Ferguson Prepares for a Decision – Part 1 of 2

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.com

hands 1The situation in Ferguson Missouri is growing more bazaar and more troubling by the day.

As we wait for the Grand Jury to deliver their decision, the downward spiral of mob mentality is plumbing new depths of depravity.

Over the weekend, hundreds of ‘protesters’ staged a ‘die in’ at a busy intersection outside a Ferguson theater that was holding a film festival. About half of these rioters in waiting played the part of Officer Darrin Wilson while the other half pretended to die in the street in memory of Mike Brown.

If they wanted to memorialize Brown, really memorialize Brown…they should have posed for pictures while flashing gang signs and then robbed a convenience store.

Being an innocent 18 year old minding his own business was decidedly not what Mike Brown was all about.

Perhaps to honor Brown’s mother, they could have started a brawl and rolled a sidewalk vendor, stealing the vendor’s money and merchandise.

Being the grief-stricken mother of a saint obviously isn’t what SHE’S all about.

And just who ARE the rioters in waiting and why have they made this dead thug a martyr?

That is exactly where it all gets interesting…

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The Obama Doctrine Applied to Israel – EXPLAINED

Most people would be apt to consider any farmer who was trying to milk a BULL to be a complete idiot but to be honest, it rather depends on who the farmer IS and the name of the bull….don’t you think?bull 1a

Let me explain.

Let’s say, for instance, that the farmer is Barack Hussein Obama.

And, for the sake of argument, the BULL’S name is…Hamas.

Liberals…pay attention…this is for you…

Picture in your minds, Barack Hussein Obama sitting on one of those little three legged milking stools with a bucket, he’s got his hands up under that old bull…and he’s just a pullin’ and a pullin’ for what little he’s worth.

I think there’s two things here we should all be in agreement over.

1)      What’s fillin’ that ol’ bucket ain’t nothing you’d want to be pourin’ on your Corn Flakes and…

2)      That ol’ bull’s gonna be mighty appreciative.

There, in a nutshell, is the Obama doctrine as applied to the current situation between Israel and Hamas.

Perhaps a further explanation is needed…

Last week, try as he might, John Kerry was negotiating for some sort of a cease fire between Hamas and Israel on behalf of the Obama regime but exactly what sort of “DEAL” was he trying to make?

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Weekend Edition: ‘Palestine’s’ PR Campaign for Genocide

tnp eagleIt has not just been happening in France and London. Anti-Israel protests have taken to the streets around the world…even in one particular place that should know better.

Much better.

Such protests have been held in Germany. GERMANY…the past home of NAZI GENOCIDE against the Jews.

Equally disturbing are the protests…pro Palestine…ANTI Israel…that are taking place across our own country from NY to California, from Florida to Washington State.

Are people really this stupid? Are there really people, around the world in places like Scotland, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Spain and so many more that are as damn stupid as are the liberals in San Francisco, Chicago, NY City, Seattle and other cities?

The answer is yes. They’re out there and between the masses of them, one would be hard pressed to discover a single working brain cell.

Let me explain this as simply as I can…

By supporting ‘Palestine’ and condemning Israel…these marching morons are, IN FACT…supporting TERRORISTS.

In marching for ‘PALESTINE’ they may as well be marching to save the unicorn from extinction.

Here’s a hint for the brain dead…there is no such thing as a unicorn and…there has never, in the history of mankind, been a country of Palestine nor have there been, historically, any such people as the Palestinians.

If you are marching up and down the streets of cities around the world claiming that Israel has “OCCUPIED” Palestine…you are supporting a myth. Pure fiction. An imaginary people and an imaginary country.

You are idiots making fools of yourselves.

I’ll get back to the myth of Palestine after a bit but there are other FACTS that need to be entered into the record first…

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Weekend Edition: Allahu Akpoop – NOT Martha’s Vineyard!!!

tnp eagleI have an idea.

As Obama and his absurd ilk have absolutely NO intention of deporting the tsunami of ILLEGAL aliens pouring across our southern border and as we know all too well that a multitude of the future liberal voters, infested with all manner of diseases, are to be relocated to cities, towns and congressional districts from sea to shining sea…

I have an idea…as we now learn of a DEAL made between travel agents masquerading as the governments of Mexico and Guatemala (which in Spanglish apparently means ‘homeland of the scabies ridden youth’ ) by which the parade of illegal aliens will be able to move FROM Guatemala THROUGH Mexico…UNHINDERED by any need for documentation except for new ‘Regional Visitor Cards’ which will be handed out like piñata candy at a baseball bat convention thus allowing MORE illegal aliens to get to the Rio Grande water park FASTER than ever before…

I have an idea.

Relax…I’ll get to it…

AND as the ILLEGAL ALIEN who currently has his prayer rug gracing the oblong office has asked…DEMANDED some $3.7 BILLION U.S. Taxpayer dollars to supplement the need for clothing, housing, bug spray, transportation, government indoctrination center educations, $10.10 per hour per ACORN worker, Obama Phones, all the Guatemelons the Guatemalans can eat buffets and various other perks like welfare, Obamacare, and left over Fast and Furious guns for the gang members accompanying the little vermin and their human hosts without allocating a farthing for the silly idea of SHUTTING DOWN THE DAMN BORDER…

I DO have an idea but before I get to that, allow me to also point out that OUR version of Juan (Spanglish for Barack) and Eva (Spanglish for MOOOOOOchelle) are packing their bags (why both are taking mens boxer shorts is anybody’s guess) in preparation for their annual pilgrimage to identify with the middle class by staying in a $12 MILLION DOLLAR home in…

Here’s  my idea and thanks for waiting…

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America’s Dictator – Egypt’s Pharaoh

sphinx 1To fully grasp the obtuse and anemic foreign policy of the most anti American president in our history, one need look no further than Obama’s Egypt.

For the full picture, we must go back to its roots.

In the earliest days of our Dictator’s tyrannical reign, Obama traveled to Egypt on his initial apology tour.

Obama went to Cairo to begin when he called, “A New Way Forward,” with the Muslim world. Mubarak was in power and the Muslim Brotherhood had been ordered arrested on sight BY Mubarak.

Obama insisted that 10 members OF the Muslim Brotherhood be allowed to attend the Cairo speech, as honored guests, in the front row.

As conservatives, we were appalled and to a great extent, so were those in Egypt who wanted more freedom and less sharia law.

During the speech, Obama quoted from the Koran several times and then told the Egyptians, “America does not presume to know what is best for everyone. I do have an unyielding belief that all people yearn for certain things: the ability to speak your mind and have a say in how you are governed; confidence in the rule of law and the equal administration of justice; government that is transparent and doesn’t steal from the people; the freedom to live as you choose.”

Remember that first sentence: , “America does not presume to know what is best for everyone.”

I’ll get back to that later.

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