Inside the Obama (Who’s Your Daddy?) Conspicuous Theory

Yesterday’s article in The National Patriot, The REAL Obama: An INDONESIAN, Muslim, Socialist Puppet, seems to have lit a fire.

The overwhelming resemblance between Obama and Mohammad Subud, the Indonesian, former Muslim and founder of the Subud cult is undeniable but that, predictably, didn’t deter liberals from collectively gnashing their teeth.

Conservatives, on the other hand, respectfully questioned the subtle differences between the 2 men with the difference in hair texture and skin tone being their primary points of discussion.

I would like to address those differences here.

First, the hair.

There is no doubt that Obama has hair most often associated with black or African ancestry while Subud’s hair was that of the Asian or Indonesian persuasion.

To explain the difference, one must look into both men’s backgrounds.

Simply put, we have very few points of reference regarding Subud’s ancestry. No information regarding his parents, grandparents and no photos to use as comparisons.

His genetic makeup is something of a mystery but, I’ll get back to this shortly.

Obama, on the other hand, is a different story.

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If You’re Not OFFENDED…You’re Not a LIBERAL

They are among us.

They walk, sleep, eat and live among us and, at a glance, they look like us but, they are another breed altogether.


You know who I’m talking about.

Certain segments of many different demographics.

Gays, Liberals, Muslims, PETA people, Anti-Gun Nuts, Black people to whom being black is more important than being people, Illegal Aliens, Atheists, Feminists, tree huggers, global warming alarmists…

THEY know who they are…Any group or seemingly unrelated individuals who act in concert while claiming to all be unique…together…

The TERMINALLY offended.

One would think, the way they carry on about this, and that, that they are on the verge of ceasing to fog a mirror should YOUR behavior not change and, change RADICALLY.

A subset of the terminally offended are those who are…

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Friday Fume

Oh boy…Where do I even begin with this week’s list of liberal lunacy???

Nancy Pelosi actually said of Obamacare…“All of the implementation has gone very well.”


Then…the crusty old moonbat TWEETED…”FACT: Despite website glitches ­­≈ 1m have applied and are eligible to #getcovered on #ACA marketplaces. 500,000 have already secured coverage”

Ummm She issued that AFTER Sebelius ADMITTED that ONLY 106,000 had…”SELECTED” coverage but, SHE ALSO REFUSED to say how many had ACTUALLY PAID for it.

Obviously, Pelosi is using the same tabulation system liberals used to count the votes in 2012.


Over in Moscow…Pyotr Pavlensky decided to protest the Kremlin’s crackdown on human rights by…STRIPING NAKED…SITTING ON THE RED SQUARE BRICKS AND…NAILING HIS NARDS TO THE STREET!!!


First…Just let me say…


Okay…Now then…

It’s not at all unlike the way OBAMA protested CAPITALISM by STAPLING his to a 2700 PAGE SOCIALIST HEALTHCARE MANIFESTO!!!

At least the BOLSHOI stands to get a new SOPRANO out of the deal.

Anyway…It’s been quite the week but, here we are…On Friday and…

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So, last weekend, a rodeo clown donned an Obama mask and stood in the ring as the announcer asked the assembled crowd if they would like to see Obama run down by a bull.

The crowd roared with approval.

In the end, the Obama masked clown ran away from the bull and out of the ring to the delight of the crowd but, that certainly wasn’t the end of it.

Oh no…

Senator Clair McCaskill and congressman William Lacy Clay issued a joint statement.

“I am amazed that in 2013, such hatred, intolerance and disrespect towards the President of the United States could take place at the Missouri State Fair. Our fair is supposed to showcase the best of Missouri, instead, it showed an ugly face of intolerance and ignorance to the world.”

While I am loathe to agree with 2 socialists…McCaskill and Clay were 100% correct…

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When Core Values are Replaced by Street Cred

As we continue to deal with the stupidity of those who believe that, somehow, Treyvon Martin, a punk wannabe, a drug user and a thief, was an innocent, angelic little child, we find another case of woefully misguided wailing going on.

In NY last weekend, cops responded to an incident.

It was 3am on Sunday morning.

Nothing good happens on the streets of ANY city at 3am and the one that never sleeps is no exception.

The 2 rookie cops, on the force since January, 2013, heard shots ring out and, as they were on foot patrol, ran to the scene.

That’s where they discovered 14 year old Shaaliver Douse, with a 9 mm handgun, firing at a man who was running away from the front of a bodega.

The cops IDENTIFIED themselves AS cops, ORDERED the kid to DROP THE WEAPON and then, as the fleeing man ran past them, Shaaliver Douse fired a 4th time.

It would be the last thing he ever did.

One of the rookie cops fired a single shot, hitting Douse in the face and the 14 year old was dead.

That’s where Douse’s Aunt, Quwana Barcene, comes in.

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Not guilty of 2nd degree murder.

Not guilty of manslaughter.

The jury of 6 women in Sanford Florida weighed the evidence, deliberated and decided.


Is there a chance that Obama will call George Zimmerman and congratulate him?

The man defended himself as the Constitution spells out with his 2nd Amendment right, endowed him by the Creator. Obama has sworn an oath to uphold and defend that constitution.

Obama HAS called a professional athlete to offer his congratulations n being gay.

He called a 30 something year old law school student, Sandra Fluke and befriended her when she was called a slut.

George Zimmerman???


The NAACP, less than 30 minutes after the verdict was announced DEMANDED an immediate DOJ civil rights investigation.

That’s interesting as I don’t remember them demanding any such thing when the New Black Panther Party offered a $10,000.00 BOUNTY on George Zimmerman’s HEAD.

Personally, I am sick and damn tire of ANY group demanding ANYTHING based on skin color and why the NAACP and other black “leaders” continue to harken back and long for the days of 1964 inequality, other than a continued effort to justify their sad and sorry existence is beyond me.

Here are just SOME of the tweets posted just moments after the verdict was read tonight.

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Trayvon Martin Was Black – Zimmerman Isn’t

“First of all, my client will never be safe, because there are a percentage of the population who are angry, they’re upset, and they may well take it out on him. So, he’ll never be safe.”

Those were the words of Mark O’Mara, the attorney for George Zimmerman.

That percentage of the population is also cheering those words.

Whether or not any have the nuts to see their calls to violence specifically against Zimmerman through is unknown but they would rather be feared than respected.

For that percentage of the population…Ask why…Given your proclivity for violence over good sense, your bent for intimidation over common ground and your wanton lack of respect for life and the lives of others…Ask why so many, in your percentage of the population, are behind bars?

That percentage of the population seeks revenge for racial profiling and not that such things as profiling against them isn’t a part of their past but, in this case, Zimmerman vs Martin, it is Zimmerman who is the victim of profiling.

Zimmerman isn’t included in that percentage of the population. He’s not black. Therefore, he, in the eyes of that percentage of the population, is guilty.

Not based on his actions.

Not based on the evidence presented at trial.

Because he is not black.

In the eyes of that segment of the population, Trayvon Martin was innocent.

Not because of his actions or those of Zimmerman.

Not because of any evidence presented by the prosecuting attorneys.


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Zimmerman’s Best Defense for Self-Defense is The Prosecution

Yesterday, the prosecution in the Zimmerman trial showed the jury a recorded interview with George Zimmernam from the police department about an hour or so after the shooting of Trayvon Martin.

It was astounding for several reasons.

Zimmerman, the man who had called the cops and identified himself in the minutes BEFORE the shooting was giving HIS side of the story. He told the police in that 1st interview that Trayvon Martin was on top of HIM, beating him and HE…ZIMMERMAN…Was calling out for help.

At the time of the interview, Zimmerman was NOT lawyered up and now that THAT interview along with the video of a still UNREPRESENTED George Zimmerman, with bandages on the back of his head, walking a police detective through the scene the next day have been shown to the jury…Zimmerman has given that jury HIS side of the events of the night of February 26th, 2012 and he can NOT be cross examined by the prosecution on either of those statements.

As we continue to watch and to an extent, be distracted by the George Zimmerman case, perhaps we should look at it from another angle.

What is happening, day by day in that Florida courtroom, is startling to say the least.

I am not an attorney nor do I claim to play one in the blogosphere but…

Good grief.

One need not BE an attorney to express disbelief at the proceedings.

One by one…The PROSECUTION brings to the witness stand cops, witnesses, experts and the like and…

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Weekend Edition: It Takes A Village Idiot

Before Hillary Clinton wrote a book about it, it was an old African proverb.

We, as conservatives, have railed against the notion but…Should we?

”It takes a village to raise a child.”

As I think back to MY younger days…To a large extent, there WAS a “village” involved.

My friend’s parents were part of that “village” and so was my church. There were the teachers in my schools, older kids who were either good or bad role models, extended family and neighbors.

Primarily, there were my parents but, to be fair, others; many others were involved in some way, shape or form. A “village” of sorts, I suppose and anything you did, right or wrong, good or bad, was seen by SOMEBODY who knew my parents and had no qualms whatsoever in reporting it TOO them.

Maybe it just took a village to keep an eye out.

There IS another old adage…

“Somewhere, a village is missing its idiot.”

The good news is…We have located the missing village idiots.

The bad news is…

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