Rebranding Kamala

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

The party of liberals and their mainstream media propagandists who told you that the Steele Dossier was real, and Hunter’s laptop was fake, told you that Trump engaged in quid pro quo with Ukraine and insisted that Joe Biden didn’t (despite a video clearly showing Joe DID) told you that the summer of love riots were “mostly peaceful but J-6 was an insurrection and told you that the FBI didn’t spy on Trump when it was later proven that they did…is at it again.

The party of liberals and their mainstream media propagandists who told you the actual videos of Joe Biden in a cognitive train wreck were “cheap fakes,” told you that Republicans and Conservatives were NOT being censored, told you that masks worked and that COVID did NOT come from a lab in China are at it again.

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