Such a week.
All sorts of hell breaking loose all over the place and liberals at the root of so much of the trouble. I’ve been busier than a I armed paper hanger trying to gather it all into a bundle. Just when I think I’ve seen the height of liberal stupidity, along comes someone trying to sink to a new low.
Yesterday, we lost a conservative giant who, while promoting the truth through his various sites by all accounts, he also loved to laugh.
Mr. Breitbart…This one’s for you.
It’s Friday and…
I’m fuming.
Oh boy…Here we go…
When looking for liberal idiots there are certain…factors…that appear as red flags and THIS idiot was flying enough red flags TO HAVE BEEN SEEN FROM SPACE!!!
First of all, it takes place in California…RED FLAG!!! Dateline Sacramento…
A naked guy goes on a job interview…
Stop me if you’ve heard this one…