Friday Fume

So…This week we’re found that Hillary’s NAME is on the documents DENYING stepped up security in Benghazi…There are those in congress trying to EXEMPT congress from OBAMACARE…And FINALLY…Some in congress are starting to question the 1.6 BILLION ROUNDS OF AMMO purchased by the DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND INSECURITY!!!

All of that just scratches the surface of this week’s socialist bottom of the barrel behavior.

Take heart my friends and fellow Patriots…Because today is Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Well, if THIS isn’t the height of HYPOCRISY…I don’t know what is.

Our friends at WSAV channel 3 in Florida tell us that the Marion County School Board, after a 3 year BAN…

Have now brought PADDLING back as a form of punishment for their students!!!

Don’t get me wrong…

Some of those little indoctrinated brats NEED it. Hell…TASE em for all I care but…Here’s what I find…HYPOCRITICAL…

Chew your Pop Tart into the shape of a gun…YOU’RE SUSPENDED!!!

Bring a spork with your lunch…YOU’RE OUTTA HERE!!!


But there it is…Hanging on the wall in the principal’s office and…If you get caught doing something like, oh…I don’t know…PRAYING…

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Friday Fume

Okay…It’s been a tough week. With the events in Boston, West, Texas…Storms, flooding…all sorts of things…We’ve all been a little on edge.

Our thoughts, prayers and hearts go out to all who have been affected by the week’s horrible events. Really.

But rest assured that while all that was going on, we, at The National Patriot, were watching the off-the-front-page socialist insanity too.

Patriots…Today is a day to do what we must in order not to go out of our minds. Today, we must LAUGH!!!

Friends…It’s FRIDAY and…

I’m Fuming!!

Let me get this straight…

Connecticut passes a 138 page, 4000+ bullet point “GUN CONTROL” bill and now…THE 2ND AMENDMENT NEVER EXTENDED TO PRIVATE CITIZENS TO BEGIN WITH???

Remember those ZOMBIE attacks DHS has been preparing for? I’m guessing that’s in case things get out of hand in CONNECTICUT!!!

According to a WORKSHEET passed out in a Connecticut Middle School…

“The courts have consistently determined that the Second Amendment does not ensure each individual the right to bear arms. This means that the rights of this amendment are not extended to the individual citizens of the states. So a person has no right to complain about a Second Amendment violation by state laws.”


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Friday Fume

Let there be no doubt that the asylum is being run by the inmates.

While we HAVE made it to the end of another week, we are by NO MEANS nearing the end of socialist idiotic buffoonery.

Now, we COULD just hunker down in a corner and cry into a blanket but, as always, I take a different approach. I say we find a way, every week, to LAUGH at the insane behavior of those out to destroy us through their moronic behavior.

Yes, today IS Friday and I hope that YOU will take a few minutes to join me in keeping sanity alive.

I’m Fuming!!

Oh yeah…THIS is gonna work.

In an effort to get tough with North Diarrhea, John, “I Hate America” Kerry is trying to pressure CHINA into doing something about it.

Can’t ya just hear him begging?

“Come ON!!! I took YOUR side of things in Nam now…SUCK IT UP AND GET ME OFF THE HOOK HERE!! We’ll borrow more money from ya! We’ll forget about the hacking stuff. PLEEEEEEEEASE???”

The problem over there is Dennis Rodman’s best friend. That waste of a sperm cell is THREATENING EVERYBODY INCLUDING THE U.S. AND SOUTH KOREA!!!

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Friday Fume

Well, socialists are clearly stepping up their moronic antics aren’t they?

This week has been no exception to the rule.

The Dictator and his family are taking more than a vacation a month while the rest of the nation struggles to make ends meet. Obama is now trying to shame those who have no shame into shooting holes in the 2nd Amendment…

Jim Carrey made a video mocking Charlton Heston because picking on CLINT EASTWOOD WOULD HAVE RESULTED IN AN ASS KICKING…

And we’re finding out that the “AFFORDABLE” Care Act could well RAISE insurance premiums by…200%!!!!!

Well, it’s Friday my fellow Patriots and it’s time for a laugh because…

I’m fuming.

Oh for crying out loud.

Can government do ANYTHING without going broke???


Now we learn that they have grossly mismanaged, of all things…

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Friday Fume

Oh, the week that was huh?

Bloomberg wants to crack down on earphones…Lil’ Kim over in North Diarrhea wants to attack the United States…

Socialists are already attacking the new Pope because he’s TOO Catholic…Really?????

Karzi, over in Buttkrackistan, is saying that WE’RE behind the attacks that are killing OUR military people…

Oh yeah…It’s been another week of socialist morons on parade hasn’t it?

Well, how about we all take a little time to laugh before we go screaming into the night?

It’s Friday my Patriot friends and…

I’m fuming.

Can’t socialists just let kids be kids?


Here, we have the case of 7 year old Erich Henze.

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Friday Fume

So…We finally track down bin Laden’s son in Jordan and been LYIN’S crew IMMEDIATELY reads the TERRORIST his…RIGHTS?????


The DICTATOR has locked the peasants out of the palace because of the sequester…One assumes because he doesn’t want anyone to accidentally stumble upon the Queen’s 27 personal hand maidens.

And socialist senator, Chris Murphy fired off an angry letter to NASCAR trying to get the racing organization to drop an NRA sponsorship of a race in…TEXAS…of all places.

“Whether or not this was your intention, your fans will infer from this sponsorship that NASCAR and the NRA are allies in the current legislative debate over gun violence.”


Has this dip from Connecticut ever SEEN NASCAR fans and…HAS HE EVER BEEN TO TEXAS?????

If I was the head of NASCAR…I’d send this Murphy pants wetting ninny a letter asking if he could help get the Newtown Kids Choir to sing the anthem before the race since they’ve been used as props everywhere else.

Yep…It’s been quite a week of socialists on parade hasn’t it?

What do ya say we wrap it up with a few laughs? Today is Friday my patriot friends and…

I’m fuming.

Oh dear…

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We are just a few days away from the end of the world as Obama knows it.

Sequestration is like giving the government growth machine a vasectomy…NOT a full castration.

To be quite honest, I was far more scared of the end of the Mayan calendar than I am of sequestration and for good reason.

What we’re talking about here is NOT the massive cuts and mayhem projected by the Dictator but a 2% slowing of the GROWTH of government this fiscal year or…roughly over the next 6 months.

That’s 2% of a projected $1.3 TRILLION DOLLAR SPENDING SPREE which means, at the end of this fiscal year, our big government spenders will STILL have spent more THIS year than last year.

This is, naturally, the truth the Dictator would rather you NOT know.

HE, and his faithless minions would much rather have you TERRIFIED of what will happen after this Friday’s deadline and he’s going to do everything he can to send you that message.

Sequester is NOT the doom and gloom, mass extermination event this Dictator is wailing and gnashing his teeth over and if your IQ is anywhere near double digits, it should cause you no alarm.

However…That said…

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Friday Fume

HOLY CRAP…I thought we would NEVER get to the end of this week.

To say it’s been a banner week for socialist insanity would be a gross understatement wouldn’t it?

The problem is NOT in finding the things which irritate us but in narrowing it down for our week in review with an ATTITUDE!!!

There’s simply no way to mention everything but, I’ll do my level best to hit a few highlights of their lowlights.

Friends and Patriots…Today IS Friday and…

I’m Fuming.

JUST when you think you’ve heard it all…Along comes a WHOLE NEW level of socialist INSANITY!!!

Guess what?


Are you KIDDING ME???

According to socialist agitator HARRY BELEFONTE….

“The river of blood that washes the streets of our nation flows mostly from the bodies of our black children. Yet, as the great debate emerges on the question of the gun, white America discusses the constitutional issue of ownership, while no one speaks of the consequences of our racial carnage.”



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Giving Obama’s SOTU the BIRD!


Tuesday night, our Dictator delivered his Hate of the Union address.

The gallery was full of professional victims and…Ted Nugent.

Oh, I COULD regale you with fact checks and and counterpoints along with pointing out all the contradictions but, why bother?

It’s been done and it doesn’t honestly differ much from his previous Lying like a rug addresses.

Instead, I thought maybe a pictorial recounting of the way Patriots viewed the drooling and applause laden fiasco might serve as a better alternative and when it comes to giving the entire manifesto the bird…I say…Flip it THE most PATRIOTIC bird you can find!

SO…Needless to say, after the first 5 minutes, the Dictator’s nose had exceeded the limits of my 55 inch screen.

It’s a good thing this festival of bull wasn’t shown in 3D…

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Friday Fume

Am I the only one who noticed that Colorado lawmakers didn’t come up with the idea of making GUN MANUFACTURES responsible for GUN VIOLENCE until AFTER smoking pot became legal there???

That’s the sort of week it’s been.

Who would have thought the Brits would have found King Richard III BEFORE WE COULD FIND THE 35 SURVIVORS FROM BENGHAZI????

Yep…It’s been a wild week so how about we all let off a little steam and have a few laughs?

Today is FRIDAY and…

I’m fuming.

   “Facing budget uncertainty — including a continuing resolution and the looming potential for across-the-board sequestration cuts —  The secretary of defense has delayed the deployment of the USS Harry S. Truman (CVN-75) and the USS Gettysburg (CG-64), which were scheduled to depart Norfolk, Va., later this week for the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) area of responsibility.”

Well now…Isn’t THAT special?

That leaves us with only 1 carrier and minus 1 guided missile cruiser in the GULF.

Our enemies most certainly are pleased to know that, thanks to their friend, our DICTATOR… We can no longer afford to send our navy to fight against them.


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