Racism – A Sword With Two Standards

sterling 1There are a few things you need to know about L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling and none of it excuses what he said on recently leaked tapes.

He’s 80 years old.

He’s been married for more than 50 years.

I’ll hazard a guess that this V. what’s her name isn’t the first bimbo he’s shacked up with.

The bimbo in question is a gold digger and, by some accounts, an extortionist who has kept her recordings close at hand for a time when she got cut off from the money tap.

She got cut off from the money tap.

And, by some accounts, Sterling may be at the onset of Alzheimer’s.

As I said, none of that excuses his view of black people in what we are now learning are more than 100 hours of recordings his extortion prone bimbo has made because, she claims he asked to be recorded as he forgets things easily.

Is the guy a racist?

Yeah, it sure sounds like it but here’s the question. Has he violated any laws with his remarks?

No. No he has not and while his views regarding black people make him sound as stupid as a mud fence…

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The Obamacare Website – 100% SECURITY FREE

The differences between the next 2 sentences are subtle but, distinctively important.

If you have already “enrolled” in Obamacare…You’ve been absolutely fooled.

If you’re planning to enroll in Obamacare…You’re an absolute fool.

Do not take either of those 2 sentences lightly and, take the latter of them extremely seriously because, your financial future depends on it.

As bad as the prices of Obamacare premiums are and, as the sticker shock of those premium rates spreads like the plague, it’s not the rates that pose the greatest threat to your financial security.

It’s the LACK of security…To be precise…It’s the lack of Obamacare website security.

It is, in fact, nonexistent.

Yes. You read that correctly.

Healthcare.gov has no end-to-end security.


It’s not that, like so many OTHER parts of the site, it’s not working…IT’S THAT SECURITY FOR THE SYSTEM HAD NEVER EVEN BEEN WRITTEN FOR THE SYSTEM!!!

Were some individual parts of the broken Obamacare website security tested before that roll out?

MAYBE but…

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In Spotlight of Truth – Liberals Running From Their Own Shadows

Liberals and socialists in congress are lining up against their Dictator because they know they don’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell in the 2014 midterms if they don’t.

They are desperate to be seen as standing AGAINST Obamacare…Now…But they and ONLY they voted FOR Obamacare.

That is a matter of RECORD that cannot be run away from.

Bill Clinton came out and called for changing the law to allow people to keep their previously existing insurance because HE’S trying to provide distance for Hillary’s run in 2016 but…

HE is on record of being Obama’s Obamacare MOUTHPIECE in the 2012 campaign and SHE is on record too.

Here’s Bill as late as September 4th…3 weeks before the roll out of Obamacare:

“We need all hands on deck here. The health of our people, the security and stability of our families and the strength of our economy are all riding on getting health care reform right and doing it well. That means we have to do it together.”

And about 4 weeks AFTER the roll out?

“The computer deal will get fixed up. Don’t worry about that, But our side, we’re not so ideological,” said Clinton. “So, instead of bashing them and screaming about how incompetent they were, most of our people just tried to help people understand the law and make it work and then wait for it to get fixed.”

“There’s a big difference in being an ideologue and being practical, putting people first as opposed to some abstract philosophy first.”

On September 13th, just 2 weeks before the Obamacare roll out, HILLARY Clinton stated:

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