for it and settled it to those who built it, powered it, explored it and added to it.

Did those who came here from lands far away, who felt free upon seeing Lady Liberty and who learned the language and our culture to make a better life for themselves, their children and their children’s children “Stand Down?”

Certainly not.

His advisers told him not to say it, they told him not to use the line in his speech. It was too forceful they told him…It would be upsetting.

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As Election Nears, Florida Again Ground Zero

So…Florida…How DOES it feel to be ground zero?

No, I’m not referring to Florida’s swing state status in the upcoming election…Florida’s been there done that…pregnant chads…Hanging chads…Counts, recounts…Florida is used to being THAT ground zero.

This time, Florida is being set up as ground zero for Obama’s race war.

Last week, in George Zimmerman’s bond hearing, Zimmerman himself took the stand and that almost never happens. Bond hearings are typically dry, almost boring…Attorneys making standard arguments and counter arguments with the defendant just sitting there.

Not this time.

This time, the defendant took the stand and it may well have changed everything.

The first thing he did was apologize to Martin’s family. He said he was sorry for the loss of their son, that he didn’t know how old the kid was, that he thought that he and the victim were nearly the same age.

He said he didn’t mean to do it and, perhaps most stunningly, he said he didn’t know whether or not Trayvon Martin was armed.

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